Victor Cavallo

Victor Cavallo

Nacimiento : 1947-01-01, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Muerte : 2000-01-21


Victor Cavallo


Roman Summer
Former theatre actress comes back to Rome and meets old and new friends.
Regina Coeli
Direttore del carcere
"Regina Coeli" is the nickname with which inmates call Regina, voluntary assistant in Rome's Rebibbia jail, very involved in solidarity but lonely in his private life. The jail director entrusts her with the task to try re-educating Graziano, a young Sardinian sentenced for a kidnapping of which he always proclaimed himself to be innocent. Regina is way too much mature and lonely not to feel intrigued by the mysterious personality of the illiterate shepherd, who expresses himself only in his almost unintelligible Sardinian dialect.
Monna Lisa
A David di Donatello-winning short film about a junkyard keeper, in love with the portrait of the Mona Lisa, who is charged with teaching a young Slavic girl the tools of a much less honourable trade...
Falcone: un juez contra la Mafia
Totò Riina
Palermo, Sicilia, 1984. El juez de instrucción Giovanni Falcone se alía con Tomasso Buscetta, un mafioso arrepentido, con el propósito de derrotar al clan de Corleone, la despiadada facción mafiosa que gobierna la Cosa Nostra con mano de hierro, eliminando cruelmente a todos aquellos que se atreven a oponerse a su inmenso poder: otros criminales, policías, jueces, incluso civiles inocentes. Uno de ellos quiere venganza, el otro quiere justicia. Pero solo uno de los dos puede sobrevivir a una lucha tan desigual.
No Deposit, No Return
The Ballad of the Windshield Washers
A family of Polish immigrants tries to build a new life in Rome.
Shooting the Moon
14-year-old Siddharta, wise beyond his age, has to deal every day with his heroin-addict mother Silvia and an absent father. One day, his four-year-old sister Domitilla accidentally pricks her finger on one of Silvia's used needles without her noticing. Seeking advice on the Internet, Siddharta is told to have her tested for hepatitis and AIDS. Thus he embarks on a odyssey of medical bureaucracy and both kind and uncaring adults.
Notes of Love
Man in the park
A woman suffering from compulsive-type psychological problems falls for an older divorced neighbour. Will her love be returned? A slow story of confusion and loneliness.
Amiche davvero!!
A week in the life of Claudia e Francesca and all their friends.
Hotel Paura
Who Killed Pasolini?
Antonio Pelosi
1975: poet, intellectual, and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini is bludgeoned to death and run over with his own car in the outskirts of Rome. Charged with murder, 17-year-old hustler Pino Pelosi pleads self-defense -- after all, Pasolini was a well-known pederast. However, many inconsistencies start to undermine his version of events, pointing to him not having acted alone or even being assaulted in the first place. Was Pasolini also murdered for another reason?
I'll Leave It All Behind Me
fornitore di mozzarelle di Giacobetti
Franco is tired of his life as a shopkeeper in Rome and decides to leave his wife and daughter to begin a new life in Tunisia.
L'amico immaginario
Il direttore del cronicato
A man with cognitive problems lives and works in a hospice. One day an American banker discovers that the man is his son.
La gran calabaza
Don Annibale
Después de muchos años de tratamiento por epilepsia, Valentina ingresa en una clínica psiquiátrica. Allí conoce a Arturo, un joven psiquiatra, que a pesar de su conflictiva vida personal y de la enorme ineficacia de la Sanidad Pública italiana, entabla una intensa relación con ella. Centrando la terapia más en su vida familiar que en las drogas, acaba descubriendo la verdadera naturaleza de la enfermedad de Valentina.
Daddy, Don't Blush
il portiere
Tullio Venturini, a retired widower, has a daughter, Anna, who is an actress. However, he is the only one not to know that she works in the porn industry.
Proietti, detto "Er Soffia"
Towards Evening
Italy, 1977. Professor Bruschi is a retired widower who lives according to a strict routine he set for himself. An ardent old-style communist, he has always been at odds with the unconventional lifestyle led by his son and his hippieish girlfriend Stella. When their four-year-old daughter is left in his care out of the blue after the two break up, the old professor becomes a sort of father figure to the girl, growing fond of her. However he's once again challenged when Stella also arrives for a stay in his elegant villa, reclaiming custody of her daughter.
Están todos bien
Le balayeur près de la Fontaine de Trevi
