
Casanovva (2012)

Come...Fall in Love

ジャンル : アクション, ロマンス, スリラー

上映時間 : 2時間 49分

演出 : Rosshan Andrrews


A group of fugitives end up killing an international businessman Casanovva's girlfriend, after entrapping the couple in a reality show. Furious, Casanovva sets out to avenge her death.


Shriya Saran
Shriya Saran
Sameera Zacharia
Raai Laxmi
Raai Laxmi
Vikramjeet Virk
Vikramjeet Virk
Roma Asrani
Roma Asrani
Ann Mary
Sanjjanaa Galrani
Sanjjanaa Galrani
Abhishek Vinod
Abhishek Vinod
Arjun Nandhakumar
Arjun Nandhakumar
Shahid Shamzy
Shahid Shamzy
Jagathy Sreekumar
Jagathy Sreekumar
Andria D'Souza
Andria D'Souza
Mariam Thomas
Lalu Alex
Lalu Alex


Rosshan Andrrews
Rosshan Andrrews
C.J. Roy
C.J. Roy
Jim Ganesh
Jim Ganesh
Alphons Joseph
Alphons Joseph
Gopi Sundar
Gopi Sundar


フェイク シティ ある男のルール
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。
In 1920s Chicago, Italian immigrant and notorious thug, Antonio "Tony" Camonte, shoots his way to the top of the mobs while trying to protect his sister from the criminal life.
ドミノ 復讐の咆哮
Seeking justice for his partner’s murder by an ISIS member, a Copenhagen police officer finds himself caught in a cat and mouse game with a duplicitous CIA agent who is using the killer as a pawn to trap other ISIS members.
Nick Hume is a mild-mannered executive with a perfect life, until one gruesome night he witnesses something that changes him forever. Transformed by grief, Hume eventually comes to the disturbing conclusion that no length is too great when protecting his family.
(r)adius ラディウス
Liam wakes from a car crash with no memory of who he is. As he makes his way into town to look for help, he finds only dead bodies, all with strange pale eyes. Liam's first assessment is that a virus is present in the air, but he soon discovers the horrible truth: anyone who comes within a 50-foot radius of him dies instantly.
インビジブル 暗殺の旋律を弾く女
A blind musician hears a murder committed in the apartment upstairs from hers that sends her down a dark path into London's gritty criminal underworld.
Bad Country
When Baton Rouge police detective Bud Carter busts contract killer Jesse Weiland, he convinces Jesse to become an informant and rat out the South's most powerful crime ring.
ホット・ファズ  - 俺たちスーパーポリスメン!
ロンドンの首都警察に勤めるニコラス・エンジェルは、大学を首席で卒業し、警察学校でもトップの成績を残し、検挙率もトップで幾度もの表彰を受けた頭脳明晰でスポーツ万能なエリート警察官。ところが彼はその余りの有能さゆえ、上司や同僚から迷惑がられ、田舎町サンドフォードに左遷させられてしまう。 ほとんど犯罪など起こらないサンドフォードでニコラスを待っていたのは、呑気でいい加減な仲間たちと共に退屈な仕事に従事するばかりの日々。首都警察の頃と同じ調子で真面目に働く彼は周囲と馴染めず、ここでも浮いた存在になっていく。しかし、この一見平穏な村には、ある恐ろしい秘密があった。
シークレット ウインドウ
スティーブンキング小説に基づいたスリラー。 デップは悪い時代を経験している作家です。創造的な干ばつは、彼の妻 からの分離のプロセスによって悪化します。 このような状況では、奇妙なキャラクターが彼の人生の中で登場し、彼が彼の物語の1つを盗用したと非難します。
A tough-on-crime street cop must protect the only surviving witness to a strange murderous cult with far reaching plans.
A gang of thieves plan a heist during a hurricane and encounter trouble when a disgraced cop tries to force everyone in the building to evacuate.
2035年のシカゴ。ロボットは人間の日常生活に欠かせない存在となっており、人間とロボットの共存は、3原則によって守られていた。 一. ロボットは、人間に危害を加えてはならない。 一. ロボットは、人間から与えられた命令に服従しなければならない。 一. ロボットは、前掲第一条及び第二条に反する恐れのない限り、自己を守らなければならない。ある日、ロボット開発の権威である科学者が謎の死を遂げる。その死にロボットの関与を疑ったスプーナー刑事は、ロボット心理学者カルヴィン博士の協力のもと、その謎を究明していく。そして、想像を絶する恐ろしくも巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていくのであった・・・・・・。


