Patrick Sobelman


5 Hectares
What causes a man who has everything to jeopardize his comfort, career and relationship? A passion, as burning as it is fresh, for five acres of land in the Limoges region. But land has to be earned, especially when one comes from the city. And so Franck embarks on a quest for his own Holy Grail. He needs a tractor.
La Gran juventud
A fines de la década de 1980, Stella, Victor, Adèle y Etienne tienen 20 años. Realizan el examen de ingreso a la famosa escuela de interpretación creada por Patrice Chéreau y Pierre Romans en el Théâtre des Amandiers de Nanterre. Lanzados a toda velocidad a la vida, la pasión y el amor. Juntos vivirán un momento crucial en sus vidas, pero también sus primeras grandes tragedias.
Saturn Bowling
When their father dies, the ambitious police officer Guillaume offers the management of the bowling alley he inherited to his outcast half-brother Armand. The inheritance is cursed, and the two men wind up in a world of violence.
The Last Queen
1516, Legend has it that the king of Algiers had a wife named Zaphira. When the pirate Aroudj Barbarossa arrives to liberate the city from the Spaniards, he is determined to conquer Zaphira as well as the kingdom itself. But is Zaphira willing to let him, or is she plotting for herself?
Des Amandiers aux Amandiers
A free and intimate portrait behind the scenes of Valeria Bruni Tedeschi's creation. In front of the camera, she transmits to today’s young actors the memory of the 1980s.
Golda Maria
In 1994, Patrick Sobelman recorded his Jewish grandmother Golda Maria Tondovska as she opened up about her experience of the concentration camps.
Golda Maria
In 1994, Patrick Sobelman recorded his Jewish grandmother Golda Maria Tondovska as she opened up about her experience of the concentration camps.
Los jóvenes amantes
Dos amantes se encuentran 15 años después, en el corredor de un hospital. Ella tiene 71, él tiene 45. Repelidos, pero atraídos el uno por el otro, vuelven a conectar. Viuda, madre, abuela, Shauma quiere reafirmar que sigue siendo mujer, ante todo.
Starring Grandma
Frankie Wallach, 25-year-old director, is fascinated by her grand-mother Julia, 94 years old, her death camp survivor story and her joyful personality. She wants to immortalize her as an heroine of fiction for her movie but it's without thinking about the other members of the family, who will want to be a part of it. At the Wallach's, everything is... FULL OF LOVE !
Cosmic Candy
When a young girl's father suddenly disappears, her weirdo neighbor - an eccentric supermarket cashier - is forced to take care of her.
Whatever Happened to My Revolution
Angela tenía 8 años cuando se abrió el primer McDonald's en Berlín oriental. Desde entonces, ha estado luchando contra la maldición de su generación: haber nacido "demasiado tarde", en el momento de la depresión política mundial. Ella proviene de una familia de activistas, pero su madre abandonó su lucha política de la noche a la mañana, para mudarse sola al campo y su hermana eligió el mundo de los negocios. Solo su padre, un antiguo maoísta con el que ella vuelve a vivir, se ha mantenido fiel a sus ideales. Enojada y decidida, Angela se dedica tanto a intentar cambiar el mundo como a huir de las encuentros amorosos.
The Stolen Caravaggio
Valeria, young secretary of a producer, lives with an eccentric mother and secretly writes for a successful screenwriter, Alessandro. One day, she receives an unusual present from a stranger: it’s the plot of a movie about the mysterious but really-happened theft of a famous Caravaggio’s painting.
La casa de verano
Anna va con su hija de vacaciones a pasar unos días a una gran casa situada en la Costa Azul. Allí tendrá que buscar un tiempo para estar a solas y así escribir el guión de su próxima película. Para ello, deberá evitar a familia, amigos y empleados. Detrás de la risa, la ira y los secretos se encuentran unas relaciones de dominación, miedos y deseos. Llega un punto en el que todas las personas tienen que dejar de escuchar los sonidos de su alrededor para enfrentarse al misterio de su propia existencia.
Aurora (Jamais contente)
Quizás Aurore no saque las mejores notas, pero definitivamente no es tonta. Tiene una forma peculiar de observar y comentar su entorno; su familia, los chicos, su profesor de francés y ella misma también. Desafiante, Aurora explora límites y descubre en el proceso la música como medio de evasión. Basada en la trilogía de novelas adolescentes "Le journal d'Aurore".
