Stranger in the Woods: The Movie (2003)

ジャンル : ファミリー, コメディ

上映時間 : 23分

演出 : Laura Sams, Robert Sams


Journey deep into the winter woods and meet two snowdrifts, Pierre (who speaks with a bad French accent) and his friend, Janine (a singer at heart). Together, Pierre and Janine introduce you to their forest friends and reminisce about the time when a mysterious stranger came to visit.



Laura Sams
Laura Sams
Laura Sams
Laura Sams
Laura Sams
Laura Sams
Robert Sams
Robert Sams
Robert Sams
Robert Sams
Robert Sams
Robert Sams
Marc Stevens
Marc Stevens
Laura Sams
Laura Sams
Robert Sams
Robert Sams


Edee, in the aftermath of an unfathomable event, finds herself unable to stay connected to the world she once knew and in the face of that uncertainty, retreats to the magnificent, but unforgiving, wilds of the Rockies. After a local hunter brings her back from the brink of death, she must find a way to live again.
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Detective Harry Hole investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous looking snowman.
ルドルフ 赤鼻のトナカイ
Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the reindeer games because of his glowing nose, teams up with Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist, and Yukon Cornelius, the prospector. They run into the Abominable Snowman and find a whole island of misfit toys. Rudoph vows to see if he can get Santa to help the toys, and he goes back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. But Santa's sleigh is fogged in. But when Santa looks over Rudolph, he gets a very bright idea...
When his dysfunctional family clashes over the holidays, young Max is disillusioned and turns his back on Christmas. Little does he know, this lack of festive spirit has unleashed the wrath of Krampus: a demonic force of ancient evil intent on punishing non-believers.
The untold true story set in the winter of 1925 that takes you across the treacherous terrain of the Alaskan tundra for an exhilarating and uplifting adventure that will test the strength, courage and determination of one man, Leonhard Seppala, and his lead sled dog, Togo.
ベター・ウォッチ・アウト クリスマスの侵略者
On a quiet suburban street tucked within a 'safe neighborhood', a babysitter must defend a twelve-year-old boy from strangers breaking into the house, only to discover that this is far from a normal home invasion.
When three skiers find themselves stranded on a chair lift at a New England ski resort that has closed for the next week, they are forced to make life or death choices that prove to be more perilous than staying put and freezing to death.
The company of three guys and two girls makes their way to the old funicular to have an unforgettable New Year’s Eve celebration at the top of the mountain. A fun adventure turns into a nightmare when the funicular stops over the abyss. Coldness, height and fear of a slow death make them reveal their true essence and get in a fight with each other.
ゲイブはロッキー山脈の仕事に就いていた。ある時、同僚のハルとハルの恋人・サラが山でデートをしている最中にハルが怪我をし、ゲイブが救助に向かう。ゲイブはハルの目の前のサラの救出に失敗しサラを死なせてしまう。以後ハルはゲイブを憎むようになり、同僚の恋人・ジェシーと別れ仕事もやめた。 その後、国際犯罪組織が財務省の紙幣輸送の飛行機を乗っ取り、使用済みの紙幣を強奪を図ったが、手違いから紙幣の入ったスーツケースを雪のロッキー山脈に落としてしまう。
ロッジ -白い惨劇-
When a father is forced to abruptly depart for work, he leaves his children, Aidan and Mia, at their holiday home in the care of his new girlfriend, Grace. Isolated and alone, a blizzard traps them inside the lodge as terrifying events summon specters from Grace's dark past.
 アメリカ中北部の田舎町を舞台に、偽装誘拐が引き起こす惨劇とそれに関わる人々の奇妙な姿を描いたユニークな犯罪ドラマ。  ミネソタ州ミネアポリスに住むカー・ディーラーのジェリー・ランディガード(W・H・メイシー)は借金返済のために自分の妻ジーンを誘拐し、会社のオーナーでもある義父から身代金をいただこうと考えた。誘拐を実行するのは、前科者の従業員から紹介された妙な二人組、カール(S・ブシェミ)とグリムスラッド(P・ストーメア)。だがジーンを自宅から誘拐した二人は、隣町ブレイナードまで逃げたところで、停車を命じた警官と目撃者を射殺してしまう。ブレイナードの女性警察署長マージ・ガンダーソン(F・マクドーマンド)は事件を追ってミネアポリスに赴くが、その間にも狂い始めた誘拐計画は次々と犠牲者を産んでいく……。  コーエン兄弟はその特異な作風で知られる、80~90年代アメリカ・インディペンデント映画界の雄だが、この作品はその真価がもっとも発揮された一編と言っていいだろう。実話を基にしているとはいえ、ほとんどは創作だというストーリー自体の面白さももちろんだが、個々のキャラクターのおかしさとさりげなくも効果的な台詞の数々は、ドラマの完成度を極限まで高めている。雪に覆われた白い町で起こる血みどろの物語。まさに“白のフィルム・ノワール”と呼んでもいい。カンヌ映画祭で監督賞に輝いただけでなく、アカデミーでは主演女優賞と脚本賞も獲得した逸品。
ザ・マウンテン 決死のサバイバル21日間
搭乗予定の旅客機が欠航となり、その場で知り合った外科医のベンと記者のアレックスは共同で小型機をチャーターする。 小型機はトラブルを起こして雪山に墜落し、生き延びた二人は協力して雪山越えに挑む。
To amuse themselves during the winter school break, the kids in a small village decide to have a massive snowball fight. Luke and Sophie, both 11 years old, become the leaders of the opposing sides. Sophie and her cohort defend an elaborate snow fort against the assault of Luke’s horde. Whichever side occupies the fort at the end of the winter break, wins. But what starts out as pure youthful fun and enthusiasm deteriorates into a more serious conflict. Joy is restored when all the children decide to attack the fort rather than each other and happily destroy every last bit of the snow fort.