Eggert Ketilsson


Northern Comfort
Production Design
A special forces veteran, an uptight property developer, an influencer with half a million followers and an incompetent instructor are thrown together on a high-end fear of flying course. The course's final challenge is an experience flight from London to Iceland, which ends up being a horrendous ordeal. Lost in Iceland, freezing and terrified, they must find a way of facing their fears and working together to spread their wings... and fly.
Supervising Art Director
Armado solamente con una palabra, Tenet, el protagonista deberá luchar por la supervivencia del mundo entero y evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una historia de espionaje internacional. La misión se desplegará más allá del tiempo real. No son viajes en el tiempo, es inversión.
Amundsen: La Gran Expedición
Art Direction
Narra la vida del legendario explorador noruego Roald Amundsen (1872-1928), un hombre que estuvo obsesionado con conquistar las zonas polares. Dirigió la expedición a la Antártida que por primera vez alcanzó el Polo Sur.
Supervising Art Director
II Guerra Mundial. Cientos de miles de británicos y tropas aliadas están rodeados por las fuerzas enemigas. Atrapados en la playa con el mar a sus espaldas se enfrentan a una situación imposible mientras el enemigo se acerca. La película relata la Operación Dinamo, también conocida como el milagro de Dunkerque. Se trató de una operación de evacuación de las tropas aliadas en territorio francés, que tuvo lugar a finales de mayo de 1940. La operación permitió el rescate de más de 200.000 soldados británicos y más de 100.000 franceses y belgas.
Art Direction
Narra las aventuras de un grupo de exploradores que hacen uso de un agujero de gusano recientemente descubierto para superar las limitaciones de los viajes espaciales tripulados y vencer las inmensas distancias que tiene un viaje interestelar.
Production Design
December is a present-day tale set in Reykjavik during the holiday season. Jonni (Tomas Lemarquis) returns to Iceland to spend Christmas with his family and to record an album with his old (one-hit-wonder) band. He soon finds out that circumstances in his family have changed dramatically and his friends have moved on. We follow Jonni as he deals with this blunt new reality. Tomas Lemarquis, the star of Noi the Albino, plays Jonni, a musician who after a long time living abroad returns to home Iceland to spend Christmas with his family and record an album with his old (one-hit-wonder) band. He soon finds out that family circumstances have changed dramatically and that his friends have moved on. Dealing with this blunt new reality, Jonni also has to wrestle with the reigniting of an old flame, as he helps his family make Christmas merry in spite of everything.
Production Design
Kristofer travels the postal trail on his route across the interiors. He is accompanied by a newly ordained vicar and a young lady, Maria. The arrogant clergyman sees Kristofer as a rival for the beautiful Maria’s attentions and is determined to demonstrate his superiority.
Production Design
A young boy wakes up to almost a dreamlike reality. He cannot find his parents. Then suddenly everything seems very wrong.
Special Effects
The film follows a day in the life of a troubled elderly gentleman facing fear of death and visions of his late father who he gets mixed up with his favorite figure of fiction, Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. He has visions of rubber shoes in the sewer where he works leading him to think back on his childhood and the origins of his bizarre work of art for which he has sacrificed even his marriage. His masterpiece is a bizarre fence along a black beach which he tends to with tenderness but dreads to complete.
Banderas de nuestros padres
Special Effects Coordinator
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). La batalla de Iwo Jima (1945), el episodio más cruento de la guerra del Pacífico, quedó inmortalizada en la foto de unos soldados que izaban una bandera norteamericana. El objetivo de esta batalla era la toma de un islote insignificante, pero de gran valor estratégico, pues desde allí los japoneses defendían su territorio. En la contienda cayeron más de 20.000 japoneses y 7.000 estadounidenses. Mientras tanto, en los Estados Unidos la célebre foto en la que seis soldados izaban la bandera americana fue un instrumento propagandístico para conseguir fondos que permitieran seguir sufragando los gastos de la guerra. El mismo año el propio Eastwood dirigió "Cartas desde Iwo Jima", que narra la misma batalla desde el punto de vista japonés.
Production Design
A hot-shot journalist is swept up in a movement to challenge Apartheid in 1950s South Africa.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Art Direction
Explorar imperios perdidos, descubrir tesoros de incalculable valor, castigar a los malvados en combates a vida o muerte… todo forma parte de un día de trabajo para la aventurera Lara Croft. Pero un secreto del pasado de su padre va a llevar a Lara a su desafío más grande: el Triángulo de la Luz, un legendario artefacto con el poder de alterar el espacio y el tiempo. Lara ha de encontrar el Triángulo antes de que caiga en poder de los Illuminati, una sociedad secreta dispuesta a dominar el mundo. Para detener a los Illumitati, Lara ha de sobrevivir a una auténtica cacería a través del planeta, repleta de inimaginables peligros.
Special Effects Supervisor
In the middle ages a small Greenlandic boy comes drifting with an Iceberg to a remote and superstitious settlement in Iceland and is believed to be an evil spirit by his looks. He saves a young boy from an avalanche and they become friends. The young Icelandic boy has to fight for his friends existence against the ignorant villagers, who want him imprisoned or even killed
Slurpinn & Co.
Special Effects
No plot found
Kalt Borð
Production Design
No plot found
Benjamin, the dove
Special Effects
Benjamin Dove is a story of a group of friends who form their own little round table of knights. The first thing they see in the morning is what they are to be called. Benjamin saw a dove first thing, hence, Benjamin Dove. However problems start to occur as some boys are outcast, some are kicked out, new gangs are created, rivalry and chaos ensue and finally it ends with a death. A death no one in the sleepy town expected.
Annarra Manna Stríð
During the invasion of Gaza in 2008-2009 by the Israeli army, 1400 people were killed - there of 400 children. By the time the last cries of protest died down those names were already forgotten.