Cristian Nemescu's comedy unfolds against the backdrop of the Kosovo War, 1999. A NATO train rolls through a Romanian hamlet, transporting a plethora of weapons across the country -- without official documents, and equipped only with the verbal consent of the Romanian authorities. The transport thus grows intensely vulnerable.
Young Buck
Adaptación televisiva de las macabras andanzas del diabólico barbero de la calle Fleet. Además de estudiar los motivos que lo llevaron al crimen, analiza también la tormentosa infancia de un alma torturada.
When an old house in a small town is razed to make way for a shopping mall, the crew unearths four unmarked graves. A professor from a nearby university is asked to find out who the bodies are, but when she and her students arrive in town and begin to ask questions, they discover that no one wants to talk to them or help them in any way.