
Sage (2022)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 12分

演出 : Skylar Piela


A young transgender woman's pursuit of self-acceptance in the face of societal barriers unfolds in the transformative backdrop of 1990s New York City.


Hunter Pifer
Hunter Pifer
Justin X. Weimerskirch
Justin X. Weimerskirch
Peyton Randolph
Peyton Randolph
Tamia Haskins
Tamia Haskins
Katia Popova
Katia Popova
Raia Hirsch
Raia Hirsch
Bradley Shane Harrelson
Bradley Shane Harrelson
Lana Luke
Lana Luke
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Claire Marino
Claire Marino
Model #2


Skylar Piela
Skylar Piela
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Skylar Piela
Skylar Piela
Dakota Callicott
Dakota Callicott
Director of Photography
Catherine Wiesehuegel
Catherine Wiesehuegel
Line Producer
Joey Rudzinskas
Joey Rudzinskas
First Assistant Director
Catherine Weisehuegel
Catherine Weisehuegel
Second Assistant Director
Claire Marino
Claire Marino
Script Supervisor
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Location Manager
Becca Gelb
Becca Gelb
Casting Director
Simon Floris
Simon Floris
First Assistant "A" Camera
Shane Hecksel
Shane Hecksel
Second Assistant "A" Camera
Leo Steele
Leo Steele
Camera Production Assistant
Adam Shimberg
Adam Shimberg
Camera Production Assistant
Chris Feleppa
Chris Feleppa
Henry Locke
Henry Locke
Key Grip
Rachel Schulz
Rachel Schulz
Production Designer
Jenna Rae Tooley
Jenna Rae Tooley
Art Direction
Jordyn Edgerton
Jordyn Edgerton
Costume Designer
Katia Popova
Katia Popova
Makeup & Hair
Mick McCoy
Mick McCoy
Still Photographer
Davis Clem
Davis Clem
Still Photographer
Bryan Munnings
Bryan Munnings
Location Sound Mixer
Jacob Braxton
Jacob Braxton
Boom Operator
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Sebastian Castro Lamberty
Post Production Supervisor
Liv Crouch
Liv Crouch
Lead Editor
Dakota Callicott
Dakota Callicott
Riley Gagne
Riley Gagne
Graphic Designer
Frank Garcia Delgado
Frank Garcia Delgado
Graphic Designer


