Craig Peck


The Erotic Misadventures of the Invisible Man
Cuando Norman (Scott Coppola), un aspirante a actor, no puede encontrar una puerta abierta en Hollywood, se muestra bastante desanimado. ¡Pero obtiene una nueva oportunidad de vida cuando descubre una fórmula de invisibilidad y aprende que a las mujeres realmente no les importa si pueden verlo o no! Esta comedia erótica está basada en los cómics de Milo Manera.
Butterscotch: Power Flower
A genie helps several people to fulfill their desires, most of them sexual, but not every wish goes according to plan...
Butterscotch: Lost But Found
While working as a waiter at an exclusive Hollywood party, aspiring actor Norman has a strange accident with a pot of butterscotch that makes him invisible.
Butterscotch: How Sweet It Is
Sex therapist Dr. Julius Sheik interviews a number of women who all claim to have had sex with an invisible man. His investigation reveals that their stories are true, and he is determined to put a stop to the hijinks of this invisible lothario.
Rod Steele 0014: You Only Live Until You Die
Casino Dealer
Rod Steele (también conocido como el Agente 0014) no es el mejor super espía del mundo, pero cuando la diabólica villanía Tangerina amenaza al mundo nuevamente, es la última y la única esperanza del mundo.
There's Nothing Out There
Seven teens head up to a cabin on the lake for spring break. Mike has studied all horror films on video, and recognizes the signs of foreshadowing of doom. The others dismiss his concerns as the workings of a person that watches too many videos, but there really is something out there, and the teens begin experiencing an attrition problem when they start stumbling into all the cliches found in a typical teen horror film.
Murder in Winter
A "comedic whodunit" written by Rolfe Kanefsky as a senior high school project.