Lew Harvey

Lew Harvey

Nacimiento : 1887-10-06,

Muerte : 1953-12-19


Lew Harvey


El caso de Thelma Jordon
Reporter (Uncredited)
Una misteriosa mujer inicia un romance con el fiscal de distrito. Él intuye que ella le oculta algo, y sus sospechas se confirman con el hallazgo de un cadáver.
Man Reciting Lord's Prayer (uncredited)
La vida es dura en la granja de Mac Donald en Nueva Escocia y todavía resulta más difícil para Belinda, una joven sorda cuya desgracia se confunde con discapacidad mental. El nuevo médico de la ciudad muestra interés en ayudarla a salir de su silenciosa cárcel.
El retorno del forajido
Arkansas Kid
Con motivo de la creación del Estado de Oklahoma, se celebra una gran carrera de libre participación cuyo premio es la porción de tierra que el corredor consiga en las vastas praderas del territorio en juego. El ganadero y antiguo Marshal, Vance Cordell (Randolph Scott), participará en la carrera para lograr un buen terreno en la nueva ciudad de Guthrie, destinado al banco de su futuro suegro, John J. Pettit (George “Gabby” Hayes). Pero esta circunstancia será aprovechada por el forajido Bill Doolin (Robert Armstrong), quien piensa ir vaciando de uno en uno los pequeños bancos de los alrededores, rebosantes de dinero en metálico por el gran traslado. Para ello, Doolin reclutará a algunos de los forajidos más famosos de la historia: Sundance Kid (Robert Ryan), Billy the Kid (Dean White), los hermanos Dalton (Lex Barker, Walter Reed y Michael Harvey)... Secuela de "Badman's Territory" (1946)
Gambler (uncredited)
Johnny Farrell, un aventurero que vive de hacer trampas en el juego, recala en Buenos Aires. Allí le saca de un apuro un hombre llamado Ballin Mundson, propietario de un lujoso casino. El recién llegado termina convirtiéndose en el individuo de confianza de su anfitrión. Un día, su superior le presenta a su esposa, Gilda. Él reacciona con perplejidad, ya que ella lo convirtió en el ser amargado y cínico que es ahora.
Good Luck, Mr. Yates
A 4F military school teacher's lie about being accepted for active duty causes problems on the home front.
The Hard Way
Working Man at Theater (Uncredited)
La ambiciosa Helen Chernen (Ida Lupino) empuja a su joven hermana Katherine (Joan Leslie) a casarse con el frustrado artista de variedades Albert Runkel (Jack Carson) y, de esta forma, las dos mujeres pueden abandonar la sucia ciudad donde viven. El socio de Runkel, Paul Collins (Dennis Morgan), sin embargo, intuye el plan de Helen. Helen continúa conduciendo la carrera de su hermana y finalmente Katherine se convierte en una estrella de Broadway, mientras que las actuaciones de Runkel y Collins se tambalean. Pronto el éxito se le sube a la cabeza a Katherine y se convierte en una chica de vida fiestera. El tiempo pasa y Helen y Katherine se tropiezan con Paul, ahora el líder de una exitosa banda. Katherine y Paul se enamoran. Las dos hermanas tienen finalmente un enfrentamiento en el estreno del último espectáculo de Katherine, cuando ésta descubre que Helen también está enamorada de Paul.
Gentleman Jim
Reporter (uncredited)
Biografía del campeón de boxeo James J. Corbett. Conocido como 'Gentleman Jim', Corbett se convirtió en el primer campeón del mundo de los pesos pesados en 1892, cuando derrotó a John L. Sullivan, tras la entrada en vigor de las llamadas reglas de Queensberry, que exigían la utilización de unos guantes hinchados para proteger los nudillos, un cuadrilátero con unas medidas determinadas y establecían la duración del combate... En Estados Unidos obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Wild Bill Hickok Rides
The Western hero takes on a ruthless land baron whose henchmen killed his best friend.
Quiero a este hombre
Candy Johnson es un estafador y timador de lengua viperina. Candy Johnson prospera hasta ser el jefe mafioso de Yellow Creek, pero el padre alcohólico de su esposa tratará de poner las cosas en su sitio.
Billy el niño
The Duke (uncredited)
Durante un tiempo, Billy el Niño vivió pacificamente trabajando en el rancho de un civilizado y generoso colono inglés, partidario de mantener la ley y el orden sin necesidad de recurrir a la violencia. Pero, cuando el ranchero es asesinado por los pistoleros del cacique del pueblo, Billy decide vengarlo.
