Marc Selz


Satanic Panic
En 1980, los gemelos de diez años Toby y Cindy Richards fueron secuestrados por un grupo de adoradores del diablo. Cindy consiguió escapar, pero Toby nunca fue encontrado. Veinticinco años después, un grupo de seis amigos realiza un viaje en canoa para fortalecer su amistad, pero se encontrarán en graves aprietos cuando se topen con los lugareños de un pequeño pueblo que forman parte del mismo culto que cogió a Toby anteriormente
Satanic Panic
En 1980, los gemelos de diez años Toby y Cindy Richards fueron secuestrados por un grupo de adoradores del diablo. Cindy consiguió escapar, pero Toby nunca fue encontrado. Veinticinco años después, un grupo de seis amigos realiza un viaje en canoa para fortalecer su amistad, pero se encontrarán en graves aprietos cuando se topen con los lugareños de un pequeño pueblo que forman parte del mismo culto que cogió a Toby anteriormente
Satanic Panic
En 1980, los gemelos de diez años Toby y Cindy Richards fueron secuestrados por un grupo de adoradores del diablo. Cindy consiguió escapar, pero Toby nunca fue encontrado. Veinticinco años después, un grupo de seis amigos realiza un viaje en canoa para fortalecer su amistad, pero se encontrarán en graves aprietos cuando se topen con los lugareños de un pequeño pueblo que forman parte del mismo culto que cogió a Toby anteriormente
The Rockville Slayer
A series of small-town murders with no apparent connection leads two detectives towards a horrific discovery in this terrifying tale starring Linnea Quigley, Robert Z'Dar and Joe Estevez, and directed by Marc Selz. When two young couples are viciously murdered in the small town of Rockville, the police are baffled and the citizens are terrified. Now, as the body count continues to mount and police investigation hits a standstill, it's up to two detectives to find the missing link and bring the murderous madman to justice
The Rockville Slayer
A series of small-town murders with no apparent connection leads two detectives towards a horrific discovery in this terrifying tale starring Linnea Quigley, Robert Z'Dar and Joe Estevez, and directed by Marc Selz. When two young couples are viciously murdered in the small town of Rockville, the police are baffled and the citizens are terrified. Now, as the body count continues to mount and police investigation hits a standstill, it's up to two detectives to find the missing link and bring the murderous madman to justice
Short Cut Road
In celebration of their graduation from college, four couples head out on a road trip to see a huge music show and decide to take a detour along the way, hoping to save some time. Unfortunately, their alternate route puts them in the path of a crazy murderer who will scare the daylights out of them before he attempts to make them his latest victims. Stars Robyn Unell, Erin Broling, Branden Scala, Charles T. Perry and Holly Ilyne Sari.
Short Cut Road
In celebration of their graduation from college, four couples head out on a road trip to see a huge music show and decide to take a detour along the way, hoping to save some time. Unfortunately, their alternate route puts them in the path of a crazy murderer who will scare the daylights out of them before he attempts to make them his latest victims. Stars Robyn Unell, Erin Broling, Branden Scala, Charles T. Perry and Holly Ilyne Sari.
Short Cut Road
In celebration of their graduation from college, four couples head out on a road trip to see a huge music show and decide to take a detour along the way, hoping to save some time. Unfortunately, their alternate route puts them in the path of a crazy murderer who will scare the daylights out of them before he attempts to make them his latest victims. Stars Robyn Unell, Erin Broling, Branden Scala, Charles T. Perry and Holly Ilyne Sari.