Orlando Urdaneta
Nacimiento : 1946-10-14, Maracaibo Venezuela
Whiskers (voice)
Un coatí, una mariposa y una rana se unen para evitar una serpiente malvada que está destruyendo sus hogares.
Genaro Fortuna
Tubérculo gets elected President of the Dominican Republic, with his friend Tirson as Vice-President and counselor.
Camille¸ es una joven antropóloga contratada para hacer investigaciones en una isla lejana. Sus hijos¸ Óscar y Miranda¸ acompañados por su perro Friskie¸ salen en su búsqueda para volver a encontrar el inmenso amor y la ternura de su madre¸ cuya ausencia no soportan. En su viaje cruzarán ríos¸ montañas y el mar de un país maravilloso. Gracias a su amigo chamán Tikake¸ van a pasar al otro lado del espejo. Triunfando ante todos los peligros¸ ayudados por unos¸ amenazados por otros¸ siguiendo los mágicos caminos del arco iris lograrán encontrar a su madre.
This is the story of two teenage women affected by violence and the painful journey to become full and liberated. One, Maruja is a young rape victim. The other Carmen Luisa is beaten by violence within her own family.
In this dark, screwball comedy, Gustavo Perez has only a few hours to survive the bureaucracy, get an official stamp on his I.D. and put his military papers in order, or it's the draft and straight to the snipers and the border wars.
A living room, two video cameras, an armchair, two televisions and a mirror: domestic daily life in which colleagues, family and friends come together to decipher the life, personality and artistic trajectory of one of the most important actresses of Venezuelan Cinema: Hilda Vera
Celina no soporta más la ciudad. Nació en un pueblo del interior y viajó hasta la gran metrópoli en busca de fortuna. Ahora regresa a su hogar después de muchos años. Mauricio Matzkin es un comerciante sencillo que cuida a su madre. Hugo, hermano de Celina, vive en las afueras junto a su padre y su madre enferma, ahora nuevamente con Celina. Hugo le debe dinero a Matzkin y Mauricio intenta recobrarlo. Y comienza una historia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Adonai is an lunatic poet. He lives in an abandoned neighborhood of Caracas where he runs an underground radio called "Radio Pandemonium", he lives with his mom, his grandmother and a young lady who she calls very endearly, 'whore'. They survive among the corrupt, the death and the rising upheaval of the oppressed.
Adonai is an lunatic poet. He lives in an abandoned neighborhood of Caracas where he runs an underground radio called "Radio Pandemonium", he lives with his mom, his grandmother and a young lady who she calls very endearly, 'whore'. They survive among the corrupt, the death and the rising upheaval of the oppressed.
Salserín, la primera vez, candidly recounts a story of teenage love framed in the genesis of a salsa band that was once a musical phenomenon in the mid-nineties.
A woman's fight to adopt a war baby from the Third World after becoming unable to conceive.
Gyula Kodar is a commissioner who investigates the murder of an American executive. Keep track of Macabí, an ex and former lover of Mary Laya, widow of the victim. With the help of Kelly, a prostitute who is his sometime lover, Gyula able to find Macabí ; then he discovers that love is superior to survival and freedom is stronger than betrayal.
Carlitos Brigante, un antiguo traficante de heroína de origen portorriqueño, sale de la cárcel después de cinco años de reclusión, dispuesto a dejar el tráfico de drogas. Con la ayuda de un abogado cocainómano consigue hacerse socio de un club nocturno e intenta reanudar la relación con su ex-novia, pero no es fácil seguir el buen camino dentro del mundo del crimen.
Rubén vive en Cuba y Andy exiliado en los Estados Unidos. Ambos están atrapados por la historia en polos opuestos y quieren cambiar de sitio, pero no lo logran.
Thirty-three years old Eva begins the writing of her memories and recalls her past love-life, when she used to live with her boyfriend and her best ladyfriend. In the beginning everything seems to work beetween them but after living together for some time they realize that their interests in life are not the same. They take a big decision.
