ホーム・オン・ザ・レンジ にぎやか農場を救え! (2004)
Bust a Moo
ジャンル : アニメーション, ファミリー
上映時間 : 1時間 16分
演出 : Will Finn, John Sanford
Documentary offers a look at the historical development, establishment and artistic transformations of the Ukrainian Circus as a cultural phenomenon of the 20 century.
Constance and her fiancé hope to one day take over, modernize and expand her father’s farm, on the verge of bankruptcy, to the large-scale farms that share the land and power. She gains the support of the influential and charismatic Sylvain, their fate quickly lying in his hands... When Sylvain's desire for her steps in the negotiations, Constance must face yet another kind of violence.
Things were going fine for the chickens, but evolution took a scary turn and the future is now uncertain.
Two chickens start a new chapter in their lives by learning a mysterious martial art. As they train, it is obvious they don't exactly fit in until evil weasels threaten the chickens' way of life, and the town has to band together to defeat them.
He’s our favorite veterinarian, and now we reveal what makes him so incredible. In this special program, Dr. Jan Pol shares his most intimate and life-changing moments – from his childhood in the Netherlands when the world was at war, to his move to the American midwest, and a love story fit for the movies – this is the story of his incredible life. (Disney+)
Cat experts explain the behaviors of domestic cats and how their sometimes undesirable actions are really innate instincts, revealing how closely they are still connected to their wild ancestors.
Only twenty-five years ago, the first evidence of self-medicating behaviour among animals was reported among chimpanzees. On the basis of this pioneering research, led by the American Michael Huffman, a new science was founded: "zoopharmacognosy", or the study of animal pharmacopeia. Animals are apparently able to treat themselves actively, to detect natural substances that can provide a remedy for health problems, or to prevent them. The primatologist Michael Huffman explains how he discovered that chimpanzees can heal their diseases with medicinal plants from their environment. The scientist then comments on other very surprising examples: Birds that disinfect their nests by filling them with aromatic plants with repellent properties, a rodent that covers its coat with toxic sap as a poisonous defence against predators and elephants that place mud plasters on their injuries. Some therapeutic behaviours may even be transmitted socially among certain species.
Set in the mountains of northeast Italy, this film may be considered an observational documentary about rural life. Although this is undeniably the case, at the same time Under the cold stars can hardly be considered a documentary: the microcosm on which it focuses appears to be a reflection of a broader reality and perhaps a way to deal with the themes of man’s existence and his relationship with animals, nature and, most importantly, with time. As written by Franco Piavoli “it is a film which essentially relies on images and sound, where words themselves are sound and the music of life, of the relentless flow of time”.
Come and see how to care for all the animals on the farm. There are pigs, cows, foals and sheep. Lots of machines are needed, including straw choppers, feed wagons and muck spreaders.
Tractor Ted shows us lots of huge harvesters and the food they harvest for us and all the animals. Farmer Tom is busy at work on the farm getting in the maize. Luckily the children save the farmer from losing grain from his combine! So many massive machines to see including combine harvester, forage harvester, sugar beet harvester and more.
Autumn is one of the busiest seasons on the farm. Tractorland is busy with great big machines. Huge combine harvesters are hard at work, as well as potato harvesters, apple harvesters and forage harvesters.
After serving his military duty, Simo returns to his hometown. All day he rides his favourite horse Vihar and looks after the horses in the farm. Banov, the chairman of the cooperative farm, doesn't like Simo and wants to get rid of the horses, but Simo will not let this happen.
This Department of Interior film examines the origins of the Civilian Conservation Corps and profiles various accomplishments of the group in helping to build our nation's parks.
The Super Simple show is a compilation of Super Simple's most popular songs and series that our fans love! This compilation is all about Animals! Includes children's song favorites "Alice the Camel", "Let's Go To The Zoo" & "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" and featuring Mr. Monkey, Monkey Mechanic, Carl's Car Wash, Sing Along with Tobee, and More!
Farmer Tom and the childran are off to a farm where cheese is made. The clever cows know when it's milking time and we see them in the dairy. There are lots of machines on the farm too - the milk tanker, the busy forklifts, the feed wagon is feeding the young cows in the barn and the loader is filling the digesters to make electricity on the farm. Lots of exciting jobs to make the yummy cheese.
Tractor Ted visits more big machines - Pea Harvesters. They are huge and keep working all day and all night. Can the driver really see where he is going in the dark? Also watch ploughs and seed drills hard at work. Fudge the dog gets stuck and luckily Les is there to help.
Tractor Ted takes a trip to meet some racehorses during the working day of a large stableyard. He sees them on the gallops, having a bath and even one swimming! Out in the fields the hay is being made with big machinery including mowers, turners and balers. The children help load the lorry and cheer the horses on in the big race. A fascinating visit to one of the world's top racing yards.
舞台は、15世紀のパリ。そこにあるノートルダム大聖堂の鐘楼にひっそりと暮らす鐘衝き男・カジモドは、容姿こそ醜いが、優しく純粋な心を持った青年。彼は、育ての親・フロローの言いつけで外に出る事を許されず、友人は3人組の石像だけだった。 そんなある日、町の祭で楽しく盛り上がる人々を見て、我慢出来なくなったカジモドは遂に大聖堂を飛び出した。
意地悪でごう慢な王様クスコは、魔女イズマの恨みをかってラマの姿に変えられてしまう。城を追われたクスコと、人のいい農夫パチャによる珍道中の物語。 とにかく楽しませてくれる逸品だ。ディズニー・アニメの中ではスケールの大きさこそないものの、ノリで勝負とばかりに、はじけたキャラたちが次々とギャグを繰り出す痛快コメディとなっている。たとえば、クスコとパチャのかけ合いや、魔女イズマと家来クロンクの悪役コンビはじつによい味を出している。特にクロンクのボケっぷりは爆笑必至だ。 本作は、わかりやすいキャラクター設定に、わかりやすいギャグが満載な気持ちのよい作品。ごう慢だった王様が何よりも大切な「友情」に気づくというテーマも作品に無理なくとけ込んでいる。作品がシンプルなだけに子ども向きかと思いきや、案外このテイストは、大人の方がハマってしまうのではないだろうか?