The Last Dolphin King (2022)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 33分

演出 : Luis Ansorena Hervés, Ernest Riera


This documentary traces the career of renowned Spanish dolphin trainer José Luis Barbero and the events leading up to his shocking death in 2015.



Luis Ansorena Hervés
Luis Ansorena Hervés
Ernest Riera
Ernest Riera
Marieke van den Bersselaar
Marieke van den Bersselaar
Carles Brugueras
Carles Brugueras
Executive Producer
Alfredo de Juan
Alfredo de Juan
Director of Photography
Daniel Arvizu
Daniel Arvizu
Elodie Leuthould
Elodie Leuthould
Guillermo Cobo
Guillermo Cobo
Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards


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Lion, London Zoological Gardens
A male lion, right next to bars that are about 6 or 8 inches apart, keenly watches a uniformed zoo attendant toss small morsels of food into the cage. The lion alternates between finding the food on the cage floor and reaching through the bars to swipe at the man, who stays alarmingly close to the beast. In the background are the large rocks and brick wall at the back of the lion's habitat.
On Dolphin Terms: The Story of Dean & JoJo
The true story of naturalist Dean Bernal and his efforts to protect his friend JoJo: a wild, sociable dolphin in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Ocean Giants
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Dolphin Tale 2
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Story of a Dog
Story of a Dog is a 1945 short documentary film under the supervision of Gordon Hollingshead. In the film, a dog trains for the battlefield and becomes a crucial part of the United States military. It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short, One-Reel.
O'Shaughnessy's Boy
A circus wild animal trainer searches for the son who was taken away from him by a meddling relative years earlier.
Soul in the Sea
The true story of one woman's quest to befriend and protect and extroverted wild dolphin, Moko. Filmed in the 6 months leading up to Moko's death, Soul in the Sea follows a journey of discovery, devastating loss, and resolution. It's a love story with a difference; breaking through the invisible wall between people and animals, celebrating the incredible experience of friendship with a lone wild dolphin, and questioning whether we are truly aware of these souls in the sea. The greatest friendships can come out of the blue...
Delfine 3D
Saving Flipper
Our love affair with dolphins began with 'Flipper' and ended in a multi-million dollar industry of abuse. From the dazzling sea shows where dolphins are driven to suicide, to an annual dolphin slaughter in a small cove in Japan, 'Saving Flipper' reveals the nightmare behind the dolphin's indelible smile.
Postcards from the Zoo
Little Lana was 3 years old when she was abandoned alone in the zoo. Raised by a giraffe trainer, the zoo is the only world she knows. Until one day, a charming magician arrives and Lana finds her love, for she is ready to leave the zoo. Lana embarks on journey, until one day, she decided to go back to the place where she was abandoned.
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Dolphins in the Deep Blue Ocean
They are inspirational, playful, powerful, interesting and very intelligent animals, which have a magical bond with the people: Dolphins. You'll see these magnificent animals in their natural habitats - reefs in Eilat, the largest marine reserve in the world. And also be able to watch a dolphins dance and play with the camera, dive or just durachatsya. Never seen so close before!
Where the River Runs Black
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Friends: Dolphin Cruise
Olivia, Mia, Andrea, Emma and Stephanie win a science contest at school for their Dolphin Alert project - and the first prize is; an exciting trip on a luxury yacht.


When their bus is crippled on the side of a deserted road, a team of high school athletes discover an opponent they cannot defeat – and may not survive. Staring hungrily at them through the school bus windows, The Creeper returns again and again. But when the teammates discover that it’s selective about whom it attacks, it will test their ability to stick together – as the insatiable menace tries to tear them apart!
As the countdown to graduation begins, students at Osborne High are being stalked by a maniac intent on exposing their darkest secrets to the entire town, terrorizing victims while wearing a life-like mask of their own face. With a mysterious past of her own, Makani and her friends must discover the killer's identity before they become victims themselves.
Private Popsicle
Three young Israeli men join the army, and it soon turns out that they're more interested in chasing skirts than following orders.
Chloe, a teenager who is confined to a wheelchair, is homeschooled by her mother, Diane. Chloe soon becomes suspicious of her mother and begins to suspect that she may be harboring a dark secret.
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「ゲット・アウト」「アス」で高い評価を受けるジョーダン・ピールの長編監督第3作。広大な田舎町の空に突如現れた不気味な飛行物体をめぐり、謎の解明のため動画撮影を試みる兄妹がたどる運命を描いた。 田舎町で広大な敷地の牧場を経営し、生計を立てている一家。ある日、一家の長男が、家業をサボって町に繰り出す妹にうんざりしていたところ、突然空から異物が降り注いでくる。その謎の現象が止んだかと思うと、直前まで会話していた父親が息絶えていた。長男は、父親の不可解な死の直前に、雲に覆われた巨大な飛行物体のようなものを目撃したことを妹に明かす。兄妹はその飛行物体の存在を収めた動画を撮影すればネットでバズるはずだと、飛行物体の撮影に挑むが、そんな彼らに想像を絶する事態が待ち受けていた。 「ゲット・アウト」でもピール監督とタッグを組んだダニエル・カルーヤが兄、「ハスラーズ」のキキ・パーマーが妹を演じるほか、「ミナリ」のスティーブン・ユァンが共演。