
ダイナソー (2000)

You have never seen anything like this.

ジャンル : ファミリー, アニメーション

上映時間 : 1時間 23分

演出 : Ralph Zondag, Eric Leighton
脚本 : John Harrison, Robert Nelson Jacobs




D.B. Sweeney
D.B. Sweeney
Aladar (voice)
Alfre Woodard
Alfre Woodard
Plio (voice)
Ossie Davis
Ossie Davis
Yar (voice)
Max Casella
Max Casella
Zini (voice)
Hayden Panettiere
Hayden Panettiere
Suri (voice)
Samuel E. Wright
Samuel E. Wright
Kron (voice)
Julianna Margulies
Julianna Margulies
Neera (voice)
Peter Siragusa
Peter Siragusa
Bruton (voice)
Joan Plowright
Joan Plowright
Baylene (voice)
Della Reese
Della Reese
Eema (voice)
Cathy Cavadini
Cathy Cavadini
Additional Voice (voice)
Edie Lehmann Boddicker
Edie Lehmann Boddicker
Additional Voice (voice)
Matt Adler
Matt Adler
Additional Voice (voice)
Sandina Bailo-Lape
Sandina Bailo-Lape
Additional Voice (voice)
Zachary Bostrom
Zachary Bostrom
Additional Voice (voice)


Ralph Zondag
Ralph Zondag
Eric Leighton
Eric Leighton
Pam Marsden
Pam Marsden
Production Supervisor
Pam Marsden
Pam Marsden
James Newton Howard
James Newton Howard
Original Music Composer
H. Lee Peterson
H. Lee Peterson
David R. Hardberger
David R. Hardberger
Director of Photography
Joel Fletcher
Joel Fletcher
Animation Supervisor
Trey Thomas
Trey Thomas
Animation Supervisor
Larry White
Larry White
Animation Supervisor
Rick Moore
Rick Moore
Rick Maki
Rick Maki
Visual Development
Owen Klatte
Owen Klatte
Mary Hidalgo
Mary Hidalgo
John Harrison
John Harrison
Steven Douglas Smith
Steven Douglas Smith
Director of Photography
Lisa Marie Webster
Lisa Marie Webster
Production Assistant
Robert Nelson Jacobs
Robert Nelson Jacobs
Robert Nelson Jacobs
Robert Nelson Jacobs
Thom Enriquez
Thom Enriquez
Baker Bloodworth
Baker Bloodworth
Walon Green
Walon Green
Original Story
Atsushi Sato
Atsushi Sato
Supervising Animator
Thomas R. Bryant
Thomas R. Bryant
Visual Effects Editor
Ruth Lambert
Ruth Lambert
Jim Weidman
Jim Weidman
Supervising Music Editor
David Olson
David Olson
Music Editor
Berenice Le Maitre
Berenice Le Maitre
Post Production Supervisor
Frank E. Eulner
Frank E. Eulner
Supervising Sound Editor
John Harrison
John Harrison
Ralph Zondag
Ralph Zondag
Walter P. Martishius
Walter P. Martishius
Production Design
Neil Krepela
Neil Krepela
Visual Effects Supervisor
Cristy Maltese
Cristy Maltese
Art Direction
Neil Eskuri
Neil Eskuri
Digital Effects Supervisor
Tamara Boutcher
Tamara Boutcher
Production Manager
Carolyn Soper
Carolyn Soper
Production Manager
Mark A. Hester
Mark A. Hester
Associate Editor
Christopher Boyes
Christopher Boyes
Sound Designer
Christopher Boyes
Christopher Boyes
Sound Supervisor
Chris Montan
Chris Montan
Executive Music Producer
Thom Enriquez
Thom Enriquez
Head of Story
Darryl Kidder
Darryl Kidder
Story Artist
Frank Nissen
Frank Nissen
Story Artist
Dick Zondag
Dick Zondag
Story Artist
Roy Meurin
Roy Meurin
Story Artist
Ray Shenusay
Ray Shenusay
Story Artist
Mark Anthony Austin
Mark Anthony Austin
Supervising Animator
Trey Thomas
Trey Thomas
Supervising Animator
Tom Roth
Tom Roth
Supervising Animator
Bill Fletcher
Bill Fletcher
Supervising Animator
Larry White
Larry White
Supervising Animator
Eamonn Butler
Eamonn Butler
Supervising Animator
Joel Fletcher
Joel Fletcher
Supervising Animator
Dick Zondag
Dick Zondag
Supervising Animator
Michael Belzer
Michael Belzer
Supervising Animator
Gregory William Griffith
Gregory William Griffith
Supervising Animator




