Zebras on the move (2009)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 52分

演出 : Fernando Gonzáles Sitges


While everyone knows the migration of wildebeest in east Africa, few have paid attention to their predecessors in this long journey: the zebras. Hundreds of thousands of zebras mark the vanguard of the greater movement of ungulates of the African continent, crossing the legendary Mara and facing terrible dangers. Through two adventures we will know the lights and shadows of this extraordinary journey. The dangers they will face will be just the preamble to major threats, threats that face all species in an ecosystem with a very fragile balance that year after year is dangerously close to destruction



Fernando Gonzáles Sitges
Fernando Gonzáles Sitges


A documentary of insect life in meadows and ponds, using incredible close-ups, slow motion, and time-lapse photography. It includes bees collecting nectar, ladybugs eating mites, snails mating, spiders wrapping their catch, a scarab beetle relentlessly pushing its ball of dung uphill, endless lines of caterpillars, an underwater spider creating an air bubble to live in, and a mosquito hatching.
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having on humans and the earth. The visual tone poem contains neither dialogue nor a vocalized narration: its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and the exceptional music by Philip Glass.
Sounds of Sand
On the one hand, there’s the desert eating away at the land. The endless dry season, the lack of water. On the other there’s the threat of war. The village well has run dry. The livestock is dying. Trusting their instinct, most of the villagers leave and head south. Rahne, the only literate one, decides to head east with his three children and Mouna, his wife. A few sheep, some goats, and Chamelle, a dromedary, are their only riches. A tale of exodus, quest, hope and fatality.
Racing Stripes
Shattered illusions are hard to repair -- especially for a good-hearted zebra named Stripes who's spent his life on a Kentucky farm amidst the sorely mistaken notion that he's a debonair thoroughbred. Once he faces the fact that his stark stripes mark him as different, he decides he'll race anyway. And with help from the young girl who raised him, he just might end up in the winner's circle.
「スキャンダル」のチョン・ドヨンが渾身の演技でカンヌ国際映画祭主演女優賞に輝いた感動の人生ドラマ。最愛の息子を失い、理不尽な運命に打ちのめされたヒロインの魂の彷徨と再生への道のりを、抑えたタッチで丁寧に綴ってゆく。共演は「グエムル -漢江の怪物-」のソン・ガンホ、監督は「オアシス」のイ・チャンドン。シングルマザーのシネは、幼い息子ジュンと2人で、亡き夫の故郷・密陽(ミリャン)に引っ越し再出発を誓う。自動車修理工場の社長ジョンチャンは、シネの気を惹こうと何かと世話を焼くが、シネは彼を俗物男と評して冷ややかな対応。そしてようやく新生活も落ち着きを見せ始めたとき、思いもよらぬ悲劇が彼女を襲う。
The story of Alex, who, with the help of his charismatic grandfather, embarks on a journey in search of his real self.
Roar follows a family who are attacked by various African animals at the secluded home of their keeper.
Summer Heat
Photographer Bob loses his girlfriend. A year later he meets Kathleen. Is she in love? Or does she use him for her dark dealings with the mafia?
The Greatest Places
A journey to seven of the most geographically dynamic locations on earth. The film features spectacular land forms, diverse wildlife and the people and cultures indigenous to these places. Distinct geographic places include the great island of Madagascar, home to unique limestone pinnacles and the playful lemur; and the greatest desert—the Namib—home of the largest sand dunes in the world that tower majestically over its western border, the Atlantic Ocean. Other locations featured are the great icecap of Greenland, Iguazu Falls in Brazil, the Okavango Delta in Botswana, the Chang Tang Plateau in Tibet, and the Amazon River in South America.
Serengeti Shall Not Die
The film tells of the beginnings of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. At the end of the 1950s, the Tanzanian National Park Administration wanted to fence in the protected area around the Ngorongoro Crater. Bernhard and Michael Grzimek were invited by the national park administration in 1957 to get a precise picture of the animal migrations and to provide the national park administration with the values ​​they needed for their project. Using a new counting method with two airplanes, the Grzimeks found out that the migration of the herds was different than assumed.
Survival Island
Standing almost alone in the great Southern Ocean, South Georgia island plays host to some of the largest concentrations of animals anywhere on Earth during the spring and summer months. This is the story of these vast animal cities, and of the order that lies beneath their seeming chaos.
Africa: The Serengeti
Africa the Serengeti takes you on an extraordinary journey to view a spectacle few humans have ever witnessed: The Great Migration. Journey with more than two million wildebeests, zebras and antelopes as in their annual 500 mile trek across the Serengeti plains.
Blue Water, White Death
Peter Gimbel and a team of photographers set out on an expedition to find and Film, for the very first time, Carcharodon carcharias....The Great White Shark. The Expedition took over nine months and traveled from Durban, South Africa, across the Indian Ocean and finally to South Australia.
Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice
Shot mainly using spy cameras, this film gets closer than ever before to the world's greatest land predator. As the film captures its intimate portrait of polar bears' lives, it reveals how their intelligence and curiosity help them cope in a world of shrinking ice.
Origins of Life
A documentary that explores the natural world of the sea, from the single-celled organism to more complex forms of life, OCEAN ORIGINS was originally filmed in the IMAX large format, which adds a crispness and clarity to the images. This documentary film seeks to examine the process of evolution by looking at the many creatures of the sea that can illustrate the way multi-cellular life emerged over the course of four billion years. OCEAN ORIGINS is a creative film that uses fascinating documentary footage to look at scientific theories and principles in an interesting manner
Japan Japan
Nineteen year old Imri, a handsome ex-soldier, suffers from “Yellow Fever”. He was born in Israel but yearns to live in Japan.