
License to Drive (1988)

Some guys get all the brakes!

ジャンル : コメディ, ファミリー

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Greg Beeman


Teenager Les Anderson thinks his life can't get any worse after he flunks his driver's exam, but he's wrong. Even though he didn't receive his license, Les refuses to break his date with the cool Mercedes Lane, and he decides to lift his family's prize luxury car for the occasion. Unfortunately, Mercedes sneaks some booze along and passes out drunk, and a confused Les makes the bad decision of enlisting his rebellious friend, Dean, to help.


Corey Haim
Corey Haim
Les Anderson
Corey Feldman
Corey Feldman
Carol Kane
Carol Kane
Mrs. Anderson
Richard Masur
Richard Masur
Mr. Anderson
Heather Graham
Heather Graham
Mercedes Lane
Michael Manasseri
Michael Manasseri
Harvey Miller
Harvey Miller
The Professor
Michael A. Nickles
Michael A. Nickles
Paolo (as M.A. Nickles)
Nina Siemaszko
Nina Siemaszko
Natalie Anderson
Grant Goodeve
Grant Goodeve
Natalie's DMV Examiner
James Avery
James Avery
Les' DMV examiner
Grant Heslov
Grant Heslov
Michael Ensign
Michael Ensign
School Teacher/Bus Driver
Helen Hanft
Helen Hanft
Miss Hellberg
Jill Jaress
Jill Jaress
Dean's Mom
Parley Baer
Parley Baer
Grandpa Anderson
R.A. Mihailoff
R.A. Mihailoff
Tow Truck Driver
Jon Grissom
Jon Grissom
Valet (as C. Jon Grisson)


Greg Beeman
Greg Beeman
Neil Tolkin
Neil Tolkin
Jay Ferguson
Jay Ferguson
Original Music Composer
Bruce Surtees
Bruce Surtees
Director of Photography
Wendy Greene Bricmont
Wendy Greene Bricmont
Stephen Semel
Stephen Semel
Penny Perry
Penny Perry
Lawrence G. Paull
Lawrence G. Paull
Production Design
Jeff Haley
Jeff Haley
Set Decoration
Hilary Wright
Hilary Wright
Costume Design
Steve Buckingham
Steve Buckingham


Zus & Zo
In this Oscar-nominated comedy, three wacky sisters try to save their inheritance from their supposedly gay brother, who suddenly appears with a fiancé in tow. If he gets married, their father's will stipulates that he gets the family hotel in Portugal. So the sisters put aside their personal differences and set out to stop the wedding at all costs.
アン・ハサウェイ 裸の天使
A wealthy Los Angeles teen and her superficial friends wants to break out of suburbia and experience Southern California's "gangsta" lifestyle. But problems arise when the preppies get in over their heads and provoke the wrath of a violent Latino gang. Suddenly, their role-playing seems a little too real.
Two stories of Italians abroad: in Dubai, a truck driver who smuggles Ferraris for a living teaches the tricks of the trade to his young disciple; in Russia, a clumsy dentist experiences the consequences of sex tourism.
Happily married for three years, Ann and David Smith live in New York. One morning Ann asks David if he had to do it over again, would he marry her? To her shock, he answers, "No". Later that day, they separately discover that, due to a legal complication, they are not legally married.
Two fugitives land in hot water when they take a hostage who poses a threat to their well-being.
Over the Edge
A group of bored teenagers rebel against authority in the community of New Granada.
Jealousy flares after the headmistress of an elite boarding school for girls becomes obsessed with a new student.
A home, a motorcar, servants, the latest fashions: the most eligible and most finicky bachelor in Paris offers them all to Gigi. But she, who's gone from girlish gawkishness to cultured glamour before our eyes, yearns for that wonderful something money can't buy.
Private Resort
Jack and his buddy Ben check in at a posh Florida resort, planning to spend every hour in hot pursuit of gorgeous babes. But their plans hit a major detour when they try to bed the wife of a conniving jewel thief. They'll have to outsmart him, a nasty security guard and an obnoxious jock if they're ever going to get a moment alone with the girls of their dreams!
Hit and Run
A young woman tries to cover up a deadly hit and run accident, only to have the supposedly dead victim come back to terrorize her.
Following a ridiculously awful flight that leads to his pet's death, Nashawn Wade files a lawsuit against the airline, and wins a multimillion-dollar settlement. Determined to create a better flying experience, Nashawn starts his own airline, one that caters to an African-American clientele. Going into business with a tricked-out plane piloted by the smooth Capt. Mack, the airline hits a snag when it has to deal with the family of Elvis Hunkee.
オードリー・ヘプバーンによるロマンチックコメディー。名匠ビリー・ワイルダーがサミュエル・テイラーの戯曲「サブリナ・フェア」を映画化した。大富豪の兄弟と、美しく変身したお抱え運転手の娘との恋を描く。 大富豪ララビー家のお抱え運転手の娘サブリナ(オードリー・ヘプバーン)が、主の次男デイヴィッド(ウィリアム・ホールデン)に恋心を抱くも、彼女の父は身分違いの恋を忘れさせるため娘をパリへ送り出す。2年後、洗練された淑女に変身した彼女が帰国すると、デイヴィッドはすっかり夢中に。婚約中の弟を案じる長男ライナス(ハンフリー・ボガート)は、やがて自分はサブリナが好きなことに気付き……。
Two decades after surviving a massacre on October 31, 1978, former baby sitter Laurie Strode finds herself hunted by persistent knife-wielder Michael Myers. Laurie now lives in Northern California under an assumed name, where she works as the headmistress of a private school. But it's not far enough to escape Myers, who soon discovers her whereabouts. As Halloween descends upon Laurie's peaceful community, a feeling of dread weighs upon her -- with good reason.
サーティーン あの頃欲しかった愛のこと
片田舎でピザ屋を営む純朴な青年ディーズに、400億ドルの莫大な遺産が舞い込んだ! ニューヨークで彼を待ち受けていたのは、マスコミや腹黒い重役たち。美人看護婦とも知り合い、恋に落ちるが……。2大スターが共演したラヴ・コメディ。
Strange Behavior of Sexually Mature Urbanites at Mating Season
Follows a divorced couple and their separate, cyclonic sexual escapades, and all of the spin offs.
Alcohol Is Dynamite
A carload of teenagers wants to buy some liquor, but the clerk at the liquor store won't sell them any because they're underage. They stop a pedestrian outside the store and ask if he'll buy them liquor. He proceeds to tell them a story about some teenagers he knew who drank and drove, and the consequences they suffered.
Alone in the Dark
Tasha Grant, at age 17, goes to a party and gets drunk, not even realizing the potential consequences of her actions. This film introduces the danger of alcohol to youth.
Die Fledermaus
Witty, fun, intoxicating film of Johann Strauss II's popular operetta, based on a stage production from Vienna State Opera; this is a showcase for the entire cast, but most especially Eberhard Wächter as the insufferably boorish Gabriel Eisenstein, and Gundula Janowitz as his long-suffering wife. Open the champagne, have yourself some torte, and enjoy this delectable comedy from Vienna.
A middle-aged drug dealer and her teenage partner-in-crime raise hell in the suburbs.