Ciudadano Kane
Newspaperman (uncredited)
Un importante financiero estadounidense, Charles Foster Kane, dueño de una importante cadena de periódicos, de una red de emisoras, de dos sindicatos y de una inimaginable colección de obras de arte, muere en su fabuloso castillo de estilo oriental, Xanadú. La última palabra que pronuncia al expirar es Rosebud. El país entero y la prensa en general quedan intrigados por saber el significado de esta palabra. Para descubrirlo, un grupo de periodistas se pone a investigar.
Los hermanos Marx en el oeste
Card Player
Los hermanos Marx se dirigen al Oeste a hacer fortuna. Allí adquieren una propiedad de una mina sin valor pero cuyo terreno es muy codiciado por una compañía de ferrocarriles... Otra divertidísima comedia de los hermanos Marx con inolvidables gags entre los que destaca la delirante escena inicial del timo mutuo en la estación.
Junior G-Men
Woods - Farraday's Pilot
A gang of urban street kids and a club of suburban would-be federal agents, at first rivals, join forces to rescue the father of one of the kids, the inventor of a super-explosive and its remote detonator, from the clutches of a band of foreign subversives call the "Flaming Torch Gang". A 12-episode movie serial with the chapters: •1. Enemies Within •2. The Blast of Doom •3. Human Dynamite •4. Blazing Danger •5. Trapped By Traitors •6. Traitors' Treachery •7. Flaming Death •8. Hurled Through Space •9. The Plunge of Peril •10.The Toll of Treason •11.Descending Doom •12.The Power of Patriotism
Baila, muchacha, baila
Reporter at Taxi (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien forma parte de un grupo de baile y aspira a dedicarse al ballet clásico. Bubbles, compañera suya deja el grupo para centrarse en la comedia. Cuando el grupo se deshace, Bubbles le ofrece a Judy un ingrato trabajo: ser la telonera de su espectáculo.
City of Chance
Texas girl goes to New York, becomes a newspaper reporter, and tries to get her gambler boyfriend to come home.
Barreras invisibles
Betting Room Door Guard (uncredited)
Cliff Taylor es un exconvicto que intenta llevar una vida normal, pero desde que salió de la cárcel en libertad condicional, su pasado criminal le impide encontrar y mantener un cualquier trabajo. Sin embargo, lo peor es que Tim, su hermano menor, siguiendo sus pasos, se une a la banda de Charles Martin
La pequeña rebelión
Settler at McDowell's Mill
James Smith es un cazador de indios famoso en todo el territorio de Pennsylvania. Un día, merodeando por la frontera, descubre que los traficantes ingleses suministran armas a los indios, camuflándolas en los convoyes militares. Smith se propondrá entonces tomarse la justicia por su mano. Él y sus hombres, disfrazado de indios, interceptarán uno tras otro todos los convoyes.
Los violentos años veinte
3rd Ex-Con (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
Dust Be My Destiny
Truckman (uncredited)
Embittered after serving time for a burglary he did not commit, Joe Bell is soon back in jail, on a prison farm. His love for the foreman's daughter leads to a fight between them, leading to the older man's death due to a weak heart. Joe and Mabel go on the run as he thinks no-one would believe a nobody like him.
El chico de Oklahoma
La banda de McCord (Bogart) roba el dinero que lleva la diligencia para pagar a los indios por la compra de sus tierras, pero el proscrito Jim Kincaid (Cagney), alias "el chico de Oklahoma", roba a su vez a McCord el dinero. Más tarde, McCord se hace con el control de los salones de juego en la nueva ciudad. Cuando el padre de Kincaid decide presentarse a la elecciones para la alcaldía de la nueva ciudad, McCord incita a multitud para lincharlo, ya que sabe que si gana su negocio se vendría abajo.
Blackwell's Island
Guard (uncredited)
A reporter gets himself sent to prison to expose a mobster.
El rey del hampa
Chic - a Gangster (uncredited)
Una médico está bajo el punto de mira de la policía tras la muerte de su marido, un médico que conseguía dinero fácil atendiendo a criminales sin denunciarlos. Tendrá que probar su inocencia o perderá su licencia para ejercer la medicina.
Girls on Probation
Cab Driver
A dizzy young girl falls into crime but wins her lawyer's heart.
