
The Dreaded Ballerinas (2023)

Have you seen this man?

ジャンル : 西洋

上映時間 : 1時間 6分

演出 : Dallas Salyers


An odd traveler named Nice Eyes walks the streets and deserts of Utah as his mind, body and soul deteriorate into a far more primitive state.


Keen Danza
Keen Danza
Nice Eyes
Ethan McLain
Ethan McLain
Buddy the Friend
Dylan Gilbert
Dylan Gilbert
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers


Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers
Director of Photography
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers
Keen Danza
Keen Danza
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers
Eric Rice
Eric Rice
Dallas Salyers
Dallas Salyers


Doug's 1st Movie
Doug and his pal Skeeter set's out to find the monster of Lucky Duck Lake. Though things get really out of hand when some one blurts out that the monster is real.
Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man
A child is born. We see underwater swimmers representing this. He is young, in a jungle setting, with two fanciful "instincts" guiding him as swooping bird-like acrobats initially menace, then delight. As an adolescent, he enters a desert, where a man spins a large cube of metal tubing. He leaves his instinct-guides behind, and enters a garden where two statues dance in a pond. As he watches their sensual acrobatics of love, he becomes a man. He is offered wealth (represented by a golden hat) by a devil figure. In a richly decorated room, a scruffy troupe of a dozen acrobats and a little girl reawaken the old man's youthful nature and love.
Hollywood, I'm Sleeping Over Tonight
French TV host Antoine de Maximy travels the U.S. from coast to coast, relying on the hospitality of strangers and documenting his experiences with a hand-held camera.
A group of scientists have developed the Resonator, a machine which allows whoever is within range to see beyond normal perceptible reality. But when the experiment succeeds, they are immediately attacked by terrible life forms.
Peter & the Wolf
An animated retelling set to Prokofiev's suite. Peter is a slight lad, solitary, locked out of the woods by his protective grandfather
George Kuffs didn't finish high-school, just lost his job, and his college-age girlfriend is pregnant. To top it off, George's brother Brad is killed and George inherits Brad's "patrol special" privatized police district and all the problems that come with it.
Foreign Legion officer Galoup recalls his once glorious life, training troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and regimented, until the arrival of a promising young recruit, Sentain, plants the seeds of jealousy in Galoup's mind.
Second Chorus
Danny O'Neill and Hank Taylor are rival trumpeters with the Perennials, a college band, and both men are still attending college by failing their exams seven years in a row. In the midst of a performance, Danny spies Ellen Miller who ends up being made band manager. Both men compete for her affections while trying to get the other one fired.
After a near death experience, five Boys, all devoted AC/DC fans, make a pact to bury their best friend next to the grave of Bon Scott. 12 years later, having gone their different ways, they come together to fulfill the promise.
Recounts the last days of Jesus Christ from the perspective of Judas Iscariot, his betrayer. As Jesus' following increases, Judas begins to worry that Jesus is falling for his own hype, forgetting the principles of his teachings and growing too close to the prostitute Mary Magdalene. After Jesus has an outburst in a temple, Judas turns on him.
ウルフマン リターンズ
Set in 19th Century Canada, Brigette and her sister Ginger take refuge in a Traders' Fort which later becomes under siege by some savage werewolves. And an enigmatic Indian hunter decides to help the girls, but one of the girls has been bitten by a werewolf. Brigitte and Ginger may have no one to turn to but themselves.
17歳 〜体験白書〜
Teenager Jones has opted not to go to college and is instead renting a room in a boarding house to work on his writing skills. Soon, Jones finds himself dividing his time between two women: a young actress named Lisa and a photographer named Jane. After Jane's ex-boyfriend arrives to help her recover from a car accident, Jones begins to understand just how much he cares for her.
Freya McAllister suddenly starts hearing voices in her head on the night of her High School Prom. One night Dr Michael Welles arrives telling Freya that she isn't crazy but that her voices are the thoughts of everyone around her. He teaches her to turn her telepathic powers into a powerful gift. What he doesn't say is that he works for the National Security Agency...
Romaine 30° Below
Romaine, a tall thirty-year-old woman, has not found herself yet. She has been living for several years with her boyfriend Justin. When, overnight, the latter drags her after him to Canada in order to start a new life, she blows smoke. Not only does she hate surprises but she is scared to death of taking the plane. Once in Montréal Airport, she dumps Justin after confessing to him things he would rather not have heard. Her Far North adventures can start...
1982年、南アフリカ共和国のヨハネスブルク上空に突如宇宙船が出現した。しかし、上空で静止した巨大な宇宙船からは応答や乗員が降りる様子はなく、人類は宇宙船に乗船しての調査を行うことを決定。知的生命体との接触に世界中の期待が集まる中行われた調査であったが、船内に侵入した調査隊が発見したのは、支配層の死亡と宇宙船の故障により難民となった大量のエイリアンであった。 乗船していたエイリアンたちは地上に移り、隔離地区である「第9地区」で難民として、MNU (英:Multi-National United) と呼ばれる超国家機関による管理・監視のもとで生活することになったが、文化や外見の違いから人間とエイリアン達との間では小競り合いが頻発する。人間達のエイリアンへの反発や差別は強まり、やがて彼等に対しては「エビ」(外見がエビ[=PRAWN]に似ているため)という蔑称が定着するようになった。 そして宇宙船出現から28年後、ついにエビ達を新たに用意された彼ら専用の居住区域である第10地区に移住させることが決定し、MNUの職員であるヴィカスは、立ち退き要請の同意を得るため第9地区を訪れるが、エイリアンの家で見つけた謎の液体を不注意により浴びてしまう。
Beat Street
An aspiring DJ, from the South Bronx, and his best friend, a promoter, try to get into show business by exposing people to hip-hop music and culture.
Angels of the Universe
The story of an Icelandic man and his slow descent into madness. Along his journey he meets Dagný, the initial cause of his breakdown. Other people he meets in the asylum have been committed for various reasons, such as signing cheques for Adolf Hitler and, believing themselves to be writing songs for the Beatles and telepathically transmitting to the band.
Four skaters follow their idol on his summer tour in an attempt to get noticed, get sponsored, and become stars themselves.
The Puffy Chair
Josh's life is pretty much in the toilet. He's a failed NYC indie rocker, and a failing booking agent. But he finds the potential of a small victory in a really bad idea. He decides to purchase a 1985 Lazy Boy on eBay, just like the one his dad had when Josh was a kid. He'll drive cross-country for the chair, staying with Emily at his brother's house on the way, and deliver it to his father as a surprise birthday gift. But when Rhett ends up coming along for the ride, it's three people and a giant purple puffy chair in a too-small van... and one of them has to go before the trip's end.