
Dad's Home (2010)

ジャンル : ドラマ, テレビ映画

上映時間 : 1時間 24分

演出 : Bradford May
脚本 : Adam Rockoff


When a widower loses his job, he must become a full-time housekeeper and stay-at-home dad. He gains a new perspective as he gets to know his two kids better and struggles with the household chores, but faces losing it all when he gets a job offer in another city.


David James Elliott
David James Elliott
Ben Westman
Sharon Case
Sharon Case
Miss Hope Jensen
Madison Davenport
Madison Davenport
Lindsay Westman
Will Shadley
Will Shadley
Dylan Westman
Jay Huguley
Jay Huguley
Brian Westman
Tatiana Chekhova
Tatiana Chekhova
Mary-Margaret Humes
Mary-Margaret Humes
Mrs. Dougherty
Kim Yarbrough
Kim Yarbrough
Cocoa Brown
Cocoa Brown
Crossing guard


Bradford May
Bradford May
Brian Gordon
Brian Gordon
Adam Rockoff
Adam Rockoff
James Wilberger
James Wilberger
Larry Levinson
Larry Levinson
Executive Producer
Lawrence Shragge
Lawrence Shragge
James W. Wrenn
James W. Wrenn
Director of Photography
Dan Whifler
Dan Whifler
Production Design
Zee Graham
Zee Graham
Makeup Department Head
Kelly Kwon
Kelly Kwon
Costume Design


 新人作家デイヴィッド・ベニオフの感動ミステリーを「ドゥ・ザ・ライト・シング」のスパイク・リー監督が映像化したヒューマン・サスペンス。ベニオフ自ら脚本を担当。25時間後に懲役7年の刑で収監されることが決まっているひとりの男が、後悔と絶望感を抱え過ごす24時間の心の旅を情感を込め繊細に綴る。主演は「アメリカン・ヒストリーX」「ファイト・クラブ」のエドワード・ノートン。  ニューヨーク。かつて瀕死の状態から助けた犬と共に公園のベンチに佇む男モンティ・ブローガン。ドラッグ・ディーラーだった彼は、何者かの密告で麻薬捜査局に逮捕され、保釈中の身だった。そして、25時間後には7年の服役のために収監される。その中で彼のような“イイ男”が受ける仕打ちは火を見るより明らかだった。彼は、馴染みの店で最後の夜を明かそうと2人の親友、高校教師のジェイコブと株式ブローカーのフランクに声を掛ける。また、アパートでは恋人ナチュレルが待っていたが、モンティは彼女が密告者ではないかと疑っていた。やりきれない思いを抱えたまま、モンティのシャバでの最後の夜が始まろうとしていた。
A retired and widowed Chinese master chef Chu and his family live in modern day Taipei, Taiwan. He lives with his three attractive daughters, all of whom are unattached. Soon, each of the daughters encounter new men in their lives. When these new relationships blossom, stereotypes are broken and the living situation within the family changes. Since the family has difficulty expressing their love for each other, the intricate preparation of banquet quality dishes for their Sunday dinners is the surrogate for their familial feelings.
Heiress Joanna Stayton hires carpenter Dean Proffitt to build a closet on her yacht—and refuses to pay him for the project when it's done. But after Joanna accidentally falls overboard and loses her memory, Dean sees an opportunity to get even.
Once an architect, Frank Bannister now passes himself off as an exorcist of evil spirits. To bolster his facade, he claims his "special" gift is the result of a car accident that killed his wife. But what he does not count on is more people dying in the small town where he lives. As he tries to piece together the supernatural mystery of these killings, he falls in love with the wife of one of the victims and deals with a crazy FBI agent.
Shortly after David Abbott moves into his new San Francisco digs, he has an unwelcome visitor on his hands: winsome Elizabeth Martinson, who asserts that the apartment is hers -- and promptly vanishes. When she starts appearing and disappearing at will, David thinks she's a ghost, while Elizabeth is convinced she's alive.
舞台は1938年。冒険家として、また考古学教授として多忙な日々を過ごすインディ・ジョーンズに、大富豪ドノヴァンから相談が持ちかけられる。イエス・キリストの聖杯の所在を示す重大な遺物を手に入れたが、調査隊の隊長が行方不明になり、それを探して欲しいというのだ。 最初は渋っていたインディだったが、その行方不明になった隊長というのが自分の父、ヘンリー・ジョーンズであると聞き、仕方なく依頼を承諾。父が最後に消息を絶ったヴェネツィアに向かった。
Widower Cedric Brown hires Nanny McPhee to care for his seven rambunctious children, who have chased away all previous nannies. Taunted by Simon and his siblings, Nanny McPhee uses mystical powers to instill discipline. And when the children's great-aunt and benefactor, Lady Adelaide Stitch, threatens to separate the kids, the family pulls together under the guidance of Nanny McPhee.
It's all extreme sports and a life of freedom as Max sets off for college -- but Goofy misses Max so much he loses his job and goes to finish college alongside Max and his friends. But as Goofy tries to get closer to Max, both must go to the extreme to learn how to live their own lives together.
On Haeundae Beach, a guilt-ridden fisherman takes care of a woman whose father accidentally got killed. A scientist reunites with his ex-wife and a daughter who doesn't even remember his face. And a poor rescue worker falls in love with a rich city girl. When they all find out a gigantic tsunami will hit the beach, they realize they only have 10 minutes to escape.
Jessica, the daughter of an impoverished apple farmer, still believes in Santa Claus. So when she comes across a reindeer with an injured leg, it makes perfect sense to her to assume that it is Prancer, who had fallen from a Christmas display in town. She hides the reindeer in her barn and feeds it cookies, until she can return it to Santa. Her father finds the reindeer an decides to sell it to the butcher, not for venison chops, but as an advertising display.
Jamie returns to his hometown in search of answers to his wife's murder, which occurred after receiving a weird package containing a ventriloquist dummy named Billy, which may be linked to the legend of ventriloquist Mary Shaw. Destined to find out the truth, Jamie goes to the town of Raven's Fair, where Shaw used to perform and is buried. But Jamie is in for more than he expected.
Like Someone in Love
セイフ ヘイヴン
A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.