
The Gift (2010)

ジャンル : サイエンスフィクション

上映時間 : 5分

演出 : Carl Rinsch


Directed by Carl E. Rinsch, 'The Gift' was created as part of the "Parallel Lines" Phillips Cinema campaign. Set in a dystopian future Russia, The Gift is a sci-fi short that features a mysterious gift, a determined robot servant, and a tense chase sequence. More than 20 full CGI shots were produced for the short.



Carl Rinsch
Carl Rinsch
Carl Rinsch
Carl Rinsch
Roman Vasyanov
Roman Vasyanov
Director of Photography


When his dysfunctional family clashes over the holidays, young Max is disillusioned and turns his back on Christmas. Little does he know, this lack of festive spirit has unleashed the wrath of Krampus: a demonic force of ancient evil intent on punishing non-believers.
 アメリカ中北部の田舎町を舞台に、偽装誘拐が引き起こす惨劇とそれに関わる人々の奇妙な姿を描いたユニークな犯罪ドラマ。  ミネソタ州ミネアポリスに住むカー・ディーラーのジェリー・ランディガード(W・H・メイシー)は借金返済のために自分の妻ジーンを誘拐し、会社のオーナーでもある義父から身代金をいただこうと考えた。誘拐を実行するのは、前科者の従業員から紹介された妙な二人組、カール(S・ブシェミ)とグリムスラッド(P・ストーメア)。だがジーンを自宅から誘拐した二人は、隣町ブレイナードまで逃げたところで、停車を命じた警官と目撃者を射殺してしまう。ブレイナードの女性警察署長マージ・ガンダーソン(F・マクドーマンド)は事件を追ってミネアポリスに赴くが、その間にも狂い始めた誘拐計画は次々と犠牲者を産んでいく……。  コーエン兄弟はその特異な作風で知られる、80~90年代アメリカ・インディペンデント映画界の雄だが、この作品はその真価がもっとも発揮された一編と言っていいだろう。実話を基にしているとはいえ、ほとんどは創作だというストーリー自体の面白さももちろんだが、個々のキャラクターのおかしさとさりげなくも効果的な台詞の数々は、ドラマの完成度を極限まで高めている。雪に覆われた白い町で起こる血みどろの物語。まさに“白のフィルム・ノワール”と呼んでもいい。カンヌ映画祭で監督賞に輝いただけでなく、アカデミーでは主演女優賞と脚本賞も獲得した逸品。
ロッジ -白い惨劇-
When a father is forced to abruptly depart for work, he leaves his children, Aidan and Mia, at their holiday home in the care of his new girlfriend, Grace. Isolated and alone, a blizzard traps them inside the lodge as terrifying events summon specters from Grace's dark past.
Story of two young people who belong to different worlds. It is the chronicle of a love improbable, almost impossible but inevitable dragging in a frantic journey they discover the first great love. Babi is a girl from upper-middle class that is educated in goodness and innocence . Hache is a rebellious boy, impulsive, unconscious, has a appetite for risk and danger embodied in endless fights and illegal motorbike races, the limit of common sense
Biker Boyz
A mythic motorcycle tale of father and son", this is the story of Manuel Galloway, also known as "the King of Cali", the president of a motorcycle club whose members are all African-American men, mostly white-collar workers who exchange their suits and ties at night and on weekends for leather outfits and motorcycle helmets.
スノーマン 雪闇の殺人鬼
Detective Harry Hole investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous looking snowman.
レジェンド / 光と闇の伝説
ドラゴンボールZ この世で一番強いヤツ
舞台は近未来。凶悪化する暴走族の犯罪が問題となり警察も武装化が進んでいた。特殊警察「M.F.P.(Main Force Patrol)」の所属警官マックス・ロカタンスキーはある日追跡中の暴走族ナイトライダーを追い詰め事故死させてしまう。これが元でトーカッター率いるグループのターゲットとして狙われてしまう。親友グースや家族までもを無残な殺され方をされ、全てを奪われたマックスの復讐が今始まる。
How to Deter a Robber
In a desolate town in Northern Wisconsin, a stubborn young woman and her naïve boyfriend face off against a pair of amateur burglars.
願いをかなえてくれる魔物マーシー・ブラックを呼び出そうと、友人リリーをささげる召喚の儀式に臨んだ少女マリーナ。 異様な事件を引き起こしたとして精神科病院に送られた彼女は15年後、退院を許される。 人生をリスタートしようとするマリーナだが、彼女にはマーシー・ブラックの存在を証明して葬り去るという秘めた目的があった。 姉のアリスとマーシー・ブラックをめぐる都市伝説の真相を追いかけるが、アリスの恋人が不可解な死を遂げ、さらに彼女の息子が不気味な行動を取り始める。
アルファ 帰還りし者たち
ルドルフ 赤鼻のトナカイ
Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the reindeer games because of his glowing nose, teams up with Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist, and Yukon Cornelius, the prospector. They run into the Abominable Snowman and find a whole island of misfit toys. Rudoph vows to see if he can get Santa to help the toys, and he goes back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. But Santa's sleigh is fogged in. But when Santa looks over Rudolph, he gets a very bright idea...
サンタクロースことニコラス(ポール・ジアマッティ)の兄フレッド(ヴィンス・ヴォーン)は、弟とは大違いのダメ人間。努力はしたもの弟のような善人にはなれず、悪事を働き刑務所に入ってしまう。兄思いのニコラスは「北極でクリスマス用のおもちゃ作りを手伝うこと」を条件に、フレッドの保釈金を立て替えるが……。 聖人サンタクロースのデキの悪い兄が引き起こす大騒動を描いた爆笑コメディー。製作をヒットメーカー、ジョエル・シルヴァーが手掛け、『シャンハイ・ナイト』のデヴィッド・ドブキンが監督を務める。サンタの兄フレッドに『ドッジボール』のヴィンス・ヴォーン、模範的な弟のサンタクロースを実力派ポール・ジアマッティが好演。さらにレイチェル・ワイズ、キャシー・ベイツ、ケヴィン・スペイシーらオスカー俳優が共演する豪華キャストも見逃せない。


