

ジャンル : アニメーション, コメディ

上映時間 : 55分


Big lez and his mates go to choomah island to defeat the choomahs



Jarrad Wright
Jarrad Wright


A Conversational Exploration of Sonic Practice
Frequently after talking to another artist, Todd Anderson-Kunert found himself thinking of another question he would have liked to have asked them, but didn’t. This film is about what happened if he did ask those questions. Between 2014 and 2017, in and around Melbourne, Australia, he conversed with a selection of 31 sonic artists, each time for 30 minutes. These conversations were edited down, each time finding a new question he wished he had of asked. This question was used as the starting point for the next conversation with a completely different artist. This documentary film follows that process. The conversation engages with a variety of themes, including temporality, performance, fragility, recording, artistic development, and creative process. It also offers an insight into some of the experimental sound communities operating within Melbourne, Australia.
Öğretmen Zeynep
Zeynep, a young and idealistic teacher, has economic problems. Zeynep enters a world she doesn't want when she starts giving private lessons to a mafia boss's child.
劇場版 七つの大罪 光に呪われし者たち
〈憤怒の罪(ドラゴン・シン)〉メリオダス率いる史上最凶最悪の逆賊〈七つの大罪〉の活躍により、人間、女神族、妖精族、巨人族ら四種族が魔神族と争った『聖戦』は終結。〈傲慢の罪(ライオン・シン)〉エスカノールの命が尽きるも、魔神王を討ち果たし、世界は平和を取り戻した。その後、新たな王国の創造を目指す王・アーサーと行動を共にする〈暴食の罪(ボア・シン)〉マーリンをはじめ、大罪人たちはそれぞれの道を歩んでいた―。 メリオダスは王女・エリザベスと思い出の地を巡る旅をしていた。その道中、弟・ゼルドリスと偶然の再会を果たす。一方、〈怠惰の罪(グリズリー・シン)〉キングと〈嫉妬の罪(サーペント・シン)〉ディアンヌの結婚式が執り行われようとしていた。祝福に包まれる式場には、〈強欲の罪(フォックス・シン)〉バンと〈色欲の罪(ゴート・シン)〉ゴウセルの姿も。ドレスに身を包んだディアンヌの登場で華やぐ森に、地鳴りのような不気味な音が響き始めた。 “『聖戦』を台無しにした〈七つの大罪〉とそれに与(くみ)した者共を罰する” 平穏が訪れたはずの地に突如、妖精族と巨人族の軍勢が押し寄せる。敵陣の先頭に立つのは、かつて姿を消した“二代目妖精王”ダリアと“巨人の名工”ダブズ。異様な目つきの侵略者たちの目的は一体…? 世の混沌を望む者により崩されていく日常。全種族を脅かす恐るべき陰謀が交錯する。光と闇の戦いの果てに待ち受ける未来は?!呪われた世界は真の平和を手にすることができるのか。壊れゆく世界の運命は、再び集結した〈七つの大罪〉に託された―。
The White Death
"Don't go in the Water." This line bred fear in millions of people around the world. In 1975, Jaws showcased the greatest eating machine, the great white shark, on the big scren and changed the swimming habits of movie-goers everywhere. By far the most feared creature in the sea, this species is responsible for more attacks on human beings that all other sharks combined. Step outside the Hollywood hype and travel to South Australia with an expedition as they attempt to increase understanding and reduce human/shark confrontations. Observe the behavior and lifestyle of the great white shark, and see these miracles of evolution up close in this unforgettable exploration under sea.
When a biker gang's drug operation is raided by the ATF the gang leader's two sons develop differing views about the gang's future.
Psychedelica Blues
Four days in Lissy's life where she gets to live out her opposition and enters a completely unknown world.
Ninja Warriors
Two ninjas, one young and one old have a fun fight, or do they?
Circus of Red Poppy
Once upon a starry night, a small boy with the head full of fantasies witnesses dreamlike circus performances. Dazed by endless chain of glittering attractions he realizes that the price for a ticket to the fantastic circus tent is too high and gate between reality and dream is closing.
Wild Cards - The Artistry Of Playing Cards
This behind the scenes documentary showcases a Singapore-based collective who practice the art of card flourishing. To date, Virtuoso (a.k.a. The Virts) have managed to gather an international following of more than 37,000 people. But how far can a Singapore Brand go in an international scene that is dominated by big personalities like David Blaine? This film examines how these innovative performer entrepreneurs are managing to harness the possibilities of the Internet to extend their reach beyond the shores of Singapore, and develop new business models to share their passion for their craft. Other aspects explored includes the science behind the art of cardistry as well as the cultural associations attached to cards in Asia.
Unspeakable Things
Hannah is a mute teenager. Thomas eats roadkill. After Hannah is sent to live with her uncle in the lonely countryside, the two meet, forming an uncanny relationship. Their only obstacle is the outside world.
El reino
Nightmare Lovers
Scattered People
Follows Mas and Saha, two young Iranian asylum seeker musicians, navigating a frightening new world of immigration detention - where they discover the power of music.
Crow Valley
Mountain biker Benny Jones sets off on a weekend ride to remote Crow Valley but is knocked off his bike in a brutal hit and run. He wakes badly injured in an abandoned cabin where he meets young hiker Greta. When her lies and sanity start to unravel he finds himself in a desperate fight for survival.
The Pictures That Moved: Australian Cinema 1896-1920
Part 1 of the History of Australian Cinema series. Australian cinema from the very beginning, from the newsreels, ethnographic and actuality films, to the controversy of "The Story of the Kelly Gang" and the success of "The Sentimental Bloke".
The Berglas Effect
Martin Hart has been working with David Berglas since 2015 on bringing his scrapbooks to life. The idea is to share these incredible adventures with the world, each one a fascinating event packed with magic, inspiration and synchronicity.
Age of Stone and Sky: The Sorcerer Beast
An aimless daydreamer comes to power using the magic of the Sorcerer Beast- but the power comes with a terrible price.
ソードアート・オンライン Extra Edition
海底神殿での冒険を終え、クジラに乗ってアルヴヘイムに帰ってきたキリトたち。 しかし、海の王リヴァイアサンと深淵の王クラーケンの謎めいた会話は、一行を次なる冒険へといざなう。 神々の国《アースガルド》につながるという虹の橋ははたして実在するのか。 海から空に舞台を移し、妖精剣士たちの新たな戦いが始まる!
What If the Future Never Happened?
From the mind of Daniel Johns, "What If The Future Never Happened?" is a genre-bending, semi-autobiographical featurette that puts reality and fantasy in a hyper-speed spin cycle.