
Ma, (2022)

Can a phone call validate a lost feeling?

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 16分

演出 : Miguel Legaspi


Troubles from the past resurfaces as a disowned son receives a distress call from his sister forcing him to decide on the fate of their ill mother through a phone call.


Robert Joshua San Luis
Robert Joshua San Luis
Victoria Mina
Victoria Mina
Ivan Orville
Ivan Orville
Precious Mendoza
Precious Mendoza


Miguel Legaspi
Miguel Legaspi
Miguel Legaspi
Miguel Legaspi
Ang Tikatik
Ang Tikatik
Darlene Ballano
Darlene Ballano
Camille Santos
Camille Santos
Production Manager
Kristine Laguardia
Kristine Laguardia
Assistant Director
Elyandre Dagli
Elyandre Dagli
Director of Photography
Roy Ocampo
Roy Ocampo
Assistant Camera
Takuya Morita
Takuya Morita
Production Design
Chelsea Garcia
Chelsea Garcia
Production Assistant
Millaine Matinong
Millaine Matinong
Production Assistant
Miguel Legaspi
Miguel Legaspi
Elyandre Dagli
Elyandre Dagli
Albert Ibay
Albert Ibay
Darlene Ballano
Darlene Ballano
Makeup & Hair
Ang Tikatik
Ang Tikatik
BTS Photographer
Shek Blanza
Shek Blanza
BTS Photographer
Andrea Alarcon
Andrea Alarcon
Graphic Designer
Hannah Alarcon
Hannah Alarcon
Graphic Designer
Nicolette Rico
Nicolette Rico
Graphic Designer
Miguel Legaspi
Miguel Legaspi
Graphic Designer
Kristine Laguardia
Kristine Laguardia
Graphic Designer
Yvonne Solon
Yvonne Solon
Ricky Pineda
Ricky Pineda
Associate Producer
Rob Isles
Rob Isles
Associate Producer
Noah Del Rosario
Noah Del Rosario
Associate Producer
Reagan Decena
Reagan Decena
Associate Producer
Arthur Thee Illustrator
Arthur Thee Illustrator
Associate Producer


Live and Become
In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews and are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy.
Kebab Connection
In Hamburg, Ibrahim "Ibo" Secmez, of Turkish descent, wants to direct the first German kung-fu movie. For now, he makes commercials for his uncle's kebab restaurant. Titzie, an aspiring actress and Ibo's German girlfriend, finds she's pregnant. Ibo is uncertain about fatherhood - compounded by his father's disowning him for getting a German girl pregnant - so Titzie sends him packing. He makes attempts at getting it right, but as the birth approaches, he's still not ready. In the background are three thugs in search of good tripe soup and a Capulet-Montegue feud between the kebab joint and a Greek taverna across the street. Can Ibo be the glove upon that hand?
The Real McCoy
Karen McCoy is released from prison with nothing but the clothes on her back. Before being incarcerated Karen was the bank robber of her time, but now she wishes for nothing more than to settle down and start a new life. Unfortunately between a dirty parole officer, old business partners, and an idiot ex-husband she will have to do the unthinkable in order to save her son.
Jury of One
A desperate woman, whose son is on trial for murder, blackmails the judge and kidnaps his wife.
The Safe House
The brutal murder on her parents leaves daughter and only witness, Finn, injured and traumatised. The police places her at the remote house of trauma psychologist, Dr. Sam Graham. As Finn begins to recover, the cleaner who had first discovered the murdered couple dies suspiciously. When Finn and Sam's boyfriend, Danny, disappears, Sam must put herself and her little daughter at risk to uncover the truth.
Go for Zucker
Germany director Dani Levy filmed this comedy about Jewish life in today’s Germany along side the familiar east-west conflict. With it great success this film is a joyful comedy of humor and knowledge.
Bed and Board
Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.
The star of a team of teenage crime fighters falls for the alluring villainess she must bring to justice.
Nina, an end-of-teenage orphan with mental problems, starts a new job as a garden cleaner when she meets Toni. They fell in love with each other, but soon Toni starts betraying Nina. In the meantime, Francoise is picked up at a psychic department of a Berlin hospital by her husband, Pierre. After seeing Nina, Francoise believes that she has found her kidnapped daughter Marie, but neither Toni nor Pierre believe her. Nina is unsure about what to think...
During her wedding ceremony, Rachel notices Luce in the audience and feels instantly drawn to her. The two women become close friends, and when Rachel learns that Luce is a lesbian, she realizes that despite her happy marriage to Heck, she is falling for Luce. As she questions her sexual orientation, Rachel must decide between her stable relationship with Heck and her exhilarating new romance with Luce.
医学の研究に生涯を捧げ、その長年の功績を認められ名誉学位を受けることになった老教授イサク。その授与式は栄光に満ちた日になるはずだったが、前夜に自身の死を暗示する悪夢を見たためか、彼の心は晴れない。イサクは授与式当日に当初の予定を変更して、現在の住まいであるストックホルムから式の行われるルンドまで車で向かおうとする。そんな彼に、義理の娘であるマリアンヌも同行を願い出る。 半日程度の小旅行はイサクにとって、これまでの自分の人生を顧みるまたとない機会となった。青年時代に婚約者を弟に奪われたこと、妻がイサクの無関心に耐えられず不貞を働いたことなどを思い出し煩悶するイサク。そしてマリアンヌに、イサクの息子エヴァルドと彼女の間に子供が居ないのは、イサクを見て育ったエヴァルドが家庭というものに絶望しているからだと告げられる。研究者としての輝かしい名声とは裏腹に、イサクの人生は空虚なものだった。 また、イサクはルンドへ向かう途中様々な人物に出会う。奔放なヒッチハイカーの少女とその二人のボーイフレンド、不毛な夫婦喧嘩を繰り返す男女、引越していったイサクを今でも慕うガソリンスタンドの店主とその妻、そしてイサクの老いた母親。彼らとの出会いと過去への後悔が、徐々にイサクを変えていく。 無事に授与式を終えたイサクはその夜、エヴァルドと家族のことについて誠実に話し合う。寝室の外では昼間に出会ったヒッチハイカーたちが、イサクの栄誉を心から祝福していた。満ち足りた気持ちで眠りにつくイサク。彼が見る夢は前夜の悪夢と違い、不思議な充足感を伴うものだった。
Can I Be Your Bratwurst, Please?
A newly arrived guest of a Hollywood hotel charms and amazes the regulars, and they decide to invite him to their Christmas dinner.
Diameter of the Bomb
Since the renewed Intifada began in 2000, there have been over 75 Palestinian suicide bombings. This is the story of 0ne-the bombing of bus 32 in Jerusalem in June 2002. The film connects the stories of a group of ordinary Israelis-Jews and Arabs. Each of them holds a clue to someone who died that day.
Jerry (Jamie Draven) was an idealist when he served in the first Gulf War. But when he was later deployed to Iraq, Jerry was an older man, a father of three and embittered by broken promises and unfulfilled desires. When Jerry returns from Iraq he has been transformed by horrors that cannot be forgiven. He lives a life of poverty, his children afraid of him and his wife, Nora (Vinessa Shaw), unsympathetic and unhappy. When Jerry discovers that Nora has betrayed him, his anger and despair drive him to commit an act so heinous and irreversible that nothing he had experienced in combat could have prepared him for.
When Night Is Falling
A prudish woman working on tenure as a literacy professor at a large urban university finds herself attracted to a free-spirited, liberal woman who works at a local carnival.