Cobra (Malayalam: കോബ്ര) is a 2012 Malayalam comedy action thriller film written and directed by Lal (Paul Michael), starring himself and Mammootty in the lead roles. The songs were composed by Alex Paul, and background score by Deepak Dev.
In a village named Ilavattam there lives a man by the name of Gopalakrishna Pillai. He is a man with diverse qualities. Basically he is a moneylender, but not the avaricious kind. He lends money at very low interest-rates but makes it a point to get his money back on the date agreed upon. The story takes a turn when a bank, named Grand Bank opens up in the village, offering to give out loans at very low interest. The manager of the bank is a young lady named Jayalakshmi. She has made her entry into the village with a very definite purpose. All this, plus the very different kind of bonding between Gopalakrishna Pillai and his mother, form the plot, which develops towards a very interesting climax.
A gold-smuggle deal goes awry, and an array of characters becomes involved.
Arabeem Ottakom P. Madhavan Nayarum in Oru Marubhoomi Kadha
Madhavan Nair has over the years, finally managed to start leading a comfortable life in Abudhabi, when Meenakshi drops into his life from heaven. Love strikes, and in no time breaks, and a disheartened Nair finds himself lost in the desert along with Abdu, who spells disaster. The duo runs into Eliana , who has been kidnapped, and together they devise a new plan to mint some easy money.
China Town
Three childhood friends Mathukutty, Binoy and Zachariah re-unite in Goa to fight a Casino don who was responsible for the deaths of their fathers.
Chef Nandagopal (Mohanlal), while publicly known as the chef of the popular Nandu's Food Court, is also 'Lokpal' (Peoples' Protector), who fights corruption. The film does a flashback to Nandagopal's backstory which involves "attempted murder, a juvenile home and unrequited love
Ajayan is back home after a long time away and he is hoping to be with his mother for the rest of his life, but things go wrong when a young boy claims to be his son.
Makeup Man
'Makeup Man' tells the story of cinema within cinema. Directed by Shafi, the film has Jayaram and Sheela in lead roles. The film inside the film is titled 'Cindrella' and Sheela plays Anamika, the actress doing the female lead in 'Cindrella'. Kunchacko Boban plays her hero in the film, while Siddiq plays Sidharth, the director.
Viswam murders the people who brutally raped and killed his daughter. Now, he tries to reach out to Soorya Narayanan, a famous lawyer, whom he believes to be the only person capable of saving him.
Kadal Kadannu Oru Maathukutty
Mathukkutty, an unemployed man, lives in Germany with his bossy wife. He is given a chance to travel to Kerala to invite famous actors for an event, but all hell breaks loose after his arrival.
Red Wine
An investigatory story that centers around an Assistant Commissioner of Police, Ratheesh Vasudevan who uncovers the mystery behind the illicit killing of a young communist, Anoop.
Husbands in Goa
The film follows the journey of three young men, who flee from their wives, for a vacation to the international tourist-destination Goa. During the trip, they become friends with an immature youthful older man, who is on the verge of a divorce. The film explores their time in Goa
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Venki (Prithviraj) is an entrance coaching professor by day and robs automated teller machines (ATMs) using fake debit cards by night. He has been operating out of Kochi for the past three months and the Imperial Bank of India (IBI) is the target of all these robberies.
Ormayundo Ee Mukham
Goutham is a young businessman who lives with his mother and grandmother. Goutham's mother Vasundara Devi is the head of their family business. Vasundara Devi is a strict mother; but grand motheris extremely friendly with Goutham. Apporva is Goutham's best pal. Then enters Nithya, a sand animation artist. Goutham meets Nithya and after a series of incidents, the couple falls in love. But Nithya, who has a memory loss problem due to a major accident,can't remember anything more than a day. This problem creates obstacles in Goutham and Nithya's relationship and this forms the crux of the story.
Three engineering students whose life takes a twist after meeting a mysterious man who teaches them the real meaning of life.
Pauly belongs to a well off family in a rural village of Kerala. A politician by profession, he does many helpful activities for the benefit of poor people in the village. Sukumaran Nair a member of the opposition party, tries to disrupt whatever Pauly does. They have been enemies from a very long time. Things become worse when Pauly falls in love with Sukumaran Nair's daughter Aswathy
Alexander The Great
The film revolves around Alexander Varma, who survives with his IQ, but fate has something else stored for him.
Chess is a story of young man who is thrown into the deep end where sharks of the society swim with nonchalance.
Maya elopes with Balakrishnan only to abandon him the next day. Balakrishnan then feigns a happy marriage for which he hires a girl, Mayamohini who later turns out to be a man hunted by the cops.
August 1
After a keenly fought election, MKR becomes the new chief minister. When the opponents hire a psychotic killer to assassinate him, Perumal, a crime branch officer, is assigned to stop him.