
A Poem and a Mistake (2023)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 57分

演出 : Tamilla Woodard
脚本 : Cheri Magid


Graduate student Myrrha, upset that her professor refers to Ovid's Metamorphoses as "being about love", pushes him and suddenly he transforms into a mirror version of herself. As she recollects her relationship with music, sex, and sexual violence, he is transported into Ovid's stories to come to a new understanding.


Sarah Baskin
Sarah Baskin
Myrrha / Not Myrrha / The Gods
Grant Neal
Grant Neal
Professor (voice)


Cheri Magid
Cheri Magid
Tamilla Woodard
Tamilla Woodard
Mac Cappuccino
Mac Cappuccino
Drue Pennella
Drue Pennella
Carsen Joenk
Carsen Joenk
Sound Designer
Carsen Joenk
Carsen Joenk
Sound Engineer
Deb O
Deb O
Production Design
Milica Paranosić
Milica Paranosić
Suzanne Bennett
Suzanne Bennett
Cheri Magid
Cheri Magid
Sarah Baskin
Sarah Baskin


Fritz the Cat
A swinging, hypocritical college student cat raises hell in a satirical vision of the 1960s.
映画「イノセンス」の舞台は、人々が電脳化され、声を出さずとも、コンピューター端末を打たなくとも、ネットワークを通じたデジタルコミュニケーションが可能になる一方、肉体の機械化も進み、人とサイボーグ、ロボットが共存する、2032年の世界。魂が希薄になった時代。決してそう遠くない近未来を舞台に物語の幕が開く。 主人公は、続発するテロ犯罪を取り締まる政府直属の機関・公安9課の刑事バトー。バトーは生きた人形(サイボーグ)である。腕も脚も、その身体のすべてが造り物。残されているのはわずかな脳と、一人の女性、素子(もとこ)の記憶だけ。 ある日、少女型のロボットが暴走を起こし、所有者を惨殺する事件が発生。「人間のために作られたはずのロボットがなぜ、人間を襲ったのか」。さっそくバトーは、相棒のトグサと共に捜査に向かう。電脳ネットワークを駆使して、自分の「脳」を攻撃する“謎のハッカー”の妨害に苦しみながら、バトーは事件の真相に近づいていく。
Those supersucking desert creatures are back --- and this time they're south of the border. As the creatures worm their way through the oil fields of Mexico, the only people who can wrangle them are veteran Earl Bassett and survivalist Burt Gummer. Add to that team a young punk out for cash and a fearless scientist, and the critters don't stand a chance.
A nurse from the Ukraine searches for a better life in the West, while an unemployed security guard from Austria heads East for the same reason. Both are looking for work, a new beginning, an existence, struggling to believe in themselves, to find a meaning in life..
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
In 1846, Anthony Hope sails into London with the mysterious Sweeney Todd, a once-naive barber whose life and marriage was uprooted by a corrupt justice system. Todd confides in Nellie Lovett, the owner of a local meat pie shop, and the two become partners, as Todd swears revenge on those that have wronged him and decides to take up his old profession.
The warrior Deathstalker is tasked by an old witch lady to obtain and unite the three powers of creation - a chalice, an amulet, and a sword - lest the evil magician Munkar get them and use them for nefarious purposes. After obtaining the sword, Deathstalker joins with other travelers going to the Big Tournament to determine the strongest warrior. The false king holds the true princess in captivity, and plots to have Deathstalker killed, and Deathstalker must fight to free the princess.
Into the Woods
A collection of fairy tale characters head into the woods, and soon learn that fairy tales don't end at "happily ever after." This rendition of Stephen Sondheim's Tony Award-winning musical was recorded on the stage with its original all-star Broadway cast. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season ten, episode one).
Cargo 200
While returning to Leningrad from a visit to his brother, Professor Artyom's car breaks down and he finds assistance at an isolated farmhouse occupied by Alexey, his wife, a Vietnamese laborer, and a stranger who wanders around the farm. When his car is repaired, Artyom leaves, drunk on moonshine, and students Valera and Angelika arrive. After Valera gets drunk, the stranger abducts Angelika.
レント ライヴ・オン・ブロードウェイ
