Doc Martin, one of UK's iconic TV characters, hangs up his stethoscope for the final time as the long-running titular series comes to an end. This one-hour retrospective spotlights the longevity and impact locally and around the world of Doc Martin over the years, as well as offering behind the scenes of the final season with the cast and crew. From scripting and pre-production to shooting and delivery, meet the regular characters that live and work in the picturesque Cornish town of Portwenn, the key crew behind the camera, the residents of Port Isaac, the show's real-life setting, and the visitors who come solely because Doc Martin films there.
Production Design
Doctor Bamford has had enough of village life and is desperate for some distance from inquisitive Cornish neighbours. When the local estate agent shows him Tregunnt Farm # derelict and miles from anywhere # it's love at first sight. But the Bowden family from London also have their eye on the property with a view to developing the surrounding land into ugly holiday cottages. After being gazumped, the Doc decides to try and spook the family into leaving by pretending to be the Beast of Bodmin.
Production Design
Doc Martin cuenta la historia del personaje de Martin Clunes en la película, en los meses previos a la historia de Saving Grace. Martin Bamford es un obstetra de Londres con el corazón roto, en un ataque de celos después de descubrir que su esposa ha estado durmiendo con tres de sus amigos. Se escapa a un pequeño pueblo de pescadores de Cornualles, al que sorprendentemente apega, y es extremadamente reacio a regresar con su esposa infiel cuando viene a recogerlo. Aunque solo ha estado buscando una semana de R & R, el Dr. Bamford se topa con una red de secretos en el pueblo de Port Isaac y se ve envuelto en el escándalo más emocionante que la aldea ha visto durante siglos.
Production Designer
A bittersweet drama about a street party held in a suburban London square to mark the 1981 Royal Wedding. After two years of the Thatcher administration there is recession and unrest, but the economic boom is just around the corner. Meanwhile, there's the fairytale wedding of Charles and Diana to celebrate.
Production Design
Este fil recrea las primeras 36 horas del conflicto de las malvinas en 1982 , filamdo en los lugares donde sucedieron los hechos y con la participacion de extas locales , confusion ,coraje de un pueblo poco preparado par ala contienda.