Know For Sure (1941)
ジャンル : ドラマ
上映時間 : 23分
演出 : Lewis Milestone
A 1941 film encouraging people to seek treatment if they had, or might have had, syphilis.
The story of John Wilmot, a.k.a. the Earl of Rochester, a 17th century poet who famously drank and debauched his way to an early grave, only to earn posthumous critical acclaim for his life's work.
An extramarital affair leads to a young couple contracting venereal disease.
A woman learns that her husband has been unfaithful and that he has acquired a venereal disease. Then she learns that, after years of trying, she is finally pregnant
A 1941 film encouraging people to seek treatment if they had, or might have had, syphilis.
A young beauty queen travels to New York to further her modelling career, but contracts syphilis after being tricked into a sexual encounter. She is torn between the prospect of a slow, intensive but proven therapy and a supposed miracle cure.
In New York City, a relationship is threatened when a young man discovers he's caught syphilis from a tryst with a waitress named Ellie (Lynne Lipton). This threatens his relationship with a new girl. Film critic Amy Taubin co-stars as the new girl who gets the bad news. The director is apparently the same man who edited Fritz Lang's The Testament of Dr. Mabuse.
January, 1947. The public receives the news of Al Capone's death with indifference, although twenty years earlier he had ruled Chicago's crime underworld with brute force and corrupting many touchable individuals. Until the day the head of the Untouchables Brigade, Eliot Ness, entered the scene. Since then, a cruel battle between the two of them began, a battle that ended in trial, conviction, disease, insanity and death.
Warning of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, specifically syphilis.
A painter with syphilis infects his brother's wife and the child born of their affair.
A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his superior - both of which still haunt him decades later.
A westerner named Casey, studying Ninjutsu in Japan, is asked by the Sensei to return to New York to protect the legendary Yoroi Bitsu, an armored chest that contains the weapons of the last Koga Ninja.
Rizwan Khan, a Muslim from the Borivali section of Mumbai, has Asperger's syndrome. He marries a Hindu single mother, Mandira, in San Francisco. After 9/11, Rizwan is detained by authorities at LAX who treat him as a terrorist because of his condition and his race.
ニューオーリンズの地方検事であるジム・ギャリソンは、昼食中に大統領暗殺の第一報を受けた。しかし、直後に逮捕されるリー・ハーヴェイ・オズワルドという人物に、彼は大多数のアメリカ人とは別のショックを受ける。ニューオーリンズの法曹関係者の間ではオズワルドという男は有名人であったからである。 オズワルドは不思議な過去を持ち、奇行を繰り返し、キューバ人の団体とトラブルを起こしていた人物だった。彼はすぐにこの人物の調査を始めるも、大統領暗殺事件の二日後にさらに事件が起こった。マスコミや大勢の警官がいるさなか、オズワルドが警察署の中でジャック・ルビーという男に射殺されたのだ。