
The Monkey King 3D: Uproar in Heaven (2012)

ジャンル : アニメーション

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Chen Zhihong, 速达, Wan Laiming, Tang Cheng


A completely remade animation film based on the original 1961 animation The Monkey King. Mythical ancient China. Born from some magic stones that fell to Earth a long time ago when Goddess Nüwa mended the sky, Sun Wukong, aka Monkey King, sets off on his first adventure to gain a worthy weapon. This earns the attention of the Jade Emperor of Heaven.


Chen Daoming
Chen Daoming
Yang Li
Yang Li
Chen Peisi
Chen Peisi
Zhang Guoli
Zhang Guoli
Liu Ye
Liu Ye
He Jiong
He Jiong
Yao Chen
Yao Chen
Chen Kaige
Chen Kaige
Liu Xiaoqing
Liu Xiaoqing
Hu Ge
Hu Ge
Zhou Li-Bo
Zhou Li-Bo
Feng Xiaogang
Feng Xiaogang


Chen Zhihong
Chen Zhihong
Wan Laiming
Wan Laiming
Tang Cheng
Tang Cheng


7Aum Arivu
A genetic engineering student tries to bring back the skills of a legend of the past and use his skills to save India from a deadly virus attack by China.
The Legend of Su-Ling
A Far Eastern fairy tale classic springs to life in this tale of handsome Prince Chen, the peasant girl he is forbidden to love and the tiny nightingale who holds the key to their happiness!
Monkey War
In the Chinese martial arts/fantasy opus Monkey War: New Pilgrims to the West - a sequel to the original Monkey War - the brave Monkey King launches out on a quest to build a new life for himself. But as he marches westward, he encounters a series of nearly insurmountable foes (including a pig demon and a horde of angry demonic spirits who attempt to eat his monastic tutor) and trials that he must overcome to reach a state of tranquility. (Rotten Tomatoes)
The Lovers
In 3A.D., during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, parents dress a very pretty, very privileged girl like a boy so she may be educated in a local boarding school. There, she falls in love with a poor, but handsome and industrious young man, but their short love affair ends in disaster.
The Lost Bladesman
During the warring period of the three kingdoms, ancient China is in turmoil. To unify the country, general Cao Cao, the real power behind the Emperor, enlists the aid of the greatest warrior in the land, Guan Yu. However, Guan Yu is a loyal friend of Cao Cao's enemy Liu Bei so to persuade the peerless warrior to fight, Cao Cao takes his beloved Qi Lan hostage. After leading Cao Cao's forces to victory Guan Yu sets out with Qi Lan to rejoin Liu Bei. Now Cao Cao has deemed him too great a threat to live, and on the journey he must face all the forces at the Emperor's command sent to destroy him.
It is the story of an average, popular American teenager named Wendy Wu who discovers that in order to win the coveted crown she must first learn the way of the warrior. Wendy Wu has a one track mind, and that track leads directly to the title of homecoming queen -- no unscheduled stops, and no unnecessary detours. When a mysterious Chinese monk named Shen arrives to mold Wendy into a fearless kung fu warrior, however, her royal aspirations suddenly jump the track as she desperately attempts to juggle her boyfriend, her homework, and of course, the fierce competition to become homecoming queen. Now, as Wendy begins to train her mind, body, and spirit in the ancient tradition of the martial arts and her inner warrior gradually begins to emerge, the girl who once obsessed over popularity finally begins to put that popularity into perspective as she gradually realizes what truly matters in life.
The Great Wall
