Ruba Blal

Ruba Blal

Nacimiento : 1979-12-05, Nazareth, Israele


Ruba Blal
Ruba Blal


An Israeli swimming tutor living in Chicago returns to Israel after 10 years of absence to bury his father. An encounter with a beloved childhood friend and his newly engaged girlfriend will set a series of events that will affect everyone's lives. A story set between a flower shop and an ancient monastery, between a swimming pool and the Mediterranean sea, between life and death - and somewhere in the middle.
The Taste Of Apples Is Red
Syrian director Ehab Tarabieh’s Israeli-German co-production The Taste Of Apples Is Red which is set against the background of the director’s native Golan Heights and revolves around two brothers who are reunited after 47 years apart.
The Dead of Jaffa
With their father in prison and mother dead, three children from the West Bank are smuggled into Israel and taken to the house of their distant relatives, George and Rita, in Jaffa. Rita, who longs for a child, embraces them as her own but George is wary of the grave legal implications their actions might have. Meanwhile, a British film director recreates 1947 Jaffa outside George and Rita’s house. When their present-day reality meets the historical events that led to it, tragedy ensues.
Invitación de boda
Rami's Wife
Shadi (Saleh Bakri), un palestino que vive en Italia, regresa tras varios años a su Nazaret natal. Su regreso no es precisamente por gusto, porque vuelve obligado para honrar su "wajib", su deber de repartir invitaciones a la boda de su hermana con su padre, Abu Shadi (Mohammed Bakri). Así, a lo largo de este trayecto en un viejo Volvo por la ciudad, se muestra una visión de cómo es ser un palestino en el extranjero y un palestino en su lugar de origen.
Tormenta de arena
Es mediodía en un pueblo beduino del desierto al sur de Israel. Jalila acoge una extraña celebración, el matrimonio de su marido con su segunda y jovencísima mujer. Su hija Layla está preocupada por otro asunto. Su romance secreto y totalmente prohibido con Anuar acaba de ser descubierto por su madre. Jalila cree que el mundo es despiadado y cruel y la única forma de ganar es mantenerse callada, caminar con la cabeza alta y luchar desde dentro contra los límites del mundo tradicional que la rodean. Layla cree que no hay límites al mundo que la rodea. Sin embargo, cada una de ellas fracasa en su lucha personal y ambas terminarán por entender que, si desean sobrevivir, tendrán que empezar a ver el mundo a través de los ojos de la otra.
The Worthy
La civilización se acerca a su fin. El agua escasea, la familia requiere protección y los desconocidos no son de fiar.
When I Saw You
Tarek and his mother Ghaydaa number among the tens of thousands of refugees crossing the border from Palestine, having been separated from Tarek's father amidst the chaos of the Six Day War. They ultimately settle at the Harir refugee camp, a makeshift home for a new generation displaced by conflict. Tarek dreams of being reunited with his father, and struggles to adapt to a new life far away from all he previously knew.
Pink Subaru
Mahmoud's wife
The Arab-Israeli sushi chef Elzober can finally fulfill his dream: to buy a brand new black Legacy. But the day after the purchase the car is stolen.
A drama centered on an orphaned Palestinian girl growing up in the wake of the first Arab-Israeli war who finds herself drawn into the conflict.
The Bubble
Tres jóvenes israelíes comparten apartamento en un barrio hippie de Tel-Aviv. Lulu es dependienta en una pequeña tienda, Yali es el encargado de un café de moda y Noam pasa sus fines de semana sirviendo en puntos de control de la Guardia Nacional. Los tres amigos tratan de vivir al margen de conflictos sociales y políticos, a menudo son acusados, por ello, de vivir en una burbuja. Todo se complica cuando Noam se enamora de Ashraf, un joven palestino.
Life begins to change for a family of five living in the middle of nowhere when water is illegally diverted onto their land
Hamza - Chasing the Ghost Chasing Me
After his recovery, middle-aged Hamza has continued a practice he began 20 years ago when he was freed from an Israeli prison: he goes into the woods every day to chase the lion that the locals don’t think exists. Hamza struggles to reach a peaceful place. Despite his wife’s pleadings and the villagers’ contempt, Hamza sits his baits and traps in the forest, hoping to defeat the mysterious threat. He finds refuge in his journey from social rejection and denial. In the woods, Hamza is free to act according to his beliefs, fighting his own battle to heal an open wound – the trauma of losing his childhood friend, and the horrific memories of torture and guilt.