It Wasn't Love
The narration and intertitles describe the ultimate teenage fantasy road-trip: a female version of Bonnie and Clyde in love, in trouble, and unstoppable. With dreams of freedom, a life of crime, and the glamour of Hollywood, the film depicts the ultimate wish list of the lesbian bad girl whose life is not only constrained by school and parents, but also by the fear of a world that cannot tolerate her difference.
A couple waiting in a room.
Mr. Frenhofer and the Minotaur
Peterson based this romantic piece on Balzac’s Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu and Picasso’s Minotauromachie. The film combines a story of the competition for the love of a woman with images of a young girl with a candle wandering through a corridor, a modern adaptation of the mythological Minoan labyrinths.
An improvised jazz session with some of the greats from the 1950s era including Ella Fitzgerald.
Springtime in Greenland
Springtime in Greenland uses '50s cinematic conventions and attitudes to tell a story about the sophomoric inhabitants of a fictional utopia.
The Aviary
A collaboration between Joseph Cornell and Rudy Burckhardt, Aviary is an impression of Union Square. The location held a particular fascination for Cornell who wanted to establish a foundation for artists and art therapy there. In the film, he treats the park as an outdoor aviary.
An experimental film from Al Kouzel which edits unrelated scenes together with a camera tying them together.
Gulls and Buoys
An abstract view of a seacoast landscape, created by mixing original line drawings and rotoscoped imagery traced from live-action footage, presented against a sound track of seaside noises.
Benning gives a chronology of her crushes and kisses, tracing the development of her nascent sexuality.
A Cartoonist's Nightmare
A cartoonist falls asleep at the drawing board and into the clutches of his own villains, until Beans the Cat comes to the rescue.
Viver a Vida
The daily routine of a streetwise office boy, waiting in long lines, having to deal with some fishy situations, listening to music, and meeting people.
The Sentimental Bloke
Bill is a Woolloomooloo larrikin who vows to abandon his life of gambling and drinking after a spell in gaol following a raid on a two-up game. He falls in love with Doreen, who works in a pickle factory, but faces competition from a more sophisticated rival.
Follows a day in the life of a young artist who longs for professional success and the attention of beautiful women, but who encounters only frustration and violence.
Bob's Birthday
Margaret Fish is planning a surprise party for her dentist husband, Bob. Meanwhile, at the office, Bob his having a mid-life crisis while insects munch on what's left of his plants. When Bob returns home, Margaret has a terrible time getting him into the room where everyone's hidden until he's halfway through changing clothes and talking about how horrid all their nebbishy friends are (the same friends hidden all over the room).
Beauty Knows No Pain
In 1940, the Kilgore College Rangerettes became the first dancing drill team in the nation. They have been performing at half-time shows during college football games ever since.
La Cabale des oursins
A travelogue of abandoned strip mining sites in France extolling their potential for recreational use.
The Spirit of the Navajos
Directed by Mary J. Tsosie and Maxine Tsosie.
Easter in Sicily
A short film which retells the story of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.
Should I Marry Outside My Faith?
A short drama which seeks to explore some of the problems in inter-faith relationships.
How Do You Know It's Love?
It's 1950 and a young woman asks her mother what love is.