Elisabeth Trissenaar

Elisabeth Trissenaar

Nacimiento : 1944-04-13,


Elisabeth Trissenaar


Der mit dem Schlag
Greta Grünler
After several strokes of fate ends a rage eruption of the otherwise so quiet power engineering technician Felix Grünler with a criminal complaint for assault. A grateful affair for his sister-in-law Karin, who forges an intrigue to gain the inheritance of her mother-in-law. She succeeds in having Felix admitted to psychiatry as incompetent. He is determined not to get into therapy. For doctors, this confirms the picture of the labile patient. But in the other patients Felix gives his consistent anti-attitude in the long run benevolent recognition.
Lügen und andere Wahrheiten
Six intertwined people struggle with their own sincerity, and, in so doing, unravel their secrets and the lies they live.
Der Teufel von Mailand
Sonia acepta un trabajo como fisioterapeuta en un hotel en los Alpes suizos para desconectar de su entorno e intentar empezar una nueva vida. En lugar de encontrar la paz que anhela, se tropieza con la hostilidad inexplicable de las gentes del lugar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Once Upon a Time… The Marriage of Maria Braun
A documentary that focuses on the making of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's "The Marriage of Maria Braun".
Regreso al paraíso
Melissa Sinclair
Un hombre y su hija deben viajar a Nueva Zelanda por un asunto relacionado con su casa. Allí, él conoce a una atractiva doctora de la que se enamora.
Jedermann Remixed
Buhlschaft (archive footage)
Based on archive holdings from nine decades, director Hannes Rossacher has created a complete Jedermann performance and thus a unique cultural-historical puzzle from Alexander Moissi to Nicholas Ofczarek. The success story of the phenomenon "Everyman" is told in an unprecedented way.
I've Never Been Happier
Success is a question of confidence, particularly in times of crisis. Life would be unbearable if there weren’t beautiful things to brighten it up a little, including pretty faces. Frank Knöpfel constantly flirts with life with his beguiling bright blue eyes. He buys a complete stranger an expensive coat in a designer boutique just because he feels like it. He disguises himself as a businessman from Oslo, a Mafia boss, a stock exchange specialist and an estate agent, whatever it takes to bring in the cash. He is the type of person who enjoys looking in the mirror, and delights in what he sees there. A flirtation with a customer in a boutique leads to Frank’s undoing.
Die Geschichte vom Brandner Kaspar
70-year old Brandner Kaspar lives with his granddaughter Nannerl in the mountains at the Schliersee. As he is visited by the Death and wants to take him, Brandner Kaspar tricks him and gets another 20 years of life.
Die Tote vom Deich
Anke Timmann
Bajo el sol de África
Catherine y su esposo Roberto, cazador, viven en Tanzania, en Africa Oriental. A ella le desagrada la caza, pero los safaris que organiza Roberto para sus ricos clientes les permiten vivir holgadamente. Un día él es atacado por un leopardo y resulta gravemente herido. Ante la necesidad de ser evacuado urgentemente, Catherina contacta con Gordon Coburn, un piloto de una avioneta que se encuentra cerca de la zona, y consiguen salvar a su marido. La personalidad arrolladora del piloto, un hombre enigmático y de carácter posesivo, despierta en Catherina una incontrolada pasión que le impulsa a abandonar a su marido para vivir una nueva vida con su amante.
Kalt ist der Abendhauch
Charlottes Mutter
Love story spanning 60 years of the lives of Charlotte and Hugo. As a teenager before the war she is in love with him, but he marries her sister. They share some brief happy moments during the difficult post-war period, then they are separated for the longest time. They meet again as 80-year olds.
Versprich mir, dass es den Himmel gibt
Doppeltes Dreieck
Dr. Kuhnert
Oskar and Leni
Ella Grothe
A love story between a former Olympic swimmer turned jewel thief and a pastry chef/sex worker.
Die Bubi Scholz Story
Renate - alt
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick
Mathilde Obermüller
Mario and the Magician
Sofronia Angiolieri
The Twenties: The German Fuhrmann family spend their holidays in Italy again. The country is full of mysteries in that time. The Fuhrmann's have to realize the upcoming and growing fascism and their children are fascinated by a magician visiting the town. Soon nothing is as usual. The times are changing ...
Nobody Loves Me
Fanny Fink (Maria Schrader) acaba de cumplir los 30 y siente que su vida se está consumiendo, y que no encontrará el amor. Uno de sus vecinos es Orfeo (Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss), un africano gay, pintoresco y encantador, que no puede pagar el alquiler, y se refugia en casa de Fanny. Entre ambos comienza una relación de amistad que deparará a Fanny muchas sorpresas.
Scheidung a la carte
Innocence Unknown
After the essay "On Marionette theatre" by Heinrich von Kleist.
Pattberg's Legacy
Elisabeth Vogtmann
Amarga cosecha