An immigrant love story set on a street corner.
Angel Passing
An aging concert pianist in a nursing home, suffering from Alzheimers, revisits his past. When he comes back to his home, now occupied by an artist, a touching bond develops for a few moments between them. Two strangers, one asking for forgiveness about his past, the other with the ability to forgive in her own life. A touching short, with very few words but deeply portrayed feelings.
Something More
In a crisis with his wife, a man consoles himself with an attractive girl, but hesitates when he discovers she's trans. That "something more", however, does not prevent him from continuing the relationship, which becomes embarrassing when the two also join the wife, attracted by the novelty. The unusual triangle is not destined for a happy coexistence and fate will prove tragic for everyone.
Belle al bar
During a marriage crisis, unhappy Leo has to go to another town for work. There he meets his long-lost cousin Giulio, who has become... Giulia, a very charming girl.
Desperate Characters
Sophie and Otto Bentwood are a middle-aged, middle class, childless Brooklyn Heights couple trapped in a loveless marriage. He is an attorney, she a translator of books. Their existence is affected not only by their disintegrating relationship but by the threats of urban crime and vandalism that surround them everywhere they turn, leaving them feeling paranoid, scared, and desperately helpless.
Restless City
Tells the story of an African immigrant surviving on the fringes of New York City where music is his passion, life is a hustle and falling in love is his greatest risk.
News At 11: Liberty Edition is both the official visual companion to 猫 シ Corp.'s album News at 11, and a feature length odyssey through the late 20th century. Working closely with 猫 シ Corp., the archival experts of CCTV have synthesized media from hundreds of sources, creating a dreamlike meditation on the lost entertainment, telecommunications, and advertising that shaped a generation’s collective conscious. As we face an uncharted era of the Information Age, News at 11: Liberty Edition looks to the past to illuminate what might be ahead—championing our drive for resilience and innovation, while reminding us of our capacity for understanding and compassion.
A Florida Enchantment
A young woman discovers a seed that can make women act like men and men act like women. She decides to take one, then slips one to her maid and another to her fiancé. The fun begins.
ワイルド・スピード ICE BREAK
Born Guilty
What happens when you secretly pay someone to romance your Mom?
Girls' Night In (Beauty, Brains, and Personality)
A girls'-night-in dinner party among three friends turns into a disaster when one of them makes a hurtful remark.
劇場版 きんいろモザイク Thank you!!
金髪と外国が大好きな女子高生・忍。 忍の家には金髪碧眼の英国少女・アリスがホームステイ中! 「シノブに会いに来たよ!」 中学生のときに出会った二人が再会できたのは、高校 1年生の春にアリスが日本の高校へ編入してきたから。 忍の幼馴染で凸凹コンビの綾&陽子、アリスを追いかけてきたもう一人のイギリス人留学生・カレンも加わって、 仲良し5人組の毎日はきらきら輝いています。 高校3年生の春を迎えた忍たちは修学旅行へ出発! 行き先は奈良と京都。初めてのお泊り旅行にわくわくが止まらない! 忍はイギリス旅行じゃないことにショックを受けるけど、アリスは日本文化に触れられて大喜び。 綾は夜の恋バナに執念を燃やし、陽子はツッコミが忙しく、4人と別のクラスなのにカレンもいつの間にか一緒にいて……? 引率の烏丸先生と久世橋先生、カレンに憧れる穂乃花とその部活仲間の香奈も一緒になって、楽しい時間を満喫する。 そして修学旅行が終わり、いよいよそれぞれの進路について考えるときがやってくる。 5人の選ぶ未来とは?
The Stroll
The history of New York’s Meatpacking District, told from the perspective of transgender sex workers who lived and worked there. Filmmaker Kristen Lovell, who walked “The Stroll” for a decade, reunites her community to recount the violence, policing, homelessness, and gentrification they overcame to build a movement for transgender rights.
The Squeeze
Harry Berg is both a con artist and an actual artist -- he constructs large sculptures out of television sets -- but he is not particularly successful in either role. He owes some money, which gets him involved with Rachel Dobs, a police detective who works with a collection agency. When Harry comes into possession of a strange parcel, both the con man and the detective find themselves wrapped up in a sinister corporate plot to fix the lottery.
インサイド・ルーウィン・デイヴィス 名もなき男の歌
コーエン兄弟が伝説のシンガー、デイヴ・ヴァン・ロンクの回想録をもとに映画化。第66回カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員特別グランプリを受賞。フォークソングで有名な1960年代のニューヨークはグリニッジビレッジを舞台に、音楽活動に奔走しながらも苦闘するシンガー・ソングライターが過ごす1週間を見つめる。 1960年代のニューヨーク、冬。若い世代のアートやカルチャーが花開いていたエリア、グリニッジビレッジのライブハウスでフォークソングを歌い続けるシンガー・ソングライターのルーウィン・デイヴィス(オスカー・アイザック)。熱心に音楽に取り組む彼だったが、なかなかレコードは売れない。それゆえに音楽で食べていくのを諦めようとする彼だが、何かと友人たちに手を差し伸べられ……。
New York Nights
Two nights in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic. The streets are empty and it’s almost election night. Stores are shuttering up and boarding up their windows in anticipation of the fallout.
On a trip to her hometown, workaholic Ally reminisces with her first love Sean, and starts to question everything about the person she's become. Things only get more confusing when she meets Sean's fiancé, Cassidy, who reminds her of the person she used to be.
The Royal Family of Broadway
Julie Cavendish comes from a family of great Broadway actors. Her mother Fanny staunchly continues acting. Her boisterous brother Tony is fleeing a breach of promise suit in Hollywood. Her daughter Gwen must decide between going on stage, or settling down in a conventional marriage. Julie is just thinking that it would be nice to retire and get married, when who should turn up but her old beau, Gilmore Marshal, the platinum magnate from South America.