Jorge A. Jimenez

Jorge A. Jimenez

Nacimiento : 1981-01-28, Zaragoza, Coahuila, México


Jorge A. Jimenez


Tiburón negro
Paul Sturges (Josh Lucas), trabajador de una empresa petrolífera, aprovecha sus idílicas vacaciones familiares en la bahía azul de México para hacer una inspección rutinaria de una plataforma ubicada en medio del océano. Lo que prometía ser una tarea sencilla se convierte en una auténtica pesadilla al encontrarse cara a cara con un sanguinario megalodón obsesionado con proteger su territorio a toda costa. Abandonados a su suerte, y con la constante amenaza de ser devorados, la familia deberá encontrar el modo de regresar a tierra firme evitando los ataques mortales del enorme tiburón.
Guardado, Hermano
Brothers Leo and Argel face the latter's poverty and autism together. When a maniac starts to scare the small town they live in, Argel' drug problems intensify and Leo's reality changes, building a stylized and tormented tale of revenge, grief and brotherhood.
Borrego – Sal Del Camino
Una joven botánica se traslada a un pequeño pueblo del desierto para estudiar una especie de planta invasora. Cuando acude en ayuda de un avión derribado, acaba secuestrada por un traficante de drogas sin experiencia y deberá luchar por sobrevivir en el desierto.
La Civil
Cielo es una madre cuya hija adolescente es secuestrada en el norte de México. Cuando las autoridades no ofrecen apoyo para la búsqueda, Cielo toma el asunto en sus propias manos y se transforma de ama de casa en una militante vengativa.
No Man's Land
En la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos, el hijo de un migrante mexicano es asesinado de un balazo por un joven estadounidense debido a una equivocación. Cuando es perseguido por la policía de Texas por el asesinato del menor, el joven huye en su caballo para evitar ser detenido. Sin embargo, la culpa lo acompaña y decide enmendar su error viajando a Guanajuato, lugar de donde es originaria la familia migrante.
Manuel y Lupe quieren tener un bebé. Cuando Manuel descubre que es infértil, comienza a desmoronarse tanto física como emocionalmente. Después de explorar varias opciones, Manuel recurre a Rubén, su nuevo amigo, para que actúe como su donante.
No One Left Behind
A group of American soldiers travel into Mexico for an unknown mission and they encounter a surprising world which changes their views.
Alita: Ángel de combate
Hunter Warrior #2
Ido, un compasivo médico de cíborgs, encuentra a Alita abandonada en el desguace de Iron City. Cuando Alita despierta, no sabe quién es, ni reconoce el mundo en el que se encuentra, todo es nuevo para ella. Ido intentará proteger a Alita de su misterioso pasado, mientras que su nuevo amigo Hugo le ayudará a despertar sus recuerdos. En ese momento, Alita descubre que posee habilidades de combate extraordinarias, que podría usar para salvar a su nueva familia y amigos. Decidida a encontrar la verdad tras sus orígenes, Alita comienza un viaje que le enfrentará a las injusticias de un mundo oscuro y corrupto, descubriendo que sólo ella puede cambiarlo.
Nadie Sabrá Nunca
Lucía y su hijo de ocho años, Braulio, se entretienen atendiendo radionovelas y películas. Ella anhela una vida mejor en la ciudad; ambición a la que Rigoberto, su marido, se opone. Una noche, madre e hijo, ante la ausencia del padre, dejan entrar a la casa a un hombre desconocido; el forastero, que tiene la apariencia de los héroes de las ficciones que les gustan.
Jóvenes sicarios
Un hombre con problemas huye a México, donde es reclutado en un grupo paramilitar que lucha contra los cárteles de la droga.
Border Cartel
Jesus Avila
When Mexican immigrant Jesus Avila(Jorge A. Jimenez, Netflix Narcos) seeks a better life for his family in the United States, he boards the infamous "Train of Death" known as The Beast. His desperate journey to freedom is beset with corrupted Mexican law enforcements, vicious Mexican cartels and ruthless gangs. But as Jesus finally crosses the border into America he is faces with even more sinister threat, a demented Border Patrol Agent (Eduardo Sanchez, Misfire) who exploits innocent immigrants to quench his thirst for violence.
Claudia es una inmigrante ilegal que fue deportada de Estados Unidos y hace una alianza complicada para lograr regresar.
Norte estrecho
El legal e ilegal estatus de inmigrantes y la discriminación endurecida por un segmento el cual solo busca un modo de vida mejor.
Hunted by Night
