Dado Jehan

Dado Jehan


Dado Jehan


Men Don't Cry
The armed conflicts of the 1990s not only visibly destroyed the land of the former Yugoslavia, but also left the deepest wounds in the memory of each of its belligerent nations. There are as many different interpretations of that bleak past as there are countries affected. It is therefore hard to expect absolute harmony when, less than two decades since the war ended, a diverse group of veterans gathers at a remote mountain hotel for a therapy session over several days. On the contrary, such a dangerously volatile situation can suddenly ignite by just one thoughtless word, or a seemingly dirty look. That’s because the former soldiers, obstinately holding on to their fundamental masculinity and their prejudices, refusing to expose the inhumanity of the atrocities perpetrated. However, this quietness is just about to be broken and hidden emotions are to be faced.
En el camino
Music Director
Luna y Amar son una joven pareja muy unida que intenta superar los obstáculos que surgen en su relación: el alcoholismo de él, la obsesión de ella por ser madre, las dificultades económicas y dos maneras distintas de entender la religión. Tras ser despedido del trabajo por su adicción a la bebida, Amar acepta un trabajo en una comunidad musulmana fundamentalista, bastante alejada de Sarajevo. Pasado cierto tiempo, Luna consigue ir a visitarlo y descubre, en medio de un paraje idílico, un mundo desconocido y lleno de rituales, donde hombres y mujeres viven completamente separados. Le ruega a Amar que vuelva a casa, pero él se opone porque en ese ambiente ha encontrado la paz y ha logrado superar su afición a la bebida.
Breaking and Entering
Bingo Caller / Musician
En Londres, Will (Jude Law) y su amigo Sandy (Martin Freeman) administran una floreciente empresa de paisajismo que recientemente se ha mudado a King’s Cross, el centro de la más ambiciosa regeneración urbana de Europa. La empresa sufre reiterados robos por parte de una banda de ladrones local. Will, harto de esta situación, persigue a uno de ellos hasta el apartamento que comparte con su madre Amira (Juliette Binoche), una refugiada bosnia. Por otra parte, Will vive con su bella novia Liv (Robin Wright Penn), que está permanentemente preocupada por Bea (Poppy Rogers), su problemática hija de 13 años. Inesperadamente, Will se hace amigo de Amira, pero su amistad toma un giro inesperado...
El detonador
Un agente secreto de la C.I.A., Sonni Griffith (Wesley Snipes), viaja en solitario a Polonia para descubrir a un traficante de armas e impedir la venta de un arma nuclear. Cuando el traficante se entera de la verdadera identidad de Griffith, éste acaba en la cárcel, pero es liberado en seguida por la C.I.A. para ocuparse de una nueva misión: escoltar a una mujer rusa... (FILMAFFINITY)
Sitting Ducks
Set in the Winter of 2002, at the height of British media hysteria over the massive influx of asylum seekers into the country. Sitting Ducks is a comedy about a slightly naïve group of Romany Gypsies who come to London to escape the discrimination they suffered in former Yugoslavia. Through a twist of fate they find themselves in the smart house of a television executive and his ambitious wife. Events spiral out of control when an ambitious Tory politician gets involved.
Beautiful People
In London, during October 1993, England is playing Holland in the preliminaries of the World Cup. The Bosnian War is at its height, and refugees from the ex-Yugoslavia are arriving. Football rivals, and political adversaries from the Balkans all precipitate conflict and amusing situations. Meanwhile, the lives of four English families are affected in different ways by encounter with the refugees.