
Class Acts (2023)

Tracing the genesis of Singapore's creative scene in the '90s

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 14分

演出 : Hwee En Tan, Deon Phua


Class Acts is a feature-length documentary tracing the genesis of Singapore's creative scene in the '90s through intimate conversations with its pioneering personalities. These are the stories of individuals who started creating with nothing, who push Singapore’s creative standards even today. The ones who went on to inspire a new generation of musicians, designers, and street artists.



Nicholas Guan
Nicholas Guan
Executive Producer
Caleb Quek
Caleb Quek
Executive Producer
Joe Peter
Joe Peter
Executive Producer
Kheleev Ghows
Kheleev Ghows
Nur Qamariah Hamzah
Nur Qamariah Hamzah
Post Production Assistant
Annalisa Yeo
Annalisa Yeo
Homeground Studios
Homeground Studios
Sound Mixer
Eric Ng
Eric Ng
Director of Photography
Zavier Ow
Zavier Ow
Camera Production Assistant
Jon Chan
Jon Chan
Reynard Adrianto
Reynard Adrianto
Yun Theng Kwok
Yun Theng Kwok
Art Direction
Russell Ong
Russell Ong
Art Direction
Hwee En Tan
Hwee En Tan
Deon Phua
Deon Phua
Hwee En Tan
Hwee En Tan
Executive Producer
Deon Phua
Deon Phua
Executive Producer


Forced to give up his dreams of art school, Zach works dead-end jobs to support his sister and her son. Questioning his life, he paints, surfs and hangs out with his best friend, Gabe. When Gabe's older brother returns home for the summer, Zach suddenly finds himself drawn into a relationship he didn't expect.
「欲望の翼」「ブエノスアイレス」のウォン・カーウァイ監督がトニー・レオンとマギー・チャンを主演に迎え、それぞれ家庭を持つ男女の不倫の愛を描いた恋愛ドラマ。1962年、香港。新聞編集者の男性チャウと商社で秘書として働く女性チャンは、同じ日に同じアパートに引っ越してきて隣人になる。やがて2人は互いのパートナーが不倫関係にあることに気づき、時間を共有するように。戸惑いながらも、強く惹かれ合っていくチャウとチャンだったが……。設定の一部や世界観は「欲望の翼」から引き継がれており、さらに2004年製作の「2046」へとつながっていく。第53回カンヌ国際映画祭で最優秀男優賞とフランス映画高等技術委員会賞を受賞。日本では2001年に劇場公開。18年2月、カーウァイ監督の「欲望の翼」デジタルリマスター版の公開にあわせて、Bunkamuraル・シネマで特別上映。2022年には4Kレストア版が「WKW4K ウォン・カーウァイ4K」(22年8月19日~シネマート新宿、グランドシネマサンシャイン、シネマシティほか)で上映。
七つの海を駆けめぐった海賊の時代が終ろうとしていた。世界制覇をもくろむ東インド会社のベケット卿は、“深海の悪霊”ディヴィ・ジョーンズを操り、海賊たちを次々と葬っていく。彼らの生き残る道はただ一つ。9 人の“伝説の海賊”を招集し、世界中の海賊たちを蜂起させ決戦を挑むのみ。だが、その鍵を握る9人目の人物こそ、溺死した船乗りが沈む永遠の地獄“デイヴィ・ジョーンズ・ロッカー(海の墓場)”に囚われているキャプテン・ジャック・スパロウだった…。総督の令嬢エリザベスと海賊の血を引くウィルは、甦った不死身の海賊キャプテン・バルボッサと共に、ジャック奪還の手掛りを握る中国海賊の長サオ・フェンのもとへと旅立つ。彼らの運命が再び交差するとき、海賊の史上最初にして最後の決戦の火蓋が切られる―。
An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.
フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊
The staff of an American magazine based in France puts out its last issue, with stories featuring an artist sentenced to life imprisonment, student riots, and a kidnapping resolved by a chef.
A Dickens classic brought thrillingly up to date in the teeming heartland of modern London, where a group of street smart young hustlers plan the heist of the century for the ultimate payday.
Desperate for a good story, a sex-addicted journalist throws himself into the world of high-class escorts when he starts following a Stanford-educated prostitute.
A rebellious young graffiti artist, who targets the homes of the wealthy elite, discovers a shocking secret that leads him on a journey endangering himself and those closest to him.
キッド・カディ: Entergalactic
Ambitious artist Jabari attempts to balance success and love when he moves into his dream Manhattan apartment and falls for his next-door neighbor.
セレブ・ウォーズ ニューヨークの恋に勝つルール
Sidney Young is a down-on-his-luck journalist. Thanks to a stint involving a pig and a glitzy awards ceremony, Sidney turns his fortunes around, attracting the attention of Clayton Harding, editor of New York-based glossy magazine 'Sharps', and landing the holy grail of journalism jobs. The Brit jets off to the Big Apple and moves from one blunder to the next.
Pinocchio 3000
This is the story of a little robot known as Pinocchio 3000 whose greatest wish is to become a real boy. The year is 3000. Geppetto, with the help of his faithful assistant, Spencer the cyber penguin, and by the holographic fairy Cyberina, creates Pinocchio, a prototype superrobot equipped for emotions. But before he can be given a heart and become a real boy, Cyberina insists that Pinocchio learn the difference between right and wrong.
When Sara, a young design student from Iowa, arrives for college in Los Angeles, she is eager to fit in and get to know the big city. Her wealthy roommate, Rebecca, is more than eager to take Sara under her wing and show her the ropes. The two become close, but when Sara begins to branch out and make more friends on campus, Rebecca becomes resentful. Alarmed, Sara moves in with her new boyfriend, causing Rebecca's behavior to take a violent turn.
Ye Xiang Lun is a music student majoring in piano who just transferred to Tamkang, a school famous for its musically talented students, especially those who play piano. On his first day of school, he hears a mysterious melody being played, and following it meets Lu Xiao Yu, another piano major. When he asks her about the song she was playing, she tells him that it is a secret that cannot be told. The two form a friendship that quickly evolves into a romantic relationship. However unbeknownst to Xiang Lun, there is more to Xiao Yu than initially meets the eye.
A young female intern at a small magazine company becomes involved with a drug-addicted lesbian photographer, both of whom seek to exploit each other for their respective careers, while slowly falling in love with each other.
The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.
Ricky and his family have been fighting an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008 financial crash. An opportunity to wrestle back some independence appears with a shiny new van and the chance to run a franchise as a self-employed delivery driver. It's hard work, and his wife's job as a carer is no easier. The family unit is strong but when both are pulled in different directions everything comes to breaking point.