Teresa Marczewska

Teresa Marczewska

Nacimiento : 1948-01-06, Jarosław, Poland


Teresa Marczewska
Teresa Marczewska


My Coffin
Tomasz wakes up one morning and he realizes he is dead. According to his wife and friends, at least. However, he considers his catatonic state temporary and he can wake up before his own funeral.
A Hole in the Head
After a particularly embarrassing performance, a struggling Polish actor chooses to quit his acting troupe. In desperation, he returns home, only to find his dying mother has replaced him with a farm hand from a nearby mental institution. Alienated and depressed, he attempts to find his place in the world by driving out his replacement as completely as possible.
Hanka, przyjaciółka Żółwieńskich
Who Never Lived
matka Jana
A young, charismatic priest John, his time missionary in Africa, every day helping Warsaw young people addicted to drugs. Unconventional methods, which are used in pastoral work, raise many doubts about his superiors. Surprisingly, however, his life undergoes a sudden transformation when routine testing finds out that he is HIV positive.
The Supplement
Patient's Mother
An examination of the relationship between an indecisive medical student and his fiancee.
Quo Vadis
Siglo I d.C.. El oficial romano Marco Vinicio regresa de la guerra en Asia Menor y visita a su tío Petronio, amigo del emperador Nerón. Vinicio le confiesa que se ha enamorado de una joven misteriosa, Ligia, a quien ha conocido en la casa del general Aulus Plaucius. En una fiesta, Vinicio trata de aprovecharse de Ligia, pero su protector, el gigantesco Ursus, la saca de palacio y la lleva al lugar donde se reúnen los cristianos. Cuando Ligia es acusada de haber asesinado a la hija de Nerón, Vinicio la busca en las catacumbas. Pero la vida de los cristianos peligra al ser acusados de haber provocado el incendio de Roma, ordenado en realidad por el emperador.
sędzia prowadząca śledztwo w sprawie wybuchu
The film is based on the well-known, translated into many languages novel of writer Pawel Huelle. It is imbued with nostalgia and the atmosphere of mystery story of a group of children, fascinated by the figure of a man named David Weiser.
La vida, una enfermedad mortal de transmisión sexual
The musician's mother
Los habitantes de una pequeña ciudad se congregan en la plaza donde se ahorcará a un cuatrero. Esto sólo forma parte de una película que se está rodando. Entre los miembros del equipo se encuentra un médico enfermo de cáncer, quien ha perdido la esperanza de curarse y se prepara para la muerte...
matka Alexa i Wiktora
Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema
Małgorzata w filmie "Jutrzenka"
In the cinema "Liberty" there takes place a screening of the film " Daybreak". The screening is interrupted by an unusual event. Actors come to life on the screen, start conversations among themselves, draw the audience into them. Crowds gather around the cinema, the relevant authorities and services wonder what to do in this complicated situation. Also arriving is the censor, a man reaching his fifties, a one-time literary critic and journalist. The line between fiction and reality begins to blur...
Decálogo 8
Elżbieta Loranc
"No levantarás falsos testimonios, ni mentirás": Elzbieta acaba de llegar de Nueva York para investigar sobre los supervivientes judíos de la guerra. Para ello, asiste a una clase de Ética en la Universidad de Varsovia y se presenta a Sofía, la respetada profesora. Octavo de los diez mediometrajes realizados para la televisión por el director Krzysztof Kieslowski y el guionista Krzysztof Piesiewicz, denominados genéricamente "Decálogo". Cada uno de ellos está inspirado en uno de los Diez Mandamientos.
Girl guide
A boy comes of age under an oppressive, cruel socialist government and watches as it slowly but surely distorts his family, his school and even his own thoughts.
Set before the first World War in part of Poland under Austrian occupation, the story of a young boy in primary school who later grows up to become a rebellious, poetic-minded teen in the same school when the national movement toward liberation is under way. The story of a country where church and state work together to suppress the human spirit.
Something for Something
The fired assistant
A psychologist is asked about a scientific consultation with a girl who attempted suicide.
The Beard
Unconventional pedagogical methods of a new teacher raise concerns of the provincial school's principal.
The Wicket Gate
Asystentka reżysera (niewymieniona w czołówce)
Accomplished playwright supervises the stage rehearsals for his new play away from home. He rents a room at a private house, which is owned by mother and daughter. Wiktor gets entangled in the two women's bizarre relationship.
The Sun Rises Once a Day
After the war, the community of mountaineers is eager to start their own sawmill. When the communist authorities come to take over the sawmill, a rebellion starts.
Heaven on Earth
The Neighbours
The girl in the attic
A day before the beginning of the Second World War, a young resident of Bydgoszcz falls in love with a German teenager.
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