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) investigates the murder of a woman in a population near the capital. The woman was raped before death and the case is complicated when his brother becomes the prime suspect, since it is a priest (Eduardo Serrano). Because of the implications that inquiries might have, Leon is pressured to keep the event as a "crab" (Cangrejo, or a unsolvable case), but he decides to comply with the law.
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) of the Technical Judicial Police is assigned to the kidnapping of a child of the upper class of Caracas. The details of the kidnapping the attention of Leon, as there is no evidence of violence in the child's home, or witnesses to the abduction. Based on that Leon believes that the hijackers knew the boy and soon begins to suspect several young people from wealthy families of Caracas.
The legend of their beach days, plus nights of sex.
An ex-Vietnam vet is forced to become a hit-man and gets caught in the middle of a conspiracy.
Juan, ante los problemas económicos surgidos a raíz de la llegada de la democracia a España, decide irse a Venezuela, con Jaime, su cuñado, quien ha hecho fortuna en ese país. Juan espera que Jaime le haga un préstamo, esperando que también Gloria, su hija, se case con Isidro Gómez de Ansúrez, un muchacho de familia adinerada.
Two delinquents, with a beautiful waitress in a luxurious hotel are harassed and hunted by a powerful organization. The criminals will use all their skills to escape both the police and the hunters.
"El pez que fuma" es el nombre de un prostíbulo nada selecto regentado por la Garza, una especie de madame que administra a su antojo el derecho de admisión. El amante de la propietaria no ve con buenos ojos al adolescente que se encarga de los baños; pero progresivamente éste se gana su confianza hasta desplazarlo.
La película cuenta la historia de Ramón Antonio Brizuela, quien desde su infancia tiene que lidiar con la violencia desenfrenada y las drogas, el sexo y el robo de una barriada de Caracas. A partir de la delincuencia, Ramón pasa a serias actividades de pandillas y robos. Crece hasta convertirse en un joven duro y seguro de sí mismo que está endurecido por la violencia. Sus opiniones cambian cuando el hermano de su prometida es asesinado en un robo.
Gilberto, a young man from the countryside, arrives in the city with the aim of carving out a future for himself. Initially he is dazzled by the sparkling image of the city, the spoiler of civilization, which will batter him until his personality undergoes a radical change.
Augusto Cárdenas
Augusto Cardenas, former guerrilla of bourgeois origin, goes free after four years in prison, he meets with his parents and his wife. He returns to his world and realizes that the fight for his political ideals is only in his memory.
Miguel Ángel Rivas
1964, in a Latin American country, a journalist is head of an armed liberation movement that decides to initiate radical actions. His second in command, a farmer, and the other members of the group will kidnap a north american colonel stationed in Venezuela to force his government to suspend the execution of the vietnamese Nguyen Van Troi, accused of trying to assassinate the American Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara.
Victorino Pérez
In Venezuela, one day in 1948 there were born three children all named Victorino: Pérez, mulatto and son of the poor Lucía; Perdomo, son of a middle-class communist who gets arrested; and bourgeois Peralta. On the day of his eighteenth birthday Pérez escapes from prison using lather pretending it to be a rage attack. Peralta shows a friend of his a car he got from his parents. A young lady gives herself to Perdomo as a birthday present. Pérez finds his mistress with another man and wounds her. Pérez and a few others rob an old man while riding on their motorcycles. Perdomo and a bunch of bushwhackers plan to rob a bank. Pérez sees a friend of his smoking pot while Peralta visits a cousin of his and has sex with her. Perdomo’s father, recently elected a communist representative wants to talk him out of his violent ways. Pérez sleeps with three girls and remembers how he once killed a man in the middle of a robbery. Peralta and his friends shoot dogs just for fun. Perdomo and his pals…
Gaspar Urbieta
Gaspar Urbieta works as a typographer in Maracaibo. The National Guard convinces him to infiltrate an organization of Colombian gold smugglers. Gaspar will experience situations of fear, humour, intrigue and romance with a beautiful and enigmatic blonde. His secret will be so incredible that if he told it, no one would believe it!