Sex Drugs and Aids... This controversial musical follows the lives of recovering addicts and people dying of aids in 80s new York in-between two Christmases after Collins is Involved in a race attack and left on the street to die he is saved by angel a trans woman and drag queen as their relationship builds the scary reality creeps in. In the lot Mark and Roger struggling artists can't afford to make RENT as relentless landlord and former friend Benny makes life hell for them all the while Marks ex girlfriend Maureen is protesting the eviction of the homeless on that same lot and her new girlfriend Joanne handles the law side of things. Finally Mimi is a 19 year old in love with Roger but she is addicted to cocaine and the former heroine addict wants nothing to do with her after his last girlfriend committed suicide.
和男 は、会社の同僚であるアキに想いを寄せている。そんなデートの最中、二人は突然何者かに襲われ見知らぬ地下室で目を覚ました。手足は拘束され、口には猿ぐつわ。完璧なる監禁、事態を飲み込むことができるハズもなく、ただただ恐怖におびえる二人の前に、医師の免許を持つ謎の男が現れた。「きみたち二人の愛に感動できれば解放するよ」と男は話す…。男は、二人に恥辱の限りを尽くし、そして命の限りの虐待を施す。それも彼らの愛情で感動を得る為だという。その地下室から、完璧なる監禁から彼らは脱出することができるのだろうか…。衝撃の結末が2人の行く末を阻む。
Saint Sinner
In 1815 a monk, Tomas Alcala, unwittingly unleashes two female succubi, Munkar and Nakir, upon an unsuspecting 21st century. He is chosen by God to travel through the centuries and stop the demons' rampage.
Cholera Street
Salih is a mechanic and the son of a respected barber named Ali. A woman named Tina arrives at Cholera Street, where she takes up residence and works as a prostitute.
A geneticists working on a drug to stop ageing tries it upon himself with horrendous consequences.
Oxen Split Torturing
Two short stories set in Edo during the Shogun era. 1 - During a time when Christians are persecuted vehemently, Iori falls in love with young Christian girl. When she and her family are captured during a raid, his sadistic master takes her as his personal slave to torment Iori, and tries breaking her spirit by means of rape, torture and pure sadism. After Iori refuses to participate any longer he is exiled, but vows to get her back no matter what it takes. 2 - When Sutezo is forced to serve the barbarous master of a brothel in order to repay his debts, he becomes friends with a young girl named Sato in process. Together, they both escape and try to get by on scams and petty theft.
The Reptile
Harry and Valerie Spalding arrive in the remote Cornish village to an unwelcoming and suspicious population. Harry's brother dies suddenly, bitten by a lethal reptilian bite. They befriend a young woman Anna whose tyrannical father controls her life and, as they discover that others in the village have suffered a similar fate, their investigations lead to Anna. What they uncover is a victim of the most terrifying legacy... a destiny of mutilation and murder.
The Neanderthal Man
A scientist develops a formula which will cause animals to regress to the form of their primitive ancestors, and tries it on himself with disastrous results.
1982年、南アフリカ共和国のヨハネスブルク上空に突如宇宙船が出現した。しかし、上空で静止した巨大な宇宙船からは応答や乗員が降りる様子はなく、人類は宇宙船に乗船しての調査を行うことを決定。知的生命体との接触に世界中の期待が集まる中行われた調査であったが、船内に侵入した調査隊が発見したのは、支配層の死亡と宇宙船の故障により難民となった大量のエイリアンであった。 乗船していたエイリアンたちは地上に移り、隔離地区である「第9地区」で難民として、MNU (英:Multi-National United) と呼ばれる超国家機関による管理・監視のもとで生活することになったが、文化や外見の違いから人間とエイリアン達との間では小競り合いが頻発する。人間達のエイリアンへの反発や差別は強まり、やがて彼等に対しては「エビ」(外見がエビ[=PRAWN]に似ているため)という蔑称が定着するようになった。 そして宇宙船出現から28年後、ついにエビ達を新たに用意された彼ら専用の居住区域である第10地区に移住させることが決定し、MNUの職員であるヴィカスは、立ち退き要請の同意を得るため第9地区を訪れるが、エイリアンの家で見つけた謎の液体を不注意により浴びてしまう。
ジンジャー スナップス
The story of two outcast sisters, Ginger and Brigitte, in the mindless suburban town of Bailey Downs. On the night of Ginger's first period, she is savagely attacked by a wild creature. Ginger's wounds miraculously heal but something is not quite right. Now Brigitte must save her sister and save herself.