The Together Project
Agathe despacha a un seductor del tres al cuarto con un aplomo desconcertante bajo el cual, sin embargo, se adivina cierta fragilidad. Samir, que observa la escena tímidamente desde un rincón del café, se queda maravillado. En un momento, este joven amable y alelado con una mirada de una candidez desarmante, se enamora perdidamente de ella. Sin dudar ni un segundo, el joven compra un abono trimestral en la piscina municipal en la que Agathe da clases, rodeada por una curiosa tropa de empleados municipales. Cuando Agathe vuelve a marcharse para participar en un congreso internacional de monitores de natación, Samir hace la maleta inmediatamente.
Taj Mahal
One evening, while her parents go out for dinner, 18-year-old Louise, alone in her hotel room at Taj Mahal Mumbai, hears strange noises out in the corridor. Within minutes, she realises that a terrorist attack is underway. Her only connection to the outside world is her cell phone, which allows her to maintain contact with her father, who is desperately trying to reach her from the other side of a city that has been plunged into chaos. Louise must spend a long night alone in the face of danger. She will never be the same again.
Bird People
Homme réunion La Défense
Gary es un norteamericano que llega a París, se registra en un hotel, deja por teléfono su trabajo y a su mujer, apaga su móvil y comienza una nueva vida.
No es mi tipo
La película relata el encuentro entre un profesor de filosofía parisino destinado durante un año a un centro de una zona rural y una joven peluquera sin pretensión intelectual que acabará por convertirse en su amante.
His Wife
Gracie, joven hindú que vive cerca de Madras es víctima de problemas de comportamiento desde el día de su matrimonio: El recuerdo de su amiga Catherine desaparecida en extrañas circunstancias parece perturbar a la joven.
Dark Touch
La historia arranca una tarde en plena zona rural con una casa aislada que se anima de pronto como por medio de un acto de locura: los objetos y los muebles se desatan contra sus habitantes. Niamh, de 11 años de edad, es la única superviviente de la sangrienta masacre, obra del mobiliario, donde sus padres y su hermanito murieron. La policía sospecha de una banda de asesinos vándalos e ignora el testimonio de Niamh, que denuncia la rabia mortífera de los objetos y de los lugares. Recogen a la niña de manera provisional Nat y Lucas, amigos de sus padres, que se esfuerzan por apaciguar su traumatismo rodeándole de amor y brindándole una vida y una escolaridad normales con la ayuda de una asistente social. Pero Niamh no encuentra sosiego, sino todo lo contrario: a su alrededor los signos del peligro siguen manifestándose y en los lugares por los que pasa permanece una violencia disimulada. (FILMAFFINITY)
Of Snails and Men
One worker in a bankrupt factory finds an unusual solution to save his co-workers from unemployment. If it doesn't work the factory will be privatized and sold to a French company planning to convert the plant into a snail cannery. Only 300 of the 3000 workers will keep their jobs.
Queen of Montreuil
It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...
Living on Love Alone
Julie Bataille is fed up with student jobs. At 23, with a 5-years university degree, she wants to work for real. She meets Ben by chance at a job interview. He's a guy who chose to live by the day, getting by with whatever crosses his path and small-time trafficking. Ben asks her to come and spend the summer with him in the South. Julie declines. Then one day, on an impulse, she leaves everything behind and joins him.
A rich industrialist is brutally kidnapped. While he physically and mentally degenerates in imprisonment, the kidnappers, police and the board of the company of which he is director negotiate about the ransom of 50 million euro.
Don't Look Back
Jeanne (Sophie Marceau), una escritora casada y con dos niños, empieza a observar cambios tanto en su hogar como en su cuerpo. Sin embargo, su familia asegura que todo son imaginaciones suyas, fruto del estrés que le produce terminar el libro que está escribiendo. Ella, por el contrario, está convencida de que algo grave está ocurriendo. Una fotografía encontrada en la casa de su madre la impulsa a ir a Italia. Allí, transformada en otra mujer, Jeanne Rosa Maria (Monica Bellucci), deberá descubrir un oscuro secreto relacionado con su propia identidad.