Garden of the Moon
Mr. Brown - Fulton's Henchman (uncredited)
Don Vincente is determined to make a success of himself and his band. He gets his break by performing at the Garden of the Moon, which is broadcast over the radio. The problem is that John Quinn is the club's ruthless, scheming manager who will do anything to keep Vincente under his thumb. John's assistant, Toni Blake, falls for Vincente, complicating the escalating war.
Racket Busters
Truck Driver (uncredited)
A trucker with a pregnant wife fights a New York mobster's protection racket.
One Mile From Heaven
A female journalist travels to a new neighborhood after getting a (false) lead and is surprised by what she finds.
The Great Hospital Mystery
A nurse's brother who's pursued by the mob, hides out in a hospital by pretending to be a patient.
La mujer marcada
2nd Court Clerk (uncredited)
El mafioso Johnny Vanning dirige un ostentoso club nocturno de Nueva York en el que explota a sus chicas y las tiene atemorizadas. Mary incita a un juerguista a ganar más dinero del que tiene y, cuando no puede pagar, le matan. El fiscal del distrito, David Graham, convencido de que el caso está ganado, lleva a Vanning a juicio.
36 Hours to Kill
Gangster Driving Truck
Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended
Balas o votos
Gangster Muscling in on Lee (uncredited)
Con la pandilla de Al Kruger a la cabeza, los gángsters de Nueva York prosperan gracias a una administración débil que ha enviado al duro policía Johnny Blake (Edward G. Robinson) a un barrio de las afueras. Los cerebros de la banda son un triunvirato de banqueros cuyas influencias políticas, financieras y sociales permiten la existencia de los gángsters. Cuando Bryan, un editor que hace campaña contra ellos, aparece asesinado, un gran jurado designa al capitán Dan McLaren para que acabe con los malhechores. McLaren expulsa, aparentemente, a Blake del cuerpo de policía y éste, enfadado, se une a la banda como mano derecha de Kruger. Nick Fenner (Humphrey Bogart), el ayudante y asesino de Bryan, sospecha de Blake y desconfía de la presencia del ex policía en la banda.
Robin Hood of El Dorado
Bill Young
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
Frisco Kid
Card Dealer (uncredited)
En plena fiebre del oro en San Francisco, un hombre llamado Bat Morgan acaba con la vida de un criminal que atemorizaba a toda la región. Gracias a su acción comienza a ganar importantes cuotas de poder dentro, aunque lo que verdaderamente le interesa es el amor por la joven Jean.
Little Big Shot
Kell's Henchman
A con man and his partner inherit a dead gangster's precocious daughter.
Here Comes the Band
Simmons' Burly (uncredited)
In this musical, a songwriter goes to court to claim the rights to his song that was stolen by an unscrupulous music publisher. He brings his girlfriend with him. Also going to court are the Jubilee singers, hillbillies, and some cowboys and Indians who demonstrate that the composer wrote his song by rearranging four folk tunes. He wins his song back and $50,000 in damages. Songs include: "Heading Home," "Roll Along Prairie Moon," "Tender Is the Night," "You're My Thrill," "I'm Bound for Heaven," and "The Army Band."
No más mujeres
Cascade Club Second Bartender (uncredited)
Una mujer de la alta sociedad trata de reformar a su marido, un playboy, tratando de ponerle celoso.
Mary Jane's Pa
Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.
The Gay Bride
Local Gangster (uncredited)
Mary wants to marry a gangster because that is where the money is. Unfortunately, the life expectancy and finances of a gangster are unstable.
El enemigo público número 1
Craps Dealer (uncredited)
Dos niños que han perdido a sus familias en un accidente son adoptados por el mismo padre. Sin embargo, el destino los llevará por caminos muy distintos y hará que se enamoren de la misma mujer.
Dark Hazard
Mr. Stein's Assistant
Jim is a compulsive gambler. He meets Marge at a boarding house and they get married. His gambling causes problems. When he runs into old flame Valerie Marge leaves him. After a few years he returns, but she is now in love with old flame Pres. Jim buys racing dog Dark Hazard and makes a fortune which he loses on roulette.
Man Trying to Pick Up Alison (Uncredited)
Alison Drake (Ruth Chatterton) administra una empresa de automóviles y mantiene una buena relación con sus empleados, en especial con los hombres, con los que suele tener fugaces relaciones sexuales. Un día, llega a su empresa el ingeniero Jim Thorne, un hombre independiente por el que se siente atraída.
