犬と少年 (2023)
ジャンル : アニメーション, ドラマ, サイエンスフィクション
上映時間 : 4分
演出 : Ryotaro Makihara
Experimental short from Netflix Anime Creators' Base, AI character development company rinna, and WIT STUDIO. The short utilizes AI assistance in the background art workflow.
The sad and happy times of a young girl and her bear doll, a young mouse and his family, a sycamore tree, an old lamp post, a hoodlum moth and an alleyway full of posters coming to life.
Aramis fell off her horse and received the aid of a man named Francois. They fell in love with each other at first sight and spent their time happily for a while. Francois was killed by Manson and the Ironmask's people, so Aramis swore revenge. Then she went to Paris to be a musketeer. 1 year after the end of TV series, D'Artagnan had a drink with 3 musketeers and found that Jussac and the Cardinal's Guards harrassed a woman in a tavern in Paris. Of couse, they fought Jussac and the Cardinal's guards and won. On his way to home, D'Artagnan witnessed the woman whom he rescued from Jussac about to jump into the river, and rescued her again. D'Artagnan brought her to home but she disappeared soon. After a day, D'Artagnan heard that the woman was killed last night and Rochefort and Cardinal's guards arrested him for murder because his hat was found by the woman's body. Aramis discovers that the story has a link with Catherine de Médicis, and launches out an investigation.
Based on the beloved book by Scott O'Dell, this family movie tells the adventures of a young Native American girl. After her father is killed by a malevolent white trapper, Karana joins her community as they leave their island home in the Pacific to live on the mainland. Upon her departure, Karana realizes that her brother has been left behind. She immediately swims back to be with him and the two remain on the abandoned island. Though Karana is able to domesticate a wolf, her brother is not so fortunate with the animals and is killed by a pack of wild dogs. She is left to survive against the odds.
A cat, tired of being abused by everyone in his neighborhood, disguises himself as a skunk and inadvertently attracts the romantic advances of a real skunk.
ある晩、ベンはお母さんに海の歌が聞こえる貝の笛をもらう。うれしくて、笛を大事に抱いて眠りについたのだが、目を覚ますとお母さんの姿が見当たらない。 お母さんは赤ちゃんを残して、海へ消えてしまったのだ。
物語は、娘の雪が、母である花の半生を語るかたちで綴られる。 東京のはずれにある国立大学に通う、女子大生の花は、大学の教室でとある男と出会い、恋に落ちる。その男は自分がニホンオオカミの末裔、「おおかみおとこ」であることを告白するが、花はそれを受け入れ2人の子供を産む。産まれた姉「雪」と弟「雨」は狼に変身できる「おおかみこども」であった。しかし雨の出産直後、男は亡くなってしまう。花は2人の「おおかみこども」の育児に追われるが、都会ではたびたび狼に変身してしまう雪と雨を育てるのは難しく、山奥の古民家に移住する。 人の目を気にすることなく山奥で姉弟は育っていく。蛇や猪をも恐れない活発で狼になるのが好きな雪に対し、弟の雨は内向的であったが、やがて雪は小学校に通うようになり、狼にならないように気をつけ、人間として生きていく。一方で雨は小学校に馴染めず、山に入っては狼となって、一匹の狐を「先生」と呼び彼から山で生きる術を学んでいく。
A high school senior named Youtarou thought he was an only child — until he met his real mother and discovered that she has 19 daughters, from 0 to 18 years old. Now he ends up living with his true family.