Rosa Eckart
Polonia, invierno de 1942. Un campesino rico y solitario trabaja sus tierras sin preocuparse demasiado por los nazis. Es un buen hombre, aunque algo simple, y nunca se ha casado porque las mujeres lo ponen nervioso. Un día sorprende en sus tierras a una mujer, vestida con un abrigo de piel, que intenta robar una barra de pan. Al ver que está enferma y febril, decide acogerla en su casa para curarla. La mujer es judía y ha conseguido saltar de un tren que se dirigía a los campos de exterminio. El campesino no tardará en enamorarse de la mujer.
Un amor en Alemania
Elisabeth Schnittgens
En mayo de 1983, un hombre de 49 años, acompañado de su hijo, viaja al pueblo de su infancia, en Baden. Su deseo es descubrir qué le sucedió en realidad a su madre. Sus recuerdos son muy borrosos y, además, por aquel entonces era demasiado pequeño para comprender lo que ocurría a su alrededor.
Journey Into a Secret Life
An imaginary biography of Jean Genet, poet and high priest of evil. "Revolt is something I allow myself", said Jean Genet in 1975. Born in Paris in 1910, raised and humiliated in an approved school, a pederast and thief who has been to prison 14 times and expelled from five European countries. His novels are ballads of poisonous beauty, his plays are murky rituals of oppression where each person acts out the role imposed upon him by the others.
Heinrich Penthesilea von Kleist
The film interweaves three layers: the centre is Kleist's play "Penthesilea". Like from a distance Kleist observes the relationship beween man and woman, when he transfers into mythical Greece what in his time became a problem for him in Prussia - and remains to be a problem also for us. The director's associations during the work form the second layer. Reality and fantasy blend to an imaginary biography of Kleist, the third layer. At the end of the film Kleist is identical with his title character Penthesilesa. (www.filmgalerie451.de)
In 1939, Charlotte Salomon leaves Berlin to seek refuge at her grandparents' villa in the south of France. A little later, war breaks out, and Charlotte must, besides forgetting all she left behind, deal with her grandmother's depression, and her mother's suicide. To fight despair, Charlotte starts to paint, producing over one thousand images. "Is my life real, or is it theater?" This is the title she gives her body of work, which highlights her former life in Berlin. She finds herself though her art, but in 1943 is deported to Germany and Auschwitz.
Das Käthchen von Heilbronn
Kunigunde von Thurneck
Purity of Heart
An abstract look at the changes in a woman's inner self. Married to a down-and-out writer, she is forced into a liaison with a book thief.
El matrimonio de María Braun
Betti Klenze
Maria y Hermann Braun se casan durante un bombardeo, poco antes de que él sea enviado al frente ruso. Al final de la guerra, Hermann figura en las listas de desaparecidos. En la ciudad, entre las ruinas, reina el mercado negro y la prostitución. También Maria, para poder sobrevivir, debe prostituirse. Así se hace amante de Bill, un soldado negro americano, del que queda embarazada; pero su marido reaparece.
Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl
Anna is a Jewish girl in Germany. When the Nazis come to power in the 1930s, her family has to flee the country without being able to bring any of their belongings. Even young Anna's pink toy rabbit has been confiscated along with the family's other possessions. Initially the family lives in Switzerland, but even here they come to feel the antisemitism. And when money becomes scarce, and Anna's father can't find work as a journalist and Jew, they move on to France, where they are no long submitted to racial discrimination, but struggle financially. Eventually the entire family manages to go to England.
Un año con trece lunas
Irene Weishaupt
Se dice que en el Año de la Luna, que tiene lugar cada siete años, las personas más sensibles sufren fuertes depresiones. Si el Año de la Luna resulta ser a la vez un año con trece lunas nuevas, pueden sufrir incluso grandes catástrofes personales. "Un año con trece lunas" narra los últimos días de la trágica vida de Elvira, un transexual (llamado antes Erwin, casado y con hijos), que se ha transformado en mujer por el amor de un hombre. Cuando su amante la rechaza, incapaz de soportar la soledad, intenta volver al pasado, buscando cariño, comprensión o una razón para seguir viviendo.
The Other Smile
In this triangle melodrama, a woman shuts herself off from the world, rejects the advancement of her husband in society, and enthrones her own successor.
Das Ende einer Karriere
La mujer del ferroviario
Hanni Bolwieser
Durante los años 20, antes del ascenso de Hitler al poder, en Baviera vive un matrimonio formado por Hanni y Xavier Bolwieser. Él es el jefe de la estación del tren y está enamoradísimo de su mujer; ella, en cambio, se siente infeliz en su matrimonio y es infiel a su marido. Ésta es la tragedia de un hombre capaz de llegar a una degradación absoluta con tal de mantener a su mujer a su lado.