Wealthy big game hunter (Boone), along with his group, gets trapped in pre-historic times where they are stalked by a ferocious dinosaur.
恐竜 怪鳥の伝説
An ancient Indian warrior who has reached the end of his life is brought back from his 'death' to save his family from a raiding party of enemy Indians in this unique story of 'Indians without a single cowboy.
Circle of Power
A group of husbands with their wives participate in a reunion where everybody will find his hidden secret. The methods used are terrible, but usually work. Just usually.
ガーディアンズ 伝説の勇者たち
Alois Nebel
A train dispatcher encounters a mute stranger who appears out of nowhere, and finds himself mysteriously involved with a murder in Poland. The end of the eighties in the twentieth century. Alois Nebel works as a dis­patcher at the small railway station in Bílý Potok, a remote village on the Czech–Polish border. He's a loner, who prefers old timetables to people, and he finds the loneliness of the station tranquil – except when the fog rolls in. Then he hallucinates, sees trains from the last hundred years pass through the station. They bring ghosts and shadows from the dark past of Central Eu­rope. Alois can’t get rid of these nightmares and eventually ends up in sanatorium. In the sanatorium, he gets to know The Mute, a man carrying an old photograph who was arrested by the police after crossing the border. No one knows why he came to Bílý Potok or who he’s looking for, but it is his past that propels Alois on his journey…
After India's father dies, her Uncle Charlie, who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her unstable mother. She comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives and becomes increasingly infatuated with him.
エイリアン バスターズ
National Geographic: Pyramids of Death
They are some of the biggest pyramids on the planet, millions of tons of stone and earth towering above the landscape in a display of massive wealth and power. But it wasn't the pharaohs that built these pyramids. This is the majestic ancient city of Teotihuacán, Mexico, home to one of the most powerful civilizations of its time. But why, around 750 AD, did the advanced civilization that created Teotihuacán suddenly vanish? The identities of its founders, the language they spoke and even the original name of the city are all unknown. DNA analysis of bodies from Teotihuacán shows they weren't Mayan, Incan or Aztec, but an entirely different civilization. It was assumed to have been a peaceful, utopian society, but the latest discoveries are revealing a much darker scenario. In the depths of Teotihuacán's pyramids, experts have uncovered vault after vault filled with curious human remains.
The Bermuda Depths
Scientists investigating the briny deep are threatened by a giant turtle and the spirit of a young brunette swimmer in the Bermuda Triangle.
A Native American owner of a kitschy roadside museum accidentally brings to life three dinosaur fossils. Now really annoyed, the giant dinos wreak havoc on the small town and the local university.
Double Alibi
A man's ex-wife is found murdered, and he finds himself to be the prime suspect.
文豪トルストイの名作を、「プライドと偏見」「つぐない」のジョー・ライト監督が映画化。19世紀末ロシアの社交界を舞台に、政府高官の妻と青年将校との運命の愛を描く。 19世紀末のロシア。政府高官カレーニン(ジュード・ロウ)の妻にして、社交界の花として人々から注目されるアンナ・カレーニナ(キーラ・ナイトレイ)。しかし、華やかな生活の裏で夫との愛なき結婚に空虚なものを抱いていた。そんな中、彼女は離婚の危機に陥った兄夫婦の関係を修復させようと、彼らのいるモスクワへ。駅に降り立ったアンナは、そこで青年将校ヴロンスキー(アーロン・テイラー=ジョンソン)と出会う。彼から強い思いをぶつけられて戸惑う彼女だが、自分にも彼を慕う気持ちで胸がいっぱいだった。
悪の支配者から島を、そして仲間たちを守るため、ヒックとドラゴンのトゥースの新しい冒険が今、始まる! ドラゴンと人間が共存するバーク島では、賑やかなドラゴンレースが開催されていた。レースに参加しないヒックは、ドラゴンのトゥースに乗って地図にない場所を求め探検へ出かけてゆく。見慣れない島を発見したヒックは、そこで巨大なドラゴンを操る集団を見つけるが、何と彼らはバーク島を狙っていた。
After Brad and Meg move to a detached house in need of major repairs after a fire and decades of neglect, they're happy that cheerful teenage son Tyler behaves normally, for puberty. Young daughter Gina's stories about sometimes evil 'fairies' are equally dismissed, but get worse. Self-appointed handyman warns Iver Hagen them for 'things worse than ghosts' and ever scarier things happen. Ma irrationally believes the house bad yet refuses long to have Gina examined by Dr. Werner, who has a patient Olive obsessed by similar trolls. By the time the pieces are fitted, it may be too late.
The Great Serengeti
The Serengeti is a vast ecosystem, home to a dazzling variety of life, and the site of the largest migration on the planet. Woodland, riverbank forests and swamps provide cover for dozens of mammal species and more than 350 varieties of bird. The fate of these animals is intimately bound with the ever changing landscape. The passage from the rainy season to the dry season means there is no rest and no stability. Those who dwell here must remain in constant motion to survive. For months they live in hope of the returning rains that will put an end to their struggle and reward their efforts.
When Men Carried Clubs and Women Played Ding-Dong
Prehistoric cave-stud Ari wins lovely virgin Listra in a pig-catching contest, but their attempts at "Ding-Dong" keep getting interrupted by idiot battles between his tribe, The Cave Dwellers, and their neighbors, The Lake Dwellers. Annoyed that hubby would rather make war than Ding-Dong, Listra organizes the women of both tribes to go on strike and "abstain Ding-Dong" until the men stop fighting. It all happens back in the days when men carried clubs and women played ding-dong, an Italian stone-age sex comedy based on the Greek classic "Lysistrata" and filled with shapely cavewomen sporting '70s hairstyles, a gay caveman with the hots for the hero, a title tune that will follow you forever and, of course, plenty of old-fashioned Ding-Dong!
Time Kid
An adaptation of H.G Well's Time Machine for Nickleodon. Tom's scientist father, overwhelmed with grief over the loss of his wife, invents a time machine. He attempts to go in to the future to find a cure that he can take back in time to his wife, so that she might live. He never comes back, only his time machine. So Tom goes into the future to rescue his dad.