A Successful Calamity
Photographer at Train (uncredited)
Henry Wilton is an elderly millionaire saddled with his selfish young second wife Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton and a pair of spoiled grown children, Peggy and Eddie. To test his family's mettle, Henry pretends to have gone broke. Just as he suspected they would, his children rally to their father's side and change their ways: Peggy forsakes the fortune hunter George Struthers for the nice young man she's really in love with, the polo coach Larry Rivers, while Eddie applies for a demanding job and performs admirably. Only Sweetie seems to desert Henry.
Grata compañía
A New York gossip columnist feuds with a singer and enjoys the power of the press.
The Mouthpiece
One of J.B.'s Henchmen (Uncredited)
Tras la ejecución de un inocente, un joven fiscal deja su cargo y se hace abogado defensor. Se hace rico y poderoso defendiendo mafiosos, pero pronto verá el error de esta decisión.
Side Show
A circus side show performer tries to discourage her younger sister from following in her footsteps.
Gente viva
Driver (uncredited)
Un botones estafador y su novia camarera están establecidos en un hotel.
El dedo acusador
Henchman in 'Number One's' Office (uncredited)
La historia está basada en el auténtico asesinato de un periodista del Chicago Tribune a manos de los sicarios de Al Capone, cuando éste descubrió que le traicionaba. Aquí la cosa se adorna con la biografía de dicho personaje, un humilde muchacho del Sur que vio la oportunidad de avanzar en la gran ciudad como periodista. Para ganar más dinero acepta un trato con un capo mafioso llamado Louis Blanco (Clark Gable) para manipular la información.
Man Trouble
A hard-boiled nightclub owner saves a beautiful young girl from drowning. He promptly falls in love with her, but she prefers a younger, more-genteel lover.
Sweet Mama
A young girl falls in love with a member of a gang of crooks. She determines to bring the rest of the gang to justice so she can save the man she loves.
Big Boy
Doc Wilbur
Gus, the trusty family retainer, has hopes of riding his boss' horse, Big Boy, to victory at the Kentucky Derby.
Su éxito
Actor in Scene
La cantante (Alice White) de un club nocturno de Nueva York es descubierta por un productor de cine y es llevada a Hollywood para convertirla en la siguiente gran estrella cinematográfica.
Hold Everything
Dan Larkin
A man is mistaken for a champion fighter.
Broadway Babies
Joe - One of the Poker Players
Una muchacha quiere ser artista al tiempo que ha decidir entre dos amores.
Frozen River
Canine star Rin Tin Tin makes his all-talking (all-barking?) debut in Warner Bros.' Frozen River. In characteristic fashion, Rinty braves the elements to rescue heroine Jane from the villains, a gang of cutthroats and thieves.
The Greyhound Limited
The Rat
A train engineer and his fireman are best friends until the engineer breaks up a romance between his pal and a trampy girl he knows is no good for him, which also breaks up their friendship.
Horseman of the Plains
Flash Evan
Tom Mix plays a cowboy coming to the aid of a rancher who's on the verge of foreclosure. Falling in love with Sally Blane, the rancher's pretty daughter, our hero vows to win an important cross-country race.
Finger Prints
Secret Service Man
A gang of inept crooks and even more inept lawmen search for a cache of hidden money.
El jazz-Band del Follies
Will Rogers
Maggie es la primera actriz cómica del Follies, que anhela el tipo de relaciones románticas de sus más agraciadas compañeras de trabajo. Maggie, a resultas de caer en el tambor del batería de la orquesta, Al Cassidy, se enamora de éste. Se casan y tienen un hijo. Pero Selma Larson, una de las más guapas estrellas del Follies, se entrometerá en el matrimonio con el único fin de perjudicar a Maggie, ya que está celosa de ella por el éxito cómico de sus números...
Ranger of the Big Pines
Joe Gregg
A college graduate returns West after ten years in the East to her home in Sulfur Springs. Virginia's mother, the owner of a rooming house has turned hard and uncaring in her absence and the girl finds comfort in her friendship with Ross Cavanagh, a forest ranger. The latter runs afoul of cattle baron Sam Gregg, who resents a new tax on cattle grazing on government land.
