A "documentary film crew" captures history unfolding, as a disgraced, but kind-hearted fertility specialist, Dr. William Han, tries to restart his career, embarking on a breakthrough medical trial in which four women will give birth to kittens!!!
Cuando se les da la oportunidad de un nuevo comienzo, un joven afligido y su hermanastro, deben enfrentarse a un jefe de la mafia local y tal vez a algo aún más peligroso: su pasado.
TV Voice
Casi adultos es una historia de amor platónico acerca de la larga vida de dos mejores amigas que luchan por mantener su amistad juntas al ver como sus vidas se dirigen en direcciones diferentes.
After losing his Kate, his high school sweetheart, in a horrific house fire Josh Higgins' life tumbles into a depressing mix of insomnia and poor choices. After taking seemingly harmless sleeping pill, Josh is thrusted from his current banal existence to one that he had lost years earlier. As the walls of his own psychosis slowly start to close in around him, Josh must race to save himself, Kate and the parallel life that he vows can never again become...lost.