Matteo Scuro (Marcello Mastroianni), un funcionario rural ya jubilado, decide recorrer Italia para visitar a sus cinco hijos, que viven en diferentes ciudades. Pero, desgraciadamente, este viaje sólo le sirve para comprobar que, bajo una apariencia de prosperidad y bienestar, la vida de sus hijos y sus familias está marcada por la tristeza y la insatisfacción. Tras el éxito de "Cinema Paradiso", Tornatore vuelve a hacer un emotivo melodrama, que obtuvo buenas críticas y el Premio del Jurado en Cannes.
Burro is the surname of a simple-mind boy. He lives in a little village in Emilia Romagna (north of Italy). He fallen in love for the picture of an actress (!) and transfers his love to every girls he meets. More, he is orphan and is afflicted with his father figure.
Teléfono mortal
Una psíquica se ve atrapada por la energía de una operadora de teléfonos fallecida. Sus amigos comienzan a morir de manera misteriosa y un investigador se propone encontrar las causas de muerte.
Gli Invisibili
Provvisorio, quasi d'amore
Guardian (segment "Sirena")
Anthology of urban stories form seven Italian directors.
Il mistero del panino assassino
A proposito di Roma
Grandes Almacenes
Signor Carotti
Una serie de sketches en los que participan clientes y personal de la tienda de varios departamentos de un centro comercial.
Rufufú... 20 años después
Cameriere Atlante
Aventuras y desventuras de un grupo de vividores que con el tiempo se ve mermado, bien por la muerte de unos o por el encarcelamiento de otros. Tras salir de prisión, Tiberio jura no volver a delinquir y está dispuesto a rehacer su vida, pero cuando regresa a su casa se encuentra con que las cosas ya no son como antes.
La doble vida de Matías Pascal
Avvocato Settebellezze
Inspirada en la conocida novela de Luigi Pirandello "El difunto Matias Pascal". El protagonista, a quien todos dan por muerto en su pueblo, viaja a Montecarlo y gana una considerable suma de dinero jugando a la ruleta, situación que aprovechará para cambiar de identidad y empezar una nueva vida recorriendo Europa. Años más tarde, hastiado de una vida que lo obliga al aislamiento, regresará a su pueblo natal.
Chi mi aiuta
Paolo and Carlo are good friends. The first introverted, disillusioned and intellectual, while the other is happy if shallow. Despite their differences they share accommodation. Paolo runs an “alternative” kind of library; Carlo plays the violin in a little band. Their lives go on peacefully, when suddenly Paolo falls in love with one of his a customers - Lili, an amateur actress - whom he decides to take home. Carlo doesn’t react well to the fact he’s got to share with a third person, so he comes up with a weird idea - he flirts with the new girl and manages to seduce her. Paolo thinks his best friend is now guilty of a real betrayal, while Lili is undecided: she’s attracted by both the culture of Paolo and the physical attraction of Carlo. This love triangle ends when Paolo tries to commit suicide, Carlo feels guilty and Lili leaves them both, returning to her previous life and still hoping to find her one true love.
Le voyage
The emotional interplay between an arguing couple, in love but not happy with their relationship, is meant to be the sustaining force in this crime drama with little other action. Thomas (Christophe Malavoy) has been blackmailed into carrying a shipment of explosives in his Peugeot to Egypt, where the devices will be forwarded to guerrillas on Cyprus. He brings his lover Veronique (Victoria Abril) along for the dangerous ride from Switzerland to the south, knowing the explosives can be easily detonated by accident and enemy agents as well as government agents are out to capture him. Both protagonists have a short fuse themselves, and as they separate and then come back together, their final destination looms ever closer in more ways than one.
Io con te non ci sto più
Lontano da dove
The Moon in the Gutter
En los callejones sórdidos de Marsella Gérard, un estibador, busca obsesivamente el violador de su hermana, la cual, no soportando la infamia y el horror, se ha suicidado. Un día Gérard es golpeado por Loretta, una bella joven al volante de un magnífico Ferrari rojo. Este es el punto de partida para una historia de amor imposible, en un clima de soledad, venganza y desesperación.
W, la foca
Andrea, una chica agradable, viaja de Véneto a Roma: ha conseguido el trabajo de enfermera en un consultorio médico. Pronto se verá implicada en una inagotable serie de malentendidos y de tentaciones.
El nuevo Mesías parece haber llegado a un suburbio de Roma.
La historia de un hombre ridículo
El hijo del dueño de una gran fábrica italiana de quesos es secuestrado, pero como la empresa está al borde de la quiebra, el propietario idea un plan para invertir el dinero del rescate en mejorar las instalaciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Habibi, amor mío
El pueblerino Esteban, que quiere ser músico, es seducido por un agente, deja embarazada a Andrea y se enamora de Pablo, enfermo incurable. Cuando éste muere, se dedica a la bebida y a la droga.
Duepersette - Dove va la poesia?