Richard Walton Tully


Ave del paraíso
Theatre Play
El francés André Laurence acompaña a su compañero de la universidad, Tenga, de vuelta a la casa de éste en una isla de la Polinesia. Allí, André, asume la vida de los nativos y, después de superar muchas pruebas para vencer sus suspicacias, se casa con la hermana de su amigo, Kalua. Pero un volcán entra en erupción y el hombre santo de la isla, El Kahuna, decide que sólo un sacrificio puede aplacarlo.
Rose of the Rancho
Theatre Play
It is California in 1852 that only recently being surrendered by Mexico to the United States and admitted into the union. Most of the land-owners of California were the descendants of the Dons who had colonized it a hundred years before and whose title deeds bore the signature and seal of a long-dead Spanish king. But, by a loop-hole in the law, the title-deeds of the Dons could not be recognized, and this opened the door of organized gangs of land-grabbers, such as the one led by Joe Kincaid, to operate with a prime excuse for legitimate plunder and robbery. In most cases the law was unable to cope with the situation. Then Rosita Castro, the daughter of Don Pasqual Castro, masked and disguised as a man, organized a band of vigilantes to fight against the tyranny of the outlaws, aided by an undercover federal agent, Jim Kearney.
Ave del paraíso
Theatre Play
Johnny, un aventurero que viaja por la Polinesia, llega a la isla donde vive Luana, una guapa nativa; ambos se enamoran nada más conocerse, pero la chica está destinada a ser sacrificada al dios del volcán.
Omar the Tentmaker
About Omar Khayyam of Persia, the poet and mathematician, who wrote the Iranian first solar calendar circa A.D. 1073. His fiancé was forced to marry the shah, but she eventually escaped and, with help of grand Vazir, joined Omar Khayyam. Hollywood made a film based on the same story with Connell Wilde, the life and adventures of Omar Khayyam.
Omar the Tentmaker
Theatre Play
About Omar Khayyam of Persia, the poet and mathematician, who wrote the Iranian first solar calendar circa A.D. 1073. His fiancé was forced to marry the shah, but she eventually escaped and, with help of grand Vazir, joined Omar Khayyam. Hollywood made a film based on the same story with Connell Wilde, the life and adventures of Omar Khayyam.
The Rose of the Rancho
Theatre Play
Esra Kincaid takes land by force and, having taken the Espinoza land, his sights are set on the Castro rancho. Government agent Kearney holds him off till the cavalry shows up and he can declare his love for Juanita, called “the Rose of the Rancho.”