Mixed Nuts
The events of a crisis hotline business on one crazy night during the Christmas holidays.
Sheng Wang: Sweet and Juicy
Sheng Wang delivers a laid-back set on juicing, mammograms, how snoring is an evolutionary mistake and the existential angst of buying pants from Costco.
A mother and her two teenage sons move to a seemingly nice and quiet small coastal California town yet soon find out that it's overrun by bike gangs and vampires. A couple of teenage friends take it upon themselves to hunt down the vampires that they suspect of a few mysterious murders and restore peace and calm to their town.
Nick Kroll: Little Big Boy
Nick Kroll shares his comedian origin story, his first heartbreak, his strange hypnosis experience and the trash-talking celebrity voice in his head.
Hard-edged cop John Kimble gets more than he bargained for when he goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher to get the goods on a brutal drug lord while at the same time protecting the man's young son. Pitted against a class of boisterous moppets whose antics try his patience and test his mettle, Kimble may have met his match … in more ways than one.
Ray Tango and Gabriel Cash are narcotics detectives who, while both being extremely successful, can't stand each other. Crime Lord Yves Perret, furious at the loss of income that Tango and Cash have caused him, frames the two for murder. Caught with the murder weapon on the scene of the crime, the two have no alibi. Thrown into prison with most of the criminals they helped convict, it appears that they are going to have to trust each other if they are to clear their names and catch the evil Perret.
舞台はアメリカ合衆国オレゴン州アストリア市、海賊の伝説が残る田舎町グーンドック。主人公、マイキーの家は銀行に借金を抱えており、付近を買収しゴルフ場にしようとしていた銀行に迫られ、明日には立ち退きの書類にサインをしなければならなかった。 マイキー率いるグーニーズの4人は、マイキー宅の屋根裏部屋で偶然、伝説の大海賊「片目のウィリー」の遺した宝の在処を記した地図を発見。地図を元に岬の燈台レストランの地下に行くと、そこには大洞窟が広がっていた。 グーニーズにマイキーの兄・ブランドとその恋人アンディ、その友人ステファニーを加えた7人は、宝を狙うギャング団・フラッテリー一家の追跡を受けながらも、買収を阻止するため、ウィリーの宝を求めて大冒険を繰り広げる。
バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー PART2
バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー PART3
クリスマス休暇をパリで過ごそうと計画する、ある家族の親戚を含む15人。無事出発したと思った矢先、ママは飛行機の中で重大な忘れ物に気付く。なんと8歳の息子ケビンを家に置き忘れてしまったのだ! こうして、ケビンはひとりぼっちで夜を過ごすことになるが、さらにその夜、空巣狙いの泥棒2人組が家に忍び込む。それに気付いたケビンは自分が家を守らなくちゃと、2人組相手にたったひとりで奇想天外な撃退作戦を展開する。