Dan Witt


El faro
Mike O'Connor y su hermana Kate se alojan en el faro de un pequeño pueblo pesquero. Cuando Art Stone entra en su vida, su personalidad camaleónica les cautiva. Para Mike se convierte en su mejor compañero; para Kate, en algo más. Un triángulo que puede tener devastadoras consecuencias.
A Crime of Passion
When a physician is murdered, his eldest daughter is accused of the crime, but the man's seductive new wife may not be all that she appears.
Volver a vivir
A loopy mother locks her teenage daughter in her room after allegedly showing signs of being crazy. Over a decade later, somebody finally investigates, removes the daughter from the mother's care, and attempts to rehabilitate the daughter.
An Unfinished Affair
When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.
A Killing in a Small Town
The gory ax-murder of one mousy, suburban Texas housewife by another is nearly as shocking as the excuse offered by the bespectacled defendant's attorney: self-defense. Could it be so?