
Im Speckmantel (2018)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 28分

演出 : Katharina Bischof


When David visits his family for Christmas, a family encounter of an especially evil kind awaits him. Ironically on Christmas Eve, he realizes that his family has abandoned all sense of brotherly love and liberal values. They are afraid. Afraid of change, afraid that something will be taken away from them. David can’t handle the latent racist talk and shirtfronts his parents. The fact that his father, the very man he has always looked up to, is now spewing right-wing propaganda, shocks him. David cannot simply ignore it.


Franz Pätzold
Franz Pätzold
Matthias Neukirch
Matthias Neukirch
Julia Jäger
Julia Jäger
Doris Buchrucker
Doris Buchrucker
Nadja Sabersky
Nadja Sabersky
Josef Mohamed
Josef Mohamed
Gregor Bischof
Gregor Bischof


Katharina Bischof
Katharina Bischof
Katharina Bischof
Katharina Bischof
Robert von Munchhofen
Robert von Munchhofen
Director of Photography
Tobias Forth
Tobias Forth


The Sunny Side of the Street
Hassan is a Hong Kong-born Pakistani kid waiting for refugee status to Canada. His father died in a car accident that Yat is involved in, who himself was a refugee from China in the 1970s. When Hassan joins a refugees' gang and gets entangled with the police, Yat decides to help him flee, but Hassan finds out the truth about his father's death. Can their journey continue?
Cici ~愛しいナース~
A family migrates to the city after a tragic loss. When they reunite in their hometown 30 years later, buried emotions and painful secrets resurface.
A former boy band star unexpectedly gets a second shot at success when he forms a bond with a gifted young drummer.
It tells the story of Saro, a man seeking for greener pasture, but unfolding events and his affair with the king's wife, he encounters his untimely death and with Akala, a mystical bird believed to give and take life.
Fin de relation
A man tries to reconcile with his wife after cheating on her.
Flow Calle
An urban music singer from a poor neighborhood goes through love and pain on her way to success.
Savages: The Wolf's Tale
While waiting for a kidney transplant, a young pianist finds an unexpected connection with her doctor — and the courage to fulfill her musical dreams.
Héctor returns to his town in the Guatemalan highlands after a difficult migration of many years to the north. That trip has left him wounded. With a possessive mother, a young wife who despises him since her abandonment and a young son who does not know him, Héctor will try to adapt, proposing to live as before, repairing lost time, but he runs into a community that has already discarded him. His violent reaction breaks the fabric of his environment, and he discovers that since he left everything has changed, neither Héctor nor his community will be the same.
High & Low: The Worst X
SWORDの「O」鬼邪高校。定時と全日に分かれるSWORD地区最凶の不良高校である。その全日制で頭を張る花岡楓士雄(川村壱馬)は、 数々の伝説を持つ最強の男・ラオウをたずねて、 戸亜留とある 市にある 鈴蘭すずらん 男子高校を訪れていた。その頃、鬼邪高の首を狙うSWORD内の不良達は、虎視眈々とその機会を伺っていた…。中でも、エンジ色の学ラン、通称“血の門”と呼ばれる瀬ノ門工業高校の頭・天下井公平(三山凌輝)は、須嵜亮(中本悠太)という最強の男の力を手に入れ、さらには、同じく鬼邪高の首を狙う 鎌坂かまさか 高校と 江罵羅えばら 商業高校を傘下に加え、「三校連合」を築き、その勢力を拡大していく。鬼邪高の高城司(吉野北人)と轟洋介(前田公輝)は、そんな三校連合の怪しい動きをいち早く察知するも…その時は突然、訪れる。遂に、三校連合による鬼邪高狩りが始まったのだ。不意をつかれ、急襲されてしまう形となった鬼邪高の男達。圧倒的不利な状況下で、これまで己の拳一つで答えを導いて来た楓士雄は、次々に潰されていく仲間達を守り抜く事は出来るのか!?そして、三校連合最強の刺客、須嵜との頂上決戦に挑む楓士雄!楓士雄の拳はいったい何を語るのか?本物のテッペンを決める戦いが今、始まる。
天国から来たわんちゃん チャーリーのお話
1939年のアメリカルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズで雑種のシェパード犬チャーリーとブルドッグのカーフェイスは犬用カジノを経営していた。しかし儲けの半分を分けることに嫌気のさしたカーフェイスはチャーリーとその相棒であるダックスフンドのイッチーを嵌めて犬用の刑務所に収監させてしまう。 その後チャーリーとイッチーは脱獄に成功しカジノに舞い戻るが、カーフェイスに嵌められたと気付いていないチャーリーはカーフェイスの策略により車と共に川に突き落とされ死亡する。死んだチャーリーは犬の天国に行くが、カーフェイスに対する復讐の捻により死に切れず命の時計を奪い下界に舞い戻る。
Set in puritanical Boston in the mid 1600s, the story of seamstress Hester Prynne, who is outcast after she becomes pregnant by a respected reverend. She refuses to divulge the name of the father, is "convicted" of adultery and forced to wear a scarlet "A" until an Indian attack unites the Puritans and leads to a reevaluation of their laws and morals.
The Doors
The story of the famous and influential 1960s rock band and its lead singer and composer, Jim Morrison.
舞台は、15世紀のパリ。そこにあるノートルダム大聖堂の鐘楼にひっそりと暮らす鐘衝き男・カジモドは、容姿こそ醜いが、優しく純粋な心を持った青年。彼は、育ての親・フロローの言いつけで外に出る事を許されず、友人は3人組の石像だけだった。 そんなある日、町の祭で楽しく盛り上がる人々を見て、我慢出来なくなったカジモドは遂に大聖堂を飛び出した。
A day in the life of a barbershop on the south side of Chicago. Calvin, who inherited the struggling business from his deceased father, views the shop as nothing but a burden and waste of his time. After selling the shop to a local loan shark, Calvin slowly begins to see his father's vision and legacy and struggles with the notion that he just sold it out.
ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム・イン・チャイナ 天地黎明
Gang leader Tony pulls off a major diamond heist with his crew, but cop-turned-criminal Ling knows who has the loot and responds by kidnapping Tony's daughter and holding her for ransom. Unfortunately, Tony's lost the diamonds as well. As he frantically searches for his daughter and the jewels, Tony pairs with a high-kicking government agent who once worked with Ling and seeks revenge on him.
Military cadets take extreme measures to ensure the future of their academy when its existence is threatened by local condo developers.