
How Far Would You Go To Protect The Only Thing You Care About

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Geddy Hirsche


A teen loner meets a girl who brings light to his life for the first time ever. When he learns of her past and meets her abusive family, they start planning a getaway. Will they escape and be free to live their lives? Or will her parents do something drastic to prevent it?



Geddy Hirsche
Geddy Hirsche
Geddy Hirsche
Geddy Hirsche


A woman struggling to cope with the death of her fiancé begins to suspect she might not be as alone as she thought.
The Creation of the Humanoids
Many years after a nuclear war, the human survivors have created a new society where much of the work done by androids, referred to derisively by humans as "clickers". A police official who is concerned that his sister has become involved with an android is sent to investigate a larger rumor that the androids are developing reason and emotion.
The Goldfish
This film is an adaptation of Etgar Keret's famed short story 'What Of This Goldfish Would You Wish?' in which a young man named Yoni (Jason Ritter) sets out to make a documentary about the secret longings of everyday Americans. By knocking on strangers doors and asking them this question: 'If you had a magic goldfish that granted you three wishes, what of this goldfish would you wish?' Yoni thinks he will discover the hopes, dreams and greatest wishes his fellow citizens. But Yoni is not prepared when he meets an elderly immigrant named Sergei who we learn has been wrestling with the exact same question for years and is desperate not to lose his old friend-- a beautiful talking goldfish (Lucy Punch).
Wendy, Will You Go to the Dance With Me?
Hunter is about to ask Wendy to the school dance, but she's hiding a big secret from him...
To Be a Ghost
A ghost looks for the meaning of his death before he can finally parish.
Le Kangourou
How Can I Hug Without You?
A 17-year-old teenager named 'Kai' goes through an emotionally stressful time writing a letter for his ex-girlfriend 'Samantha' in hopes of winning her back while finding problems about himself and the relationship.
Hidden Eden
Exploring the concept of the Ecology of Emotions, this musical film portrays an inner journey through the secret garden of creativity put into frame by the nature of Iceland. Hidden Eden is a metaphor for our inner secret garden of creativity. This project bloomed during an art residency in Iceland, sparked by conversations around our shared philosophies on voice and emotional connection. The nature of Iceland inspired us to make the connection on how the landscape reflects the emotional states of creativity and how it helps manage the homeostasis of our inner emotional landscapes. This exchange between emotion and the landscape opens a space for healing. Creativity provides us with the tools to access a garden of our authentic being, nourishing and balancing us. Allowing ourselves to explore the spectrum of our emotions through the lens of our relationship with the Earth invites others to do the same. The creative process can affect our well being and is a key to human evolution.
A teen loner meets a girl who brings light to his life for the first time ever. When he learns of her past and meets her abusive family, they start planning a getaway. Will they escape and be free to live their lives? Or will her parents do something drastic to prevent it?
Bird, Louise & Somebody Else
Two kids entangled in the pursuit of young love find themselves colliding with the life of a woman experiencing a crisis.
She Never Had A Home For Me
Hannah, an aspiring young actress, has dreamed all her life to make it big in America. When this dream doesn't come true, she must learn to live life back home again and heal past relationships.
GOAL!2 STEP:2 ヨーロッパ・チャンピオンへの挑戦
After the death of her mother, Sara moves to the South Side of Chicago to live with her father and gets transferred to a majority-black school. Her life takes a turn for the better when befriends Chenille and her brother Derek, who helps her with her dancing skills.
2001年9月11日午前8時42分にニュージャージー州ニューアークからサンフランシスコに向けて飛び立ったユナイテッド93便。テロリストに占拠された直後、乗客たちは家族との電話から彼らが今置かれている状況を知る。自分たちもどこかのターゲットに向かっていることを・・・ 愛する者に最期のメッセージを残して彼らは行動を開始した――。
CIA分析官を辞職し、アメリカ海軍兵学校の教官となったジャック・ライアンは仕事を兼ねて妻と娘の三人でロンドンに来ていた。 ライアンが講演の仕事を終えて家族との待ち合わせ場所であるバッキンガム宮殿の広場に着いた時、イギリス王室のホームズ卿がIRAの過激派グループに襲撃される。持ち前の正義感から襲撃犯と撃ち合いになりホームズ卿を助け、ショーンの逮捕に協力、彼の弟を射殺する。 だが、今度は護送中に脱走し弟の復讐に燃えるショーンのターゲットになってしまい、なおもホームズ卿の命を狙うケビンのIRAグループの事件にも巻き込まれていく。
When Sarah Marshall dumps aspiring musician Peter Bretter for rock star Aldous Snow, Peter's world comes crashing down. His best friend suggests that Peter should get away from everything and to fly off to Hawaii to escape all his problems. After arriving in Hawaii and meeting the beautiful Rachel Jansen, Peter is shocked to see not only Aldous Snow in Hawaii, but also Sarah Marshall.