Ernesto Perdomo


Erin's Erotic Nights
Annie has persistent sexual daydreams and blackouts at work during her brief lunch break, and her roommate Erin decides to get her involved with real-life sex to cure her of this malady.
Erotic University
Three research students Stephanie, Christy and Jeff study ancient artifacts in an archaeological lab. Working hard, they forget about the time and stay locked in the lab for the night. With no way to leave, the students become bored... When Jeff finds erotic videos of other students spending more time having sex than working, the trio begin to entertain themselves with each other's sexual explorations.
Emmanuelle vs. Dracula
The Dark One
Cuando un soltero misterioso interrumpe una despedida de soltera en la casa de Emmanuelle, comienzan a suceder cosas extrañas. Los invitados a la fiesta comienzan a cambiar uno por uno a depredadores sexuales chupadores de sangre con solo Emmanuelle para dominar la situación. ¿Salvará a sus amigos o caerá bajo el hechizo del Príncipe de las Tinieblas?