
L'Avant Dernier (1981)

ジャンル : アクション, サイエンスフィクション, ドラマ, ファンタジー

上映時間 : 12分

演出 : Luc Besson


A man wanders through a wrecked, dystopian city, finding violence everywhere he turns.


Pierre Jolivet
Pierre Jolivet
Jean Reno
Jean Reno
Fabrice Roche
Fabrice Roche


Luc Besson
Luc Besson
Luc Besson
Luc Besson
Pierre Jolivet
Pierre Jolivet
Luc Besson
Luc Besson
Éric Serra
Éric Serra
Carlo Varini
Carlo Varini
Sophie Schmit
Sophie Schmit
Magali Bassene
Magali Bassene
Costume Design
Nicole Fresque
Nicole Fresque
Costume Design
Dominique Hennequin
Dominique Hennequin
Sound Designer


Syd March is an employee at a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. When he becomes infected with the disease that kills super sensation Hannah Geist, Syd becomes a target for collectors and rabid fans. He must unravel the mystery surrounding her death before he suffers the same fate.
2020 Texas Gladiators
In a post-apocalyptic Texas, a band of warriors fight against a fascist regime that is trying to take control of all surviving population.
The Naturalist
A gay man living in a genetically modified society is given the chance to alter his sexuality. He must weigh his loving relationship, his dignity and his survival in this short film about the origins of sexuality.
The Show Must Go On
During a reality show a war starts, but the producer will do anything to hide it from the contestants.
Ghosts with Shit Jobs
In 2040, a generation of Torontonians have grown up after the economic collapse of the west. The movie consists of episodes of a documentary series popular in mainland China about the bad jobs some white people have -- the plucky and resilient souls unlucky enough to be born into the slums of North America are both amusing and moving to the Chinese audience. Oscar is a digital janitor, and has to manually cover up logos for copyright reasons in the future's answer to Google StreetView maps. Gary and Karen assemble robot baby dolls for the children of the wealthy in Asia. Anton and Toph are spider silk collectors. Serina is human spam and makes a living by mentioning brands and products in casual conversation.
Zone 39
In a time of misery and fear two enemies come together to prevent an apocalypse conspired by their leaders. 40 years of war between the Federated Republics and the New Territories Union has taken its toll. The cities are overcrowded, farming land is riddled with unexploded mines -- and still there is no hope of peace. In this hostile, decaying world of the future on thing remains constant for Lieutenant Leo Megaw; his love for his pregnant wife. Her access to classified information makes her an increasing liability for the government. When she's ambushed, Leo is forced into exile. As a border patrolman on the isolated outpost of Zone 39, ordered to kill anyone that tries to cross the border, he comes to understand that ultimate catastrophe forced upon his world by his government. The real enemy is not looming across the border but standing right behind him. Now he must reach across the border into enemy territory and form an alliance to save his world.
L'Avant Dernier
A man wanders through a wrecked, dystopian city, finding violence everywhere he turns.
The Last City On Earth
Hundreds of years into the future, endless wars have isolated and besieged the last pocket of civilization on this planet, thanks to the Mayor of the City the enemy is kept outside, and production levels are at an all time high. Then a spy plane arrives, but is it really a spy?
ストリートダンス/TOP OF UK
In order to win the Street Dance Championships, a dance crew is forced to work with ballet dancers from the Royal Dance School in exchange for rehearsal space.
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth
An ancient tribe attempts to sacrifice Sanna as an offering to the Sun god to save their tribe from dinosaurs. Tara, a young man from another tribe, saves Sanna and takes her along with him.
Jealousy flares after the headmistress of an elite boarding school for girls becomes obsessed with a new student.
テイルズ オブ ヴェスペリア~The First Strike~
人と魔物の大きな戦い「人魔戦争」が終結してから数年。先の皇帝が崩御したのち、帝国では空位状態が続いてはいたが、世界は概ね平和に見えた——。人々は根源たる力・エアルによって、繁栄を築き上げようとしていた。結晶化したエアルは魔核と呼ばれ、魔導器の動力源として暮らしに欠かせぬあらゆるものから、町を護る結界まで作り出していた。 そんな或る日、シゾンタニアの町に程近い、深い森のなか。帝国騎士団ナイレン隊に所属する新人騎士ユーリ・ローウェル、フレン・シーフォ、そしてふたりの先輩である双子姉妹騎士ヒスカとシャスティルは、エアル異常噴出の調査とそれに伴う魔物撃退の任務をこなしていた。騎士団にあこがれて、理想を胸に入団したユーリ・ローウェル。規律と正義を重んじるフレン・シーフォ。ふたりは帝都ザーフィアスの下町で育った幼なじみだったが、偶然入団式で数年ぶりの再会を果たしたのだった。 騎士団の隊長ナイレンは、異変を巡る調査を進めるにつれて、森の遺跡内に未知の魔導器が存在すると睨んだ。そして探索を進める最中、シゾンタニア一帯を巻き込む、大規模な異変が巻き起こる・・・・・・。 騎士団員として行動を共にしながら、その主義の相違により反発しあうユーリとフレン。帝国の暗部を知ったふたりは、やがてそれぞれの「正義」を貫く覚悟を迫られることになる・・・・・・。
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku
Bardock, Son Goku's father, is a low-ranking Saiyan soldier who was given the power to see into the future by the last remaining alien on a planet he just destroyed. He witnesses the destruction of his race and must now do his best to stop Frieza's impending massacre.
地球に帰還した孫悟空がフリーザ一味を倒してから2年半後、悟空は心臓病で息を引き取った。それから半年後、2人の人造人間が現れ、都市の破壊と殺戮を繰り返し、この世は恐怖に包まれた。2人を倒すべく立ち上がった戦士たちも、ピッコロが死に、ドラゴンボールは消滅。超サイヤ人となったベジータも死に、地球人戦士のヤムチャ、天津飯、餃子、クリリンも戦死した。 それから13年後、なすすべも無い状況の中、孫悟飯だけは、懸命に人造人間への反抗を続けていた。ベジータの遺児であるトランクスも戦う決意をし、悟飯に弟子入りする。地球の未来は悟飯とトランクスの2人に託されたのだった。
Women's Prison Massacre
Emanuelle, a reporter, comes just a little too close to exposing a corrupt official, and is sent to prison on trumped-up charges. In the prison, the inmates are constantly humiliated and tortured by the prison staff. Overly affectionate prisoners are forced underwater, while others are obliged to look on. Emanuelle finds an enemy in the deranged Albina, who "runs the prison." For the pleasure of the warden, Emanuelle and Albina are forced to fight each other with knives. Bad becomes worse when four men awaiting execution escape and take over the prison. Gore flows like water.