Three men are hunting when an airplane drops bails of drugs on the ground in their vicinity. The men must decide whether to be law-abiding citizens and report the drugs or take the drugs and sell them for millions of dollars. Various opportunities present themselves to the hunters for them to leave the drugs behind and make off with their lives. This creates conflicts between the two protagonists, Brandon and Jose...The third hunter, Peter, has little will of his own. He usually agrees with Jose who is the more insistent of the two. The lure of easy money entices the hunters into an action packed adventure as drug dealers - led by Paco... Written by Juan C. Bofill
Hermoso Silencio
Executive Producer
Hermoso silencio (Beautiful Silence) is a film that tells the story of a man (Cruz) born and raised in the mountains of north Mexico, unaware of modern society. After his Parents death he sets himself on a journey to the discovery of the world long kept from his simple existence. His path into the unknown reveals the evil and good in the human heart and the harsh realities of life.
Hermoso Silencio
Hermoso silencio (Beautiful Silence) is a film that tells the story of a man (Cruz) born and raised in the mountains of north Mexico, unaware of modern society. After his Parents death he sets himself on a journey to the discovery of the world long kept from his simple existence. His path into the unknown reveals the evil and good in the human heart and the harsh realities of life.
Hermoso Silencio
Hermoso silencio (Beautiful Silence) is a film that tells the story of a man (Cruz) born and raised in the mountains of north Mexico, unaware of modern society. After his Parents death he sets himself on a journey to the discovery of the world long kept from his simple existence. His path into the unknown reveals the evil and good in the human heart and the harsh realities of life.
Hermoso Silencio
Hermoso silencio (Beautiful Silence) is a film that tells the story of a man (Cruz) born and raised in the mountains of north Mexico, unaware of modern society. After his Parents death he sets himself on a journey to the discovery of the world long kept from his simple existence. His path into the unknown reveals the evil and good in the human heart and the harsh realities of life.
Hermoso Silencio
Hermoso silencio (Beautiful Silence) is a film that tells the story of a man (Cruz) born and raised in the mountains of north Mexico, unaware of modern society. After his Parents death he sets himself on a journey to the discovery of the world long kept from his simple existence. His path into the unknown reveals the evil and good in the human heart and the harsh realities of life.
Desdemona: A Love Story
Gil Garcia is at the end of his life. Wounded and bleeding in a church confessional, he tells an unsuspecting Father Wade his tragic story. At a young age, Gil's father takes him to America in search of a better life, forcing him to leave the girl he loves in Mexico. Orphaned shortly after arriving, Gil is taken in by his father's only friend, Dustin, who raises Gil along with his own son, Rod. Fifteen years later, Gil & Rod have yet to find their way in life, still living at home and playing basketball on the streets for money. When cancer overtakes Dustin, they are faced with a funeral bill they cannot afford. Desperately searching for a solution, Rod suggests kidnapping for ransom. Gil knows of the perfect person: a woman married to a wealthy man who would never risk the life of his loved one for the relatively small amount of money in question. But Rod doesn't know the whole truth - the woman is Desdemona, Gil's childhood love from Mexico.
Cuatro criminales se disponen a realizar un trabajo supuestamente sencillo. Cuando todo empieza a ir mal, la amistad, la lealtad y la confianza serán puestas a prueba.
The Lawless
Older Brother
Two undercover narcotics officers' cover is blown and the Mexican cartel has kidnapped their families. To get them back they must do the unthinkable for the next 24 hours. The rules are simple: No guns, no bombs and no witnesses. They must become The Lawless.
Halfway to Somewhere
Unpopular and down-on-her-luck, Marge is already having a tough time navigating the minefield that is her suburban high school. But Marge’s life is completely upended when her beloved mother and only champion (Greer) dies in a tragic accident. With nowhere else to turn except her ultra-conservative grandparents, Marge decides instead to hunt down her estranged father (Zahn), a former soccer star living in rural Mexico as a beach bum and coach to the local women’s team. Neither is ready for such a big change, but the best shot they have at fixing their past and moving forward is together.
Kilogram per gram
A drug cartel disguises their activities as benefactors of different charities. When someone refuses to comply with this, they have their own methods to persuade people to help them out with their crimes.