A short film by painter-turned-filmmaker Robert Longo, "Arena Brains" is a series of interlocking vignettes set in and around the art world of 1980s New York City, satirizing the neuroses and eccentricities of this milieu.
Lone Woman
A short film by painter-turned-filmmaker Robert Longo, "Arena Brains" is a series of interlocking vignettes set in and around the art world of 1980s New York City, satirizing the neuroses and eccentricities of this milieu.
Mike O'Donoghue's parody of "Mondo Cane" showcases curious performers, strange musicians, celebrity mutations and unusual short films, including Thomas Alva Edison's "Elephant Electrocution". In the tradition of films like Groove Tube (1974), The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977), and Saturday Night Live.
June (voice) (English Dub)
Parodia animada del personaje Tarzán, que causó bastante polémica en su momento por su contenido erótico, en la línea de Fritz the Cat.