Rick Gianasi


Fatal Frames
Alex Ritt
Alex Ritt, a music video director comes to Italy to direct a video for pop sensation Stefania Stella. He soon encounters a mysterious killer who videotapes his victims for the police. As the horrible murders continue, Ritt is unknowingly pushed into the killer's games and he soon becomes a target of the police. The video-killer is on the loose and Ritt must find out the truth before it's too late.
Anthology horror film with three tales consisting of a killer sex doll, a killer handbag and a parody of Joe D'amato's Anthropophagous.
El sargento Kabukiman
Harry Griswold/Sgt. Kabukiman
El mal y la corrupción dominan Nueva York, y pronto, alguien de las altas esferas aprovechará una antigua profecía para dominar el mundo. Pero la profecía dice que el que posea el poder del Kabuki podrá hacer frente al maligno. El problema es que el que recibirá el don será el sargento Harry Griswold, cuya torpeza sobrepasa los límites de lo humano. Intentará dominar el Kabuki inútilmente y sus poderes aparecerán y desaparecerán haciendo caso omiso a su voluntad. La bella y sensual Lotus, hija del antiguo poseedor de este don, será la encargada de adiestrarle en el arte del Kabuki, y así convertirle en el poderoso Kabukiman, el único superhéroe capaz de salvar al mundo y hacer que la profecía no se cumpla.
Posed for Murder
Detective Barnes
A model poses nude for men's magazines and acts in slasher movies. Her psycho bodybuilder boyfriend gets jealous and starts killing other men.
Escape from Safehaven
In a post-apocalyptic world, a family seeks refuge in Safehaven, a community protected from the ravages of the outside world by a contingency of armed guards. However, once they settle into Safehaven, they discover that the guards run the community with an iron fist, and their brutal tactics have spawned a resistance movement that tries to enlist the aid of the new arrivals.
Waldo Warren
Waldo Warren es conocido como "el hombre-arma". Es un guardaespaldas perfecto. Todo su cuerpo está diseñado para convertirse en el arma mortífera más efectiva del mundo. La tecnología de su armamento es tan veloz y sofisticada que sus presas son divisadas y aniquiladas al instante. Por ello, Waldo es contratado por una mujer sin escrúpulos, líder de un país del Tercer Mundo...
Mutant Hunt
Matt Riker
In New York City sometime in the near future, Z, the evil chairman of the Inteltrax Corporation, has taken a small army of cyborgs designed to perform hazardous tasks and altered them to kill humans for pleasure. The inventor of the cyborgs, Dr. Paul Haynes, is held captive, and his sister Darla seeks the aid of Matt Riker, an expert in high-tech weaponry and martial arts.
Riot on 42nd St.
Tough ex-con Glenn Barnes gets paroled from prison after serving a sentence for manslaughter. Glenn plans to reopen his old nightclub the Garage on 42nd Street. Vicious rival nightclub owner Farrell threatens to take drastic measures if Glenn goes through with his plan. After all the employees get massacred by Farrell's flunkies on opening night, Glenn reverts back to his brutish criminal ways to exact a harsh revenge on Farrell and his men.
Robot Holocaust
En un futuro próximo, sobre las ruinas de la diezmada ciudad de Nueva York, la gente ha perdido el control sobre la Tierra después de la rebelión de los robots. Poderosas máquinas controlan el planeta intoxicando el aire a su antojo y dejando reducida a la humanidad a simples esclavos recluidos bajo tierra. Neo y su robot Klyton se enfrentarán al poder de Dark One, la mente artificial que lo controla todo, en una espectacular batalla para reclamar el planeta y rescatar a la humanidad del holocausto robot.
Bad Girls Dormitory
Don Beach
Inmates at a women's prison run by a corrupt warden and her gang of sadistic guards plan a breakout.