
Natale a casa Deejay - A Christmas Carol (2004)

ジャンル :

上映時間 : 1時間 16分

演出 : Lorenzo Bassano
脚本 : Lorenzo Bassano, Andrea Garello, Linus, Rocco Tanica


Il cast di Radio Deejay reinterpreta "Canto di Natale" di Charles Dickens


Cavaliere di Molfetta
DJ Angelo
DJ Angelo
Fantasma del Natale passato
Fantasma del Natale presente
Alessio Bertallot
Alessio Bertallot
Fantasma del Natale futuro
Fratello del Cavaliere di Molfetta


Lorenzo Bassano
Lorenzo Bassano
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens
Lorenzo Bassano
Lorenzo Bassano
Andrea Garello
Andrea Garello
Rocco Tanica
Rocco Tanica
Marco Cohen
Marco Cohen
Fabrizio Donvito
Fabrizio Donvito
Angus MacDonald
Angus MacDonald
Maurizio Totti
Maurizio Totti
Executive Producer
Elio e le Storie Tese
Elio e le Storie Tese


ウォレスとグルミット 野菜畑で大ピンチ!
年に一度のお祭り“巨大野菜コンテスト”まであとわずか。発明家ウォレスと愛犬グルミットのコンビはプロの害虫駆除隊として、大繁殖し て畑を荒らすウサギから野菜を守っていた。しかしある夜、町中の畑が大被害に遭う事件が発生!しかもそれは巨大ウサギの仕業であるという噂が流れ…果たして巨大ウサギの正体とは? そしてふたりはこの難事件を解決できるのか?!
ウェイン&ラニー クリスマスを守れ!/秘密の指令
Wayne and Lanny, now partners, are called by Magee to meet with a secret contact – Mrs. Claus, who sends them on a new mission to retrieve a box from Santa’s secret workshop. Later they sneak into Santa’s office while he is asleep, using their high tech equipment from the previous film. Lanny’s expertise at dressing the tree enables them to enter the hidden workshop where they recover the box and escape just in time. But what is the box for?
John Henry
A larger-than-life tale about the African-American hero born with a hammer in his hand. Join John Henry on a scenic journey from cotton country to the wilderness, where he finds men of all colors working together to build a great railroad.
Goofy tries to set up his new home theater in time for the big game, with disastrous results.
A human body gradually reconstructs itself as its various component parts crowd themselves into a small room and eventually, after much experimentation, sort out which part goes where.
INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING SHORTS: "John Henry," "Lorenzo," "The Little Matchgirl," "How To Hook Up Your Home Theater," "Tick Tock Tale," "Prep & Landing: Operation Secret Santa," "The Ballad Of Nessie," "Tangled Ever After," "Paperman," "Get A Horse!", "Feast," "Frozen Fever"
Amidst an old London clock shop, a small, quirky mantle clock comes to the aide of the store's more expensive clocks when a thief breaks in and threatens to steal them away.
A legendary and friendly creature named Nessie lives happily in a small pond with her friend MacQuack, a rubber duck. When a rich developer takes the pond and land surrounding it to build a miniature golf course, Nessie is forced to search for a new home.
Girlfriend's Day
When he's caught up in a deadly conspiracy, an unemployed greeting card writer must create the perfect card for a new holiday to save his skin.
A cat named Lorenzo is dismayed to discover that his tail has developed a personality of its own.
ウェイン&ラニー クリスマスを守れ!
Wayne gets a new rookie partner, Lanny, after his previous partner got the promotion he wanted. Lanny has to remind Wayne of the Spirit of Christmas and the importance of being an elf in Santa's Prep and Landing elite unit.
An animated short based on Hans Christian Andersen's tale about a poor young girl with a burning desire to find comfort and happiness in her life. Desperate to keep warm, the girl lights the matches she sells, and envisions a very different life for herself in the fiery flames filled with images of loving relatives, bountiful food, and a place to call home.
Hyde Park on Hudson
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アンドレとウォーリー B.の冒険
There's nothing like a restful nap in a pleasant wooded valley. But when André awakens and is greeted by a pesky yellow-and-black striped insect with a nasty stinger, he ends up taking a quick (and painful) hike.
Hell & Back
Two best friends set out to rescue their pal after he's accidentally dragged to hell.
Maggie Simpson in The Longest Daycare
In this Oscar-nominated short from The Simpsons, Maggie must navigate an eventful first day in daycare. At the Ayn Rand School for Tots, Maggie is diagnosed with average intelligence. Barred from the gifted children, she longs to escape from her glue-guzzling classmates. But when a lonely caterpillar befriends her, she makes it her mission to save it from a ruthless butterfly smashing toddler
Religious Place of Worship
Set on the small island of Porto Buio, the traditional live Christmas Nativity scene might not go ahead because the baby who’s always played Jesus has grown up and no new babies have been born on the island in years! With this fundamental tradition on the line, newly elected Mayor Cecco (Claudio Bisio) wants to ask the local Tunisian community to “borrow” one of their children, but there’s conflict between the two communities. Cecco enlists the help of local Islam convert Bilal (Alessandro Gassman) to cross the cultural divide… but both communities are not sure what to make of a baby Jesus that may need his nationality, and even his religion changed!
Coin Heist
When a crisis threatens to destroy their high school, four teens hatch a daring plan to raise $10 million. Step one? Breaking into the U.S. Mint.