Hector Ross

Nacimiento : 1912-02-11, Ormskirk, Lancashire, England, UK

Muerte : 1980-11-26


The Death of Adolf Hitler
General Burgdorf
The final days in the Bunker, with Hitler becoming more and more paranoid, plumbing the depths of his madness and reaching his well deserved fate.
Ring of Spies
Supt. Woods
The film is based on the actual events of the Portland Spy Ring trial in the U.K. A disgruntled Navy Clerk is transferred to a secret research establishment and is subsequently black-mailed/paid by Czech intelligence to procure secrets for them. He seduces the secretary who controls the most secret documents, and they enjoy the fruits of their treachery until the British authorities begin to close in on them.
Officer (uncredited)
Antigua Roma, bajo el reinado de los emperadores Augusto y Tiberio (s. I d.C.). Judá Ben-Hur, hijo de una familia noble de Jerusalén, y Mesala, tribuno romano que dirige los ejércitos de ocupación, son dos antiguos amigos, pero un accidente involuntario los convierte en enemigos irreconciliables: Ben-Hur es acusado de atentar contra la vida del nuevo gobernador romano, y Mesala lo encarcela a él y a su familia. Mientras Ben-Hur es trasladado a galeras para cumplir su condena, un hombre llamado Jesús de Nazaret se apiada de él y le da de beber. En galeras conocerá al comandante de la nave y más tarde a un jeque árabe que participa con sus magníficos caballos en carreras de cuadrigas.
The Steel Key
An adventurer investigates the theft of a formula for hardened steel, assisted by his girlfriend.
Deadly Nightshade
Escapee switches identities but finds the new one quite a handful.
I'm A Stranger
Inspector Craddock
When his grandfather dies, George Westcott (Patrick Doonan) returns home from India to collect his inheritance -- only to find that the will has mysteriously gone missing. As his greedy relatives try to seize the estate, George gets the help of a movie star (Greta Gynt), a window cleaner (James Hayter and a police inspector (Herbert Ross) to track down the missing will. It seems that justice will prevail -- but is George Wescott really George Wescott?
Sherlock Holmes: The Man Who Disappeared
Neville St. Clair
Adaptation of an Arthur Conan Doyle novel, in which Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson investigate the secret of a wealthy businessman.
Bonnie Prince Charlie
The Pretender lands on Scottish shores and attempts to claim the crown.
Don Brady
After the war is over, two army pals take opposite paths in civvy street. One becomes a petty criminal, the other becomes a policeman.