F4: Vortex (2006)
During Berlin's hottest summer in ages, a deadly tornado threatens to tear apart a city forever.
ジャンル : アクション, ドラマ, スリラー
上映時間 : 2時間 0分
A heat wave, a devastating tennis ball size hail storm, and a dead farmer all leave the local police mystified; but for experienced Meteorologist s, January Berger, these are warning signs to a bigger natural disaster. A relentless storm is about to hit the center of town and with no advanced warning system in place residents are left to fend for themselves! As the massive twisters rip a path of destruction though the city, will anyone make it out alive
The owner of an Illinois coal mine struggles to keep his business in operation, all the while unaware that among his employees is a saboteur planning destruction and chaos.
Witness the awesome power and the unimaginable destruction of explosive volcanoes, ground-buckling earthquakes, and deadly tornadoes as you head into the field with scientists who risk their lives exploring the origins and behaviors of these fearsome natural disasters.
Timely yet terrifying, The Flood predicts the unthinkable. When a raging storm coincides with high seas it unleashes a colossal tidal surge, which travels mercilessly down England's East Coast and into the Thames Estuary. Overwhelming the Barrier, torrents of water pour into the city. The lives of millions of Londoners are at stake.
舞台は1923年のドイツ(ワイマール共和国)にあるミュンヘン。この頃のドイツでは、第一次世界大戦敗戦後の、インフレに伴う貧困に喘ぎながら、それでも人々は懸命に生きていた。 アニメ最終話で錬金術世界から現実世界へと飛ばされたエドワードは18歳になり、元の世界に戻る為にロケット工学を研究していたが、先の見えない現実に焦燥していた。その頃、エドの同居人で「自らの手でロケットを作りたい」と夢見るアルフォンス・ハイデリヒは、パトロンを得て念願のロケット製作に着手する。しかしその裏には謎の組織・トゥーレ協会の陰謀が隠されていた。 あるとき、街で行われたカーニバルに来ていたエドワードは一人の女性に出会った。彼女の名は「ノーア」。彼女には、自分が触った相手の心の中や記憶を観る事ができるという不思議な力があった。彼女は「ジプシー」と呼ばれる被差別民族で、自分たちのことは「ロマ」と呼んでいた。そんな彼女と出会ったエドワードは、次第にドイツで起ころうとしている壮大な計画へと巻き込まれてゆく。そしてそれは同時に、錬金術世界の破滅の危機をも意味していた。 一方、アメストリスで13歳に成長したアルフォンスは兄を探す旅に出る。アルはエドとともに旅した4年間の記憶を失くしていたのだった。そして大切な思い出とともに、希望が時に予想だにしない悲劇を引き起こすことになるということも忘れていた。「兄さんに会いたい」その純粋な想いの果てに悲劇が待っているとは知らずに…。 引き裂かれた兄弟、シャンバラを求める者。門の鍵を為す者、様々な人間の思惑と欲望を孕んで物語の幕は再び上がる。
Liz McAdams is haunted by the memories of a tornado that destroyed her home 25 years ago. Now a professional storm tracker, she and her family are in danger once again as another devastating twister rapidly gains momentum. Caught in the path of destruction, Liz and her estranged husband struggle to save those they love...
A brother and sister are torn apart when their parents die tragically in a tornado. While he moves to Seattle to be away from the memory, she devotes her life to studying storms and weather patterns. When she discovers the threat of a powerful series of tornadoes are heading for Seattle, she must convince her brother and the entire city that she is not crazy; and they are in grave danger
An accountant sent to produce an evaluation of a tornado research project, and the scientist running the project pursue tornadoes and each other.
During the holiday season, Ethan, a meteorologist, and his wife Addison, a TV news reporter, must put aside their differences and band together to help save others and rescue their missing children from a massive F6 twister that has unexpectedly descended upon their small Texas town.
It's tornadoes, hurricanes, electrical storms, and mass destruction as the effects of global warming brew into a super storm that threatens to rend the earth with an unprecedented power. Beautiful scientist Faith Clavell, storm chaser Tommy Tornado, and Judith Carr, the head of FEMA, can stop the inevitable from happening-if they have the courage to venture into the roiling blackness of the storm itself.
Jewell and Gil are farmers. They seem to be working against the odds, producing no financial surplus. Gil has lost hope of ever becoming prosperous, but Jewell decides to fight for her family.
大竜巻の被害を受けたオハイオ州ジーニア。荒廃しきった町で無為な日々をすごす住民たち。野良猫を肉屋に売りつけて日銭を稼ぐソロモンとタムラー 。妹とふざけ散らすドットとその友人の女の子。町はずれをうろつくうさぎの帽子をかぶったままのバニーボーーイ。ソロモンの母もタムラーの父も、大人も子供もその...
When tornadoes hit a nuclear power plant, critically damaging the plant's cooling system, the results could be catastrophic. Atomic Twister, a countdown to disaster, traces an extraordinary day in the lives of small town citizens who unexpectedly find themselves facing the possibility of mass destruction.
Mickey wants some of the cake Minnie has just baked, so he offers to clean up her yard. As he's working, a tiny tornado (smaller than him) with a mind of its own comes along and causes trouble. After Mickey finally chases the little twister off, it gets its big brother, which makes a grand mess of the yard. Most of the cartoon, except for the opening and closing, has no dialogue.