Eve's Lover
The Agitator
Austin Starfield has his greedy eye on a steel mill belonging to Eve Burnside. He persuades an impoverished count, Leon Molnar to marry Eve so he can then gain control of her fortune.
Lady of the Night
Molly's Father Chris Helmer
The story of two baby girls, born near in proximity, but worlds apart in life: Molly Helmer, the daughter of a thief, and Florence Banning, the daughter of the judge who would send Molly's father to prison. The girls' lives come together as young women at eighteen as Florence leaves the security of the exclusive Girls Select School, and Molly, now orphaned, begins her life free from reform school.
The Lighthouse by the Sea
Shifty Eye
A lighthouse keeper and his daughter are in trouble on two fronts--if the authorities find out he is going blind they will remove him, and a gang of liquor-smugglers is trying to destroy the lighthouse so they can land their illegal cargo on shore without being spotted.
Find Your Man
Paul Andrews returns from the World War with Buddy, a dog he found in Europe. Instead of getting a warm welcome, he finds his sweetheart, Caroline Blair, missing.
The Half Breed
The Snake
Delmar Spavinaw, an educated "half-breed," loves Evelyn Huntington, daughter of a racist judge. Evelyn's other suitor is Ross Kennion, a widower with one child, and owner of a vast tract of land which Spavinaw insists belongs to his Indian mother. Spavinaw seeks revenge when Judge Huntington decides to evict the squaw. Assisted by Juan Del Rey, a cattle rustler, Spavinaw steals the title to the land, wounds Kennion, stages a raid on the judge's cattle, and attempts to kidnap Kennion's son and Evelyn. The arrival of the sheriff forces him into flight across the border without his hostages. En route he meets Doll Pardeau, a school friend of Evelyn's, and together they ride for the Mexican border. Caught between a cattle stampede and a sheriff's posse, the couple catch a passing freight train, leaving calamity behind as the train slowly passes.
Heap Big Chief
Harold and Snub, camping in the wilds, prove too much for the Indians that take them captive.
At the Old Stage Door
Our hero visits the opera, is mistaken for the manager and is treated like royalty until the deception is uncovered.
The Marathon
Boy trying to impress girl, gets chased by her father and the police right into an ongoing marathon.
Before Breakfast
A young man's dreams are shaken by his father's insistence that he get a job and go to work. He becomes a waiter in a restaurant, and has some funny adventures.
Si, Senor
Our hero is a barber in a small Mexican town, wooing a local senorita, against the wishes of her mother.
Crack Your Heels
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Young Mr. Jazz
Harold y su novia huyen del padre de ésta, pero su coche se avería frente a un salón de baile dirigido por ladrones. Los chicos se ocultan en el local y, a partir de ese momento, Harold no sólo tiene que estar un paso por delante del padre de su novia, sino también de los que tratan de robarles todo lo que tienen.
Next Aisle Over
A salesman takes a job at a department store to impress a girl and winds up stopping a kidnapping.
The Dutiful Dub
Harold is a henpecked husband who suddenly makes a change of front and asserts himself, much to his wife's astonishment.
Look Out Below
A story of a love sick youth and a pretty maiden and their adventure, which includes riding around on pieces of steel to the top of a skyscraper overlooking the Los Angeles streets.
I'm on My Way
Harold Lloyd's character loves Bebe Daniels' character and is about to marry her. But then he meets the clan of Snub Pollard where it's a riot all the time.
Take a Chance
It's a classic boy-meets-girl story, boy-loses-girl, boy gets mistaken for an escaped convict and ruthlessly chased by armies of cops across the countryside in a thrill-packed stunt-addled climax.
Bride and Gloom
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
An Ozark Romance
Harold visits the Ozarks, where he has some funny experiences with a mountain girl and her eccentric family.
Hey There
In this early short Harold Lloyd sneaks into a movie studio in order to locate an attractive young lady he's just met at a snack bar. He's retrieved a letter she dropped and wants to return it to her, but it's pretty clear that his interest extends beyond mere politeness. (She's the adorable young Bebe Daniels, so this is easy to understand.) The movie studio setting provides Harold with lots of opportunities to do what comedians do in comedies like this one: flirt with actresses, anger the studio brass, and dash through sets disrupting everything.
Pipe the Whiskers
Our hero is a janitor in a old age rest home who actually runs the place.
Let's Go
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Look Pleasant, Please
A photo studio operator seems only interested in flirting with women. Hilarity ensues.
Hit Him Again
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.