台風一過の朝、のび太は台風の子供と出会い、フー子と名付けて可愛がる。ある日、広い草原でフー子と遊ぼうと、どこでもドアで出かけた。しかし、崖の不思議な洞窟に吸い込まれ、違うところに出てしまう。そして不思議な「風の村」に行き着き、テムジン少年たちと知り合う。そこでは風と共に生きる風の民と、風の力を悪用する嵐族が対立していた。 嵐族は古代の風の怪物マフーガを復活させることを企み、そのためにフー子を奪おうとする。しかも突然スネ夫が豹変し、嵐族の陣頭に立って風の民を襲い始める。スネ夫に何が起きたのか。嵐族が狙うフー子の秘密とは何か。風の大平原を舞台に、のび太たちの新たな冒険が始まる。
スティーヴンソンの小説「宝島」を読んで宝探しに憧れたのび太は、ドラえもんのひみつ道具「宝さがし地図」で宝島の在処を一回で突き止め、海への冒険に出発する。 いつものみんなも加わって冒険を楽しんでいたのも束の間、突然時空に異変が起き、のび太たちは17世紀のカリブ海へ転移。海賊の戦いに巻き込まれ、のび太はドラえもんたちとはぐれ、ドラえもんはポケットを失う。 ピンク色のイルカ「ルフィン」に助けられたのび太は無人島へ流れ着き、島で1人で暮していた少年ジャックと知り合う。一方ドラえもんたちは海賊キャプテン・キッドに助けられ、のび太を助けるために共に宝島のトモス島を目指すが、そこは謎の生物に満ちた未知の島だった。 のび太とドラえもんたちは再会できるのか。そしてトモス島とは一体何なのか?
The bulldog Liberty (who's thoughts we're able to hear) is the "First Dog of the USA", i.e. the president's dog. As such he has a lot of representative duties, but also many privileges which made him snobby and condescending towards other dogs. But one day when the young Nataniel takes him for a walk, he's mixed up with the stray dog Moocher who looks like his identical twin. Henceforth Moocher takes Liberty's place in the White House. From now on a different spirit reigns in the White House
Poor but happy, young Nello and his grandfather live alone, delivering milk as a livelihood, in the outskirts of Antwerp, a city in Flanders (the Flemish or Dutch-speaking part of modern-day Belgium). They discover a beaten dog (a Bouvier, a large sturdy dog native to Flanders) and adopt it and nurse it back to health, naming it Patrasche, the middle name of Nello's mother Mary, who died when Nello was very young. Nello's mother was a talented artist, and like his mother, he delights in drawing, and his friend Aloise is his model and greatest fan and supporter.
In the story, 33-year-old Kanazawa native Noriko had decided long ago not to accept an ordinary, provincial life for herself. So, she had gone to college in Tokyo, worked on her own, married a man at an elite trading firm, and had a child. She has just returned home from five years abroad with her husband and four-year-old son. However, she senses a large emptiness in her heart since coming back. Moreover, there is a man who shares a big secret with Noriko.
Faithful dog Rusty helps his master's father win a mayoral race.
To celebrate their graduation from university Kaori and her two friends visit Okinawa in southern Japan for a short vacation. At the vacation house, provided by Tadashi's uncle, a numbing stench awaits the girls, and can be traced to a horrendously deformed, legged fish that Kaori kills. More and more of these creatures appear and portend a horrific change for the animal life in the area. A phone call from Kaori's fiancé Tadashi in Tokyo quickly shows the scope of this epidemic, when he is also attacked by these mechanized fish. Kaori immediately sets out on an perilous voyage to find out what happened to Tadashi, helped by Shirakawa — a videographer in search of the truth behind all this...
Those krazed VHS-hunting pupz from Everything Is Terrible! (everyone’s favorite found footage chop shoppe) are back with their third inner-eye-opening feature, containing a feat never before attempted in either human or canine history. EIT! asks but two simple questions, “What if we make a movie composed ENTIRELY out of dog-related found footage?” and ‘'What if this magickal movie, made up of thousands of other dog movies, is also a remake of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s 1973 masterpiece The Holy Mountain?” Well, let’s stop asking dumb rhetorical questions because this never-ending spiral of World-Pup winning, sunglasses-wearing, murder-solving, skateboarding pooches is real! No Bonez about it, this is it! Are you dog enough to go fetch it? ARFFFFFF!
In this short movie featuring familiar characters from Azumanga Daioh, Osaka is yet again having a strange dream of Chiyo-Chan's pigtails being posessed. As Chiyo-Chan's pigtails bounce out of the window, who knows if young Chiyo will ever be happy again.