Rick Prelinger
Nacimiento : 1953-01-01, USA
This year's LOST LANDSCAPES pictures the infrastructures, peoples and landscapes of California, centering on San Francisco’s everyday past and the futures we have tried to build. Casting an archival gaze on San Francisco and cities, towns and places throughout California where nature and culture meet, the film recalls moments in the history of our state's resources, the scars of settlement and its backbones: transportation, extraction, communication, travel and labor — all intersecting in a panoramic city/state symphony documenting the past and suggesting possible futures in an age of systemic uncertainty. This year's film (the 17th!) combines home movies, government-produced and industrial films, feature-film outtakes and many other surprises (including many newly discovered San Francisco historical images).
Archival Footage Research
The amazing story of how the Berkeley police department, the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands, an Academy Award winner and Mr. Spock from TV’s Star Trek are all connected by “Sudden Birth”, one of the most unintentionally hilarious and disturbing educational films ever created.
Compilation of archival film images of Detroit's people and places 1925-1976. Made to be shown to participatory audiences who identify locations, ask questions, and discuss the future of this great city.
A journey from the Atlantic to California made from a collection of 9,000 home movies, "No More Road Trips?" reveals hidden histories embedded in the landscape and seeks to blend the pleasures of travel with premonitions of its end.
This documentary short takes you inside the fascinating world of film preservation and restoration.
Archival Footage Coordinator
A dream walk through the United States of America; a meditation on the thoughts and ideals of its inhabitants, as they are exposed in their silent but eloquent home movies.
¿Qué tienen en común películas como Casablanca, El Padrino y West Side Story? Además de su popularidad, han sido consideradas “significativas desde un punto de vista cultural, histórico o estético” por la Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos y catalogadas en el Registro Nacional de Cinematografía, un listado de los tesoros del cine norteamericano que refleja la diversidad de las películas, y por lo tanto de la misma experiencia de Norteamérica. Cada año se añaden 25 películas al Registro. La lista actual de 525 películas incluye títulos de todas las categorías: documentales, clásicos de Hollywood, cine de vanguardia, cortos y cine mudo. El documental These Amazing Shadows es un detallado dossier de la rica y extensa filmografía estadounidense, no sólo desde un punto de vista cinéfilo, sino también cultural y humano.
Collage of sequences drawn from a wide variety of ephemeral (industrial, advertising, educational) films, touring the conflicted landscapes of twentieth-century America.
Collage of sequences drawn from a wide variety of ephemeral (industrial, advertising, educational) films, touring the conflicted landscapes of twentieth-century America.
This film covers the early history of post World War II educational films, especially those involving traffic safety by the Highway Safety Foundation under direction of Richard Wayman. In the name of promoting safe driving in teenagers, these films became notorious for their gory depiction of accidents to shock their audiences to make their point. The film also covers the role of safety films of this era, their effect on North American teenage culture, the struggle between idealism and lurid exploitation and how they reflected the larger society concerns of the time that adults projected onto their youth.
Rick Prelinger’s Lost Landscapes projects are evolving compendiums of footage from amateurs, industrials, and newsreels that present city-specific histories. This piece, created by Prelinger and alex cruse, brings us rare and rediscovered images of Oakland and the East Bay.