Back Soon
Anna Hallgrimsdottir, a poetess, dish washer and marijuana dealer in her late thirties, lives in Reykjavik with her two sons, Krummi and Ulfur. Anna is tired of her lifestyle and the coldness of Iceland and wishes to show her sons more of the world. Finally she decides to do something about it, move on, and somewhat change her lifestyle. The first step in her revival is to sell her business which consists of her mobile telephone which includes her big list of clients. The sale is an unusual one and the potential buyer promises her the asking price within 48 hours. During those 48 hours Anna gets into all kinds of “Icelandic familial adventures” as her kitchen fills up with customers/friends, partying, while waiting for her to come Back Soon.
A Parisian lawyer moves to a working-class neighborhood in an attempt to shed his social conditioning and bourgeois values.
Day After Day
Diez años después de Dieu sait quoi, Pollet realiza su último proyecto, que será póstumo: si allí transfiguraba los objetos de su entorno desde la imagen en movimiento, aquí lo hará desde la imagen fija, la fotografía. Su guionista y colaborador Jean-Paul Fargier será el encargado de terminar la película tras la muerte de Pollet.
Potosi: The Journey
In 1970, after their wedding in Buenos Aires, Ron and Jacqueline set off for the Andes, with backpacks and still cameras. While crossing Bolivia, on their way to Cuzco, they discovered the city of Potosi. 29 years later, they return to the same places, this time with their three daughters and a Super 16 camera. A road movie, which is both a depiction in real time of Potosi and the Andes and a journey of introspection for the filmmaker and his family. Potosi, at an altitude of 4,100 metres, was once one of the largest and richest cities in the world. But for the millions of indigenous people who were forced to work in the depths of the mountain, Potosi was the gateway to Hell. After its silver mines were exhausted, Potosi was abandoned, poor and forgotten. As in his previous film, Fragments - Jerusalem, Ron Havilio also uses personal material to draw a portrait of an Israeli family on the road, the generation gap, and a meditation on the passage of time.
Iris, una niña de seis años, descubre rápidamente cuáles son las normas del internado en el que, principalmente, se enseña danza, educación física y biología. La obediencia es primordial, y aquella interna que se rebele y trate de escapar será condenada a servir a las demás y a permanecer en el internado para siempre. A medida que pasa el tiempo, Iris se va acostumbrandoa su nueva vida. Sin embargo, hay algo que la confunde: todos los días, a las nueve de la noche, un retumbo subterráneo resuena en el corazón del bosque donde se sitúa el internado, y Bianca, la mayor de las internas, abandona el edificio para participar en una reunión secreta. Una noche, Iris la sigue hasta la casa donde se alojan las profesoras. En la misma, todo parece desierto. Incluso Bianca parece haberse desvanecido en el aire... Un drama sobre un grupo de niñas estudiantes en un idílico bosque encantado con reminiscencias a "Picnic en Hanging Rock". (FILMAFFINITY)
Stormy Weather
The psychiatry department of a young doctor Cora has just admitted a young lady who refuses to speak and whose identity remains unknown. Cora becomes fond of her patient and establishes a relationship which goes beyond the usual course of treatment. She feels a kind of "call" from this woman as a strange and strong tie grows between them. One day, Cora learns that the identity of her patient has been discovered. Her name is Loa, she is a stranger, she has been sent back home…to Iceland. Cora, who had no idea of this woman's life outside their relationship, is deeply moved : she decides to meet up with her in order to finish the treatment.
Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women
A woman, attended by two midwives, is giving birth in a small village in India. When the child's cry rings, the father bangs on a steel plate to attract the attention of all the villagers, ...
El astrónomo y el indio
4 of the world biggest astronomical observatories have been built in the Atacama desert (Chile). A new observatory, the ALMA, is going to be constructed close to an Indian village established in the same Cordillera for centuries. The film questions the co-existence on the same territory of two visions of the sky: scientists’ "rational" view and the Indians’ "magical" one.
Idiot Dreams
The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! New time requires a new image of the Turkish national Ostap Bender. He still selflessly loves money. As in the days of the NEP, his big blue dream remains white pants and distant Rio de Janeiro. His methods of achieving the goal are still the same - honest taking money from citizens.
The Most Precious of Cargoes
During World War II a French Jewish family is deported to Auschwitz. On the train to the death camp, in a desperate gesture, the father throws one of his twins out into the snow, where he’s discovered by a childless Polish couple.