Daylight Robbery (1986)
ジャンル : ドラマ, テレビ映画
上映時間 : 55分
演出 : Chris Goddard
Neglected by her family, kept apart from her grandchildren, desperately short of money, Bea begins to gamble - at first for small stakes, but ultimately for the highest stake of all: revenge for the past.
It is the story of an average, popular American teenager named Wendy Wu who discovers that in order to win the coveted crown she must first learn the way of the warrior. Wendy Wu has a one track mind, and that track leads directly to the title of homecoming queen -- no unscheduled stops, and no unnecessary detours. When a mysterious Chinese monk named Shen arrives to mold Wendy into a fearless kung fu warrior, however, her royal aspirations suddenly jump the track as she desperately attempts to juggle her boyfriend, her homework, and of course, the fierce competition to become homecoming queen. Now, as Wendy begins to train her mind, body, and spirit in the ancient tradition of the martial arts and her inner warrior gradually begins to emerge, the girl who once obsessed over popularity finally begins to put that popularity into perspective as she gradually realizes what truly matters in life.
ピエール・ブール原作のSF映画の金字塔「猿の惑星」を基に、その起源となる人類文明崩壊への道のりを明らかにしていくSFアクション大作。 アメリカ、サンフランシスコ。製薬会社の研究所でアルツハイマー治療の研究をする神経科学者、ウィル・ロッドマンは、開発中の新薬を投与したチンパンジーの知能が驚異的に発達したことを確認し、その成果を発表する。しかし、そのチンパンジーは突然暴れ出し警備員によって射殺されてしまう。事態を重く見た所長によってプロジェクトは中止を余儀なくされるが、射殺されたチンパンジーは妊娠中だったことから、ウィルは生まれたばかりの赤ん坊を秘かに引き取るとシーザーと名付け、自ら育てることに。そして、次第にウィルとシーザーのあいだに人間の親子のような絆が芽生えていく。その一方で、シーザーは並外れた知性を発揮し始めていく。ところが、すっかり成長したシーザーはある日、ウィルの父を助けようとして隣人とトラブルを起こしてしまう。それが原因でウィルと引き離され、類人猿保護施設の檻の中で屈辱と絶望の日々を送ることになるシーザーだったが…。
Rachel is a girl, adopted by an upper middle class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in Sao Paulo to become a call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decided to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer she adopted the name "Surfistinha" which means little surfer girl.
In an alternate universe where twinned worlds have opposite gravities, a young man battles interplanetary prejudice and the laws of physics in his quest to reunite with the long-lost girl of his dreams in this visually stunning romantic adventure that poses the question: what if love was stronger than gravity?
マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロードのトム・ハーディ主演によるアクションドラマ。名選手として知られた父をトレーナーにし、格闘大会に挑むトミー。彼は、家族を守るために格闘家として復帰した生き別れの兄・ブレンダンとリングで再会する。
Story of two young people who belong to different worlds. It is the chronicle of a love improbable, almost impossible but inevitable dragging in a frantic journey they discover the first great love. Babi is a girl from upper-middle class that is educated in goodness and innocence . Hache is a rebellious boy, impulsive, unconscious, has a appetite for risk and danger embodied in endless fights and illegal motorbike races, the limit of common sense
The Florida Keys in 1840, where the implacable hurricanes of the Caribbean scream, where the salvagers of Key West, like the intrepid and beautiful Loxi Claiborne and her crew, reap, aboard frail schooners, the harvest of the wild wind, facing the shark teeth of the reefs to rescue the sailors and the cargo from the shipwrecks caused by the scavengers of the sea.
Geeky 14-year old Ethan is left to babysit his younger sister, Jane, with his best friend Benny but after Ethan inadvertently puts Jane in harm's way, his parents hire a professional babysitter, the beautiful yet mysterious 17-year-old Sarah who, unbeknownst to them, is actually a fledgling vampire.
After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself.
Fourteen-year–old Megan and her best friend Amy spend a lot of time on the internet, posting videos of themselves and chatting with guys online. One night Megan chats with a guy named Josh who convinces her to meet him for a date. The next day, Megan is missing—forever. Based on actual cases of child abduction.
After five disparate high school students meet in detention, they realize they have more in common than they think and form a band that becomes a champion for students sidelined by the high school elite.
Sex, politics and American culture are mixed into a combustible combination in Now & Later. Angela is an illegal Latina immigrant living in Los Angeles who stumbles across Bill, a disgraced banker on the run. She takes him in. Through passionate sex, soul-searching conversations ranging from politics to philosophy, and other worldly pleasures, Angela introduces Bill to another worldview. As their affair heats up, the course of Bill's life begins to take an abrupt and unexpected turn.
Javier se ha casado con María, el amor de su vida, y ahora lo único que desea es estar feliz con ella el resto de su vida, pero el destino se la quita poco después de la boda. Ahora Javier está enredado en sus emociones: ¿cómo aceptará la muerte de su mujer para encontrar nuevamente el amor?