In 221 BC, Qin Shihuangdi conquered the rest of China. Qin's great accomplishments and also his serious faults are showed in this film. Qin adopted autocratic dictatorship and led a luxurious life: abolition of feudalism and the centralization of power in the form of a now-hereditary bureaucracy loyal to himself; burning books and burying scholars; the construction of a sumptuous palace for his concubines and also the Great Wall.
Alakazam the Great!
A monkey king who learns the secrets of magic goes on a spree and causes no end of aggravation for the gods, who finally imprison him. In order to make up for all the trouble he's caused, he is sent on a mission to accompany a prince who is the son of the gods on a journey through a land filled with dangers, monsters, cannibals and demons.
モンキー・マジック 孫悟空誕生
ドラえもん のび太のパラレル西遊記
新入生歓迎会に際し、のび太の提案によって「西遊記」の劇をやることになった。孫悟空役をやりたかったのび太であったが、孫悟空役は出木杉に取られてしまい、実際の役は「村人その1」。セリフも「助けてくんろー!」の一言のみという、提案者とは思えない扱いだった。 孫悟空の存在を信じるのび太は、「本物に似ている人が孫悟空になるべきだ」と主張し、タイムマシンで7世紀のシルクロードへ向かう。そこでのび太そっくりの本物の孫悟空を目撃するが、誰も目撃談を信じない。仲間たちを連れ、再び唐へやって来たのび太だったが既に孫悟空はいない。仕方なくドラえもんのひみつ道具「ヒーローマシン」でのび太自ら孫悟空に成りすましたものの、調子に乗って結局ばれてしまった。のび太は、「ドラえもんの道具を使い放題」という無茶な約束に従わざるを得なくなり、ジャイアンが高笑いしながらタイムマシンを操縦する中、のび太とドラえもんは喧嘩になってしまうのだった。 落胆して現代に帰ったところ、なんとのび太の家族も知人もみんな妖怪になっており、現代は妖怪の世界と化していた。原因は唐の時代でヒーローマシンを使った際、マシンから妖怪たちが飛び出し、現実世界を荒らして三蔵法師を殺し、人類を滅ぼして人間に成り代ったため。 パラレルワールドになってしまった歴史を元に戻すには、唐の時代へ戻って妖怪たちを一匹残らず倒すしかない。本物の三蔵法師一行には、じわじわと妖怪たちの手が忍び寄る。5人は妖怪退治のため、ヒーローマシンで悟空や猪八戒に変身し、再び唐の時代へ向かう。
A Chinese Ghost Story III
Having slept for a century, the monstrous Tree Devil is now awaken and starts finding lost souls again. One stormy night, a wise High Priest and his student Fong pass by the Orchid Temple and realize that it is haunted. Fong encounters two evil spirits, the seductive Lotus and her hated sister Butterfly in the temple. Although Fong knows his master wants to capture them, he finds himself being attracted by them so he sets them free. The monks stay at the temple has to be prolonged since Fong carelessly loses the valuable Gold Buddha. Later on, they come to a corrupt local town, while the High Priest meets Yin by chance and a series of misunderstandings evolve. Meanwhile, Fong encounters Lotus again and finds himself falling in love with her.
A Chinese Ghost Story II
Several years after his beloved Nieh has gone, Ning is innocently put into jail. Luckily, he meets a scholar, Elder Chu Kot, in the prison who finally helps him escape. Ning then meets a young witty monk Autumn. They become friends and live in an abandoned villa together. The villa is horrific, yet they choose to stay for a while. Later that night, some ghosts suddenly appear and attack; two parties fight heavily. But after clarifications, Ning and Autumn find that "the ghosts" are humans in disguise, who intend to save their leader from imprisonment but not hurting innocence. Among them, Ning finds someone who looks identical to Nieh, and considers she is the reincarnated Nieh. A real giant zombie has seen all these in behind and is ready to ambush.
舞台は古代の中国。安住の地で知られる平和の谷が凶悪なカンフー使い、タイ・ランに狙われてしまう。しかし彼に対抗できるのはウーグウェイ導師が選んだ伝説の「龍の戦士」だけだ。 そこでマスター・モンキーやマスター・カマキリといったカンフーの達人たちが選抜大会で腕を競うが、ウーグウェイ導師が選んだのは何とぐうたらで小心者のパンダ、ポー。カンフーへの熱意だけは人一倍のポーは達人の師匠・シーフー老師に弟子入りする。
The Monkey King Conquers the Demon
In the heart of wild mountains, a dreadful devil, disguised as a pretty young woman, tries to seize Xuan Zang to devour him. The holy monk is an easy prey because, naive and good, he is easily misled by appearances. But fortunately he is accompanied by the Monkey King, who is clairvoyant.
An Empress and the Warriors
After the death of her father, a woman is forced to take over as empress and fight to save her kingdom.