Maria Seweryn

Maria Seweryn

Nacimiento : 1975-03-25, Warsaw, Poland


Maria Seweryn


Winter Bloom
The world is devastated by an ecological catastrophe. An old mercenary with a lung disease receives a seemingly simple assignment to deliver a young girl to a destination that would enable him to retire.
Never gonna snow again
dyrektorka szkoły
Zenia es una trabajadora ucraniana trabajadora en Polonia que hace visitas a domicilio como masajista para los residentes necesitados y ambiciosos de una comunidad cerrada de clase media cerca de Varsovia. Él está al tanto de todos sus problemas, ansiedades y secretos, y tiene una especie de figura de gurú involuntaria. La espiritualidad arraigada de Zenia, los aparentes poderes curativos y los hombros anchos lo convierten en un objeto de lujuria para muchas de las almas perdidas de la comunidad.
Un hombre es asesinado, pero la persona responsable evita ser descubierta y arrestada. Unos años más tarde, un inspector de policía sospecha que ha encontrado pruebas en un libro recientemente publicado titulado "Amok".
Women's Day
Nauczycielka Misi
Helina, a modest checkout assistant at the Butterfly retail chain, dreams about getting a better life for herself and her daughter. An opportunity presents itself when Helina becomes a store manager. However, she soon discovers that the price for better wages and an improved standard of living is dishonesty, employee exploitation, and fraud.
Zwerbowana miłość
A prostitute is enlisted into the Security Services in order to steal some highly classified records just as the communist regime is about to topple. What begins as political intrigue deftly turns into a complicated love affair.
El vértigo
Durante el reinado de terror de Stalin, Evgenia Ginzburg, una profesora de literatura, fue enviada a trabajos forzados durante 10 años en un gulag en Siberia. Después de haber perdido todo, y ya no desear vivir, conoce al médico del campo y comienza a volver a la vida.
The Fence
Mother (Maria Seweryn) and daughter (Michalina Rodak) live alone in a small house on the outskirts of the village. Their close relations get distorted by appearing of a mysterious man. Are women able to defend themselves from mutual jealousy and distrust? The film is based on the story of Aleksandra Duda "Olive" and refers to Eighth Commandment "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." – as a part of film cycle produced within the project „Dekalog 89+”. Tomek Matuszczak is one of the ten young directors which has taken the challenge of making new film on the Decalogue Commandment's impact for young generations, due to the project made on 20th anniversary of launching the famous "Decalogue" by Krzysztof Kieślowski.
The Perfect Guy for My Girlfriend
Inga Wawras
Kostek se enamora perdidamente de Luna, una instructora de Krav Maga, un arte marcial muy violento, que está fascinada por el feminismo. Tras una turbulenta relación con un presentador de televisión casado, la chica entabla una relación muy íntima con la líder de las feministas polacas. Kostek, un compositor de música sacra con ideas muy conservadoras, se ha hundido tras el fracaso de una relación sentimental. Aunque Kostek y Luna parecen personas antagónicas, sus destinos acaban cruzándose.
The Offsiders
Under the leadership of an ex-footballer, a bunch of homeless men set up a football team and train hard to take part in the world championship.
Half Seriously
Aga / Lea / Leni
Konecki works here with none other than Andrzej Saramonowicz who makes his debut as a film writer with this film that one could view as a spoof of today's cinema, focusing mainly on the part of "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Matka swojej matki
Barbara leads a stable life, is fulfilled professionally and has a loving family. Her foster daughter Alicja, who learns that she is adopted, decides to find her biological mother. When Alicja finds the real mother, the life of the main characters changes, and the positive relationships that linked them become blurred.
Sequence of Feelings
Julia Kasprusiak
A renowned actor, Rafal Nawrot, is invited to play the main part in a theatre production of "Romeo and Juliet" in a backwater town. Upon arriving he realizes his mistake and is packing to leave when Julia, a beautiful blonde teenager appears at his hotel room door, the starstruck emissary from a local fan club. The encounter triggers a host of erotic fantasies and dreams for Nawrot, who decides to stay in town after all. Although his dreams more or less come true when Julia becomes sexually involved with him, his growing obsession with the young woman is paralleled by her emotional growth in a simultaneous relationship with a lover her own age.
El director de orquesta
Marysia, córka Marty i Adama
Después de cincuenta años de exilio, un viejo y célebre director de orquesta decide regresar a su patria. Durante los ensayos tiene un enfrentamiento con el director local, hombre ambicioso y marido posesivo de una violinista, hija de la mujer de la que el exiliado estuvo enamorado en su juventud. El film presenta el enfrentamiento entre dos éticas, la del anciano enamorado del arte, y la del inescrupuloso advenedizo, capaz de utilizar cualquier medio para lograr sus fines. Entre ambos, la mujer que, inevitablemente reconoce la realidad, y actúa como desencadenante del conflicto.
Maria Dulębianka