ホーム・オン・ザ・レンジ にぎやか農場を救え!
オリバー ニューヨーク子猫ものがたり
舞台は、15世紀のパリ。そこにあるノートルダム大聖堂の鐘楼にひっそりと暮らす鐘衝き男・カジモドは、容姿こそ醜いが、優しく純粋な心を持った青年。彼は、育ての親・フロローの言いつけで外に出る事を許されず、友人は3人組の石像だけだった。 そんなある日、町の祭で楽しく盛り上がる人々を見て、我慢出来なくなったカジモドは遂に大聖堂を飛び出した。
古き良き時代のフランス、パリ。ダッチェスという名前の美しい雌ネコが、3匹の子ネコたちと暮らしていました。 飼い主の老婦人は猫たちをとてもかわいがり、莫大な遺産をネコに譲ろうとします。 ところが執事が遺産欲しさにネコたちを郊外に置き去りにしてしまいます。 途方に暮れるダッチェスたちの前に現れた野良ネコのオマリーに助けられ、みんなはパリを目指します。
アトランティス 失われた帝国
A lawless poacher wants to capture a majestic and rare golden eagle, so he kidnaps the boy who knows where to find the bird. Not to worry -- the Rescue Aid Society's top agents, heroic mice Miss Bianca and Bernard, fly to Australia to save the day. Accompanying the fearless duo are bumbling albatross Wilbur and local field operative Jake the Kangaroo Rat.
Blending lively music and brilliant animation, this sequel to the original 'Fantasia' restores 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' and adds seven new shorts.
意地悪でごう慢な王様クスコは、魔女イズマの恨みをかってラマの姿に変えられてしまう。城を追われたクスコと、人のいい農夫パチャによる珍道中の物語。 とにかく楽しませてくれる逸品だ。ディズニー・アニメの中ではスケールの大きさこそないものの、ノリで勝負とばかりに、はじけたキャラたちが次々とギャグを繰り出す痛快コメディとなっている。たとえば、クスコとパチャのかけ合いや、魔女イズマと家来クロンクの悪役コンビはじつによい味を出している。特にクロンクのボケっぷりは爆笑必至だ。 本作は、わかりやすいキャラクター設定に、わかりやすいギャグが満載な気持ちのよい作品。ごう慢だった王様が何よりも大切な「友情」に気づくというテーマも作品に無理なくとけ込んでいる。作品がシンプルなだけに子ども向きかと思いきや、案外このテイストは、大人の方がハマってしまうのではないだろうか?
ロンドンに住む作曲家ロジャーと飼い犬のダルメシアン、ポンゴ。二人はとても仲良し。ある日、二人は公園でアニータという女性と彼女の愛犬、雌ダルメシアンのパディータと出会います。 彼らは互いに仲良くなり、ロジャーとアニータは結婚することになりました。もちろん、ポンゴとパディータも。 ロジャーとアニータよりも先に、ポンゴとパディータの間に15匹の子犬が生まれました。愛情を込めて子犬たちを育てていた彼らのもとに、クルエラという悪女がやって来ました。 彼女は犬の毛皮が大好きで、子犬たちを誘拐してしまいました。このままでは、子犬たちが毛皮にされてしまいます。 かわいい子どもたちを失う訳にはいかないポンゴとパディータは仲間の犬達に協力を求め、クルエラのアジトを特定することに成功します。 いざ子犬救出のためにアジトに乗り込むと、なんとそこには99匹の子犬が!全員引き連れての脱出劇が幕を開ける。