This documentary examines the life and legacy of controversial Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci through interviews with his colleagues, each of whom answers the question, "What is your fondest memory of Lucio Fulci?". The responses are as varied as the people who knew the late writer-director, providing a nuanced look at the man behind such gory grindhouse classics as City of the Living Dead and The House by the Cemetery.
Año 33 de nuestra era. En la provincia romana de Judea, un misterioso carpintero llamado Jesús de Nazareth comienza a anunciar la llegada del "reino de Dios" y se rodea de un grupo de humildes pescadores: los Apóstoles. Durante siglos, el pueblo judío había esperado la llegada del Mesías - personaje providencial que liberaría su sagrada patria e instauraría un nuevo orden basado en la justicia-. Las enseñanzas de Jesús atraen a una gran multitud de seguidores que lo reconocen como el Mesías. Alarmado por la situación, el Sanedrín, con la ayuda de Judas Iscariote, uno de los doce Apóstoles, arresta a Jesús. Acusado de traición a Roma, Cristo es entregado a Poncio Pilato, quien, para evitar un motín, lo condena a a morir en la cruz como un vulgar criminal.
To avenge the murder of her husband, Mirna dedicates herself to the destruction of the beautiful but villainous Sura who ships arms to the Middle East in exchange for drugs. Aiding her in this task is handsome undercover agent, Marc.
An American independent director comes to Italy to shoot a film. But inconveniences and obstacles stand in the way at every step. These are the years in which “Tangentopoli” rages and the golden rule of officials and collaborators is “one (bribe) to you, one to me, one to Raffaele”.
Turi DeSimone
Dos arqueólogos investigan unas excavaciones teñidas con sangre a causa de ciertos crímenes atribuidos a la mafia. Sin embargo, el lugar donde trabajan aparentemente fue sitio de reunión de antiguos satanistas y aún hay alguna presencia demoniaca...
Husband finds out that his wife is a secret agent and that she has a handsome partner.
A murdered couple return from the beyond to care for their two young children, as well as seek revenge against their killer, accept their children's step parents, and try to prevent their house from being sold.
A young man lies in a hospital suspended between life and death. The police know nothing about him. The patient, in his rare moments of consciousness, only remembers his gang’s involvement in a robbery of a rare painting, and the mysterious Madame Jacno who commissioned Fabrizio, the gang leader, to steal the work of art. But someone is still trying to kill the patient, and as his life is continually threatened, his memory slowly comes back to him…!
Una revisitación de la mítica de la picaresca española que propone el encuentro entre Guzmán de Alfarache y el Lazarillo de Tormes.
The different faces of love provide the theme for this beautifully photographed film comprised of four short episodes. In the first story, two sisters head out for a New Year's Eve celebration and end up getting a ride with a car full of boys. The lads rape one of the girls, and strangely, the victim ends up falling in love with one of the rapists. In the second story, two young bucks who have been friends for ages spend a weekend at one of their wealthy father's homes. Eventually, they become much more than friends. The third tale deals with the emotions of an abandoned lover. While moping about, he watches TV and sees the picture of a Bengal tiger. Soon he becomes obsessed by the creature and spends many hours observing it at the zoo. His lover decides to return, but he spurns her. In the last story, a homeless fellow lives in an abandoned car. Among the locals he is known for his wisdom. One day, the doorkeeper of an adjacent building goes to see the derelict.
Inspector Corsi
Pussycat es una de las revistas eróticas más vendidas del momento. Su propietaria y directora, recibe continuas y desagradables presiones de Flora para que le venda el negocio. Al mismo tiempo tienen lugar una serie de terribles asesinatos de las modelos de la revista y de personas allegadas a la misma, cuya culminación es la recepción por parte de la directora de una foto de cada uno de los cadáveres ante un póster de ella.
Tavern Keeper
Cinco jóvenes ladrones pasan una noche entera en una catacumba oscura para encontrar un tesoro inestimable. Tendrán que enfrentarse a un montón de zombies y monstruos feroces. Al final se encontrarán con la muerte en persona...
Security Guard
Un moderno y vanguardista edificio inteligente se convierte en una trampa mortal cuando una criatura demoniaca surge de un televisor. El ente convierte a sus habitantes en una horda de zombies sanguinarios, que se dedican, sin motivo, a devorar y descuartizar a todos los que tienen la mala suerte de cruzarse en su camino.
The attempt to kill a guy connected to the mob fails when he and his assassins get trapped in a mountain tunnel.
Ripper (as Pasqualino Salemme)
Dos jóvenes deciden ir al preestreno de una película de terror y viven una auténtica pesadilla al quedarse atrapados en el cine con los demás espectadores.