Ron Harper

Ron Harper

Nacimiento : 1936-01-12, Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, USA


Ron Harper


A Twilight Zone-inspired cautionary tale about a young mother forced to come face-to-face with her deepest desire.
Reverend Whitting
Johnny is a high-powered executive who is definitely not looking to fall in love but a business conference takes her to wine country she meets a handsome widower Andrew who invites Johnny to meet his family after she loses her job. In helping his parents' winery she begins to fall in love with him and his family but when she gets offered another job she has to chose between her career or Andrew
Recuerdos perversos
Mike Moakes
En los años 90 un asesino en serie aterrorizó la Ciudad de Nueva York, dejando una masacre tras de sí. Años más tarde, la policía halló cientos de cintas de video en una casa abandonada, siendo la prueba de asesinatos, torturas, violaciones de un único asesino. Esta es una compilación de las cintas.
Trampa de cristal
Henry 'Hank' Conlon
Cuando un nutrido ejército de terroríficas y voraces hormigas radiactivas acaba adueñándose del interior de un rascacielos, un grupo de supervivientes ha de hallar la manera de colaborar entre sí y tratar de evitar que sean devorados uno a uno por los insectos.El tiempo corre, la gente va muriendo, y nadie sabe muy bien cómo escapar de ese rascacielos que, de pronto, se ha convertido en una trampa mortal de la que no parece haber escapatoria. ¿Conseguirá salir alguien con vida de ella, finalmente?
Pearl Harbor
Rafe y Danny crecieron juntos en una zona rural estadounidense y su amistad se ha prolongado a lo largo de los años hasta las filas del ejercito del aire, donde los dos son pilotos de combate. Rafe encontró en Evelyn, una valiente enfermera, al amor de su vida, pero pronto es llamado a servir en la fuerza aérea británica para combatir a los nazis como representante del ejército estadounidense. Mientras tanto, Danny y Evelyn son enviados a la base aérea de Pearl Harbor en Hawai. Una vez allí, ambos se enamoran mientras Rafe es derribado en combate. Para sorpresa de ambos, Rafe sobrevive y regresa a Pearl Harbor pero todo se complica cuando se produce un mortal bombardeo por parte del ejercito japonés.
La extraña pareja, otra vez
Los incompatibles excompañeros de piso Felix Ungar y Oscar Madison se reúnen después de muchos años para descubrir que el paso del tiempo no les ayuda a llevarse mejor. La boda del hijo de Felix con la hija de Oscar será un nuevo motivo de disputa permanente entre ellos.
Below Utopia
Jack Beckett
Daniel returns to his family's mansion for the holidays along with his girlfriend Susanne. His family's seemingly-utopian existence is overshadowed by not only the death of Daniel's brother, but also by Daniel's failure to live up to his brother's potential. However, this quickly becomes inconsequential, as blood-thirsty killers soon show up..
Head of CIA
Un grupo terrorista amenaza con volar la mitad de las reservas petrolíferas del mundo, si Israel no abandona los territorios ocupados. La CIA envía a su mejor agente, El soldado, para averiguar si Rusia tiene algo que ver en todo ésto.
Farewell to the Planet of the Apes
Alan Virdon
When the astronauts Burke and Virdon, with their chimp companion Galen, are captured in a fishing village that employs human slave labor, they must prove their worth as fishermen or be sacrificed to the 'gods of the sea,' or what the men call sharks. Escaping from the forced labor camp, the trio become involved in a plot to develop a glider to drop a fragmentation bomb on the gorilla council. [The fifth of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Tomorrow's Tide" and "Up Above the World So High"]
Life, Liberty and Pursuit on the Planet of the Apes
Alan Virdon
When fugitive human astronaut Virdon is shot, his chimp companion Galen must charm an old flame into accepting that a book on human surgery is no hoax. Meanwhile, their friend Burke is captured by the ape authorities and is to be brainwashed by a brilliant ape scientist named Wanda. [The fourth of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "The Surgeon" and "The Interrogation"]
Treachery and Greed on the Planet of the Apes
Alan Virdon
The fugitives Burke, Virdon and Galen try to save the life of a human blacksmith and his son, whome gorilla leader Urko has threatened with death should his horse lose another race. The trio also attempt to expose a crooked gorilla by framing him in a plot to kill Urko. [The third of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "The Horse Race" and "The Tyrant"]
The Forgotten City of the Planet of the Apes
Alan Virdon
Human astronauts Burke and Virdon, with their chimp companion Galen, are forced to become involved in the strange gladiatorial games of the district run by prefect Tolar. The trio escape the gorilla police and find an abandoned government research project with a computer containing a vast amount of recording information about the old human-ruled world. [The second of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "The Gladiators" and "The Legacy"]
Back to the Planet of the Apes
Alan Virdon
Astronauts Pete Burke and Allan Virdon crash on Earth in the far future and are captured by the apes. The men befriend a chimp named Galen who helps them to escape. In the hopes of finding a way to get back to their own time, the astronauts search for a computer in an eathquake-threatened city, with which they will be able to access their flight records. [The first of five telefilms edited from episodes of the 1974 TV series; this film combines the episodes "Escape from Tomorrow" and "The Trap"]
Temporada salvaje
Steve Blaine
"Patterns" was an American television play broadcast live on January 12, 1955, remade as a film the next year with some of the same cast. Fred Staples is the newest executive in a large firm. He strikes up a friendship with Andy Sloane, the Vice President to whom he nominally reports. Staples is good at his job and the company's hard-nosed president, Walter Ramsey, is pleased with his choice. Staples has a crisis of conscience when Ramsey tells him that he's been recruited to replace Sloane, someone who has devoted his entire life to the company at the expense of his family. Sloane knows what Ramsey is up to but digs in his heels and refuses to quit. Tragedy ensues forcing Staples to make a choice.