
Limited Edition (1997)

ジャンル : スリラー, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Bernard Rapp


Edward is an editor in a small English publishing house. The story concerns what happens when he receives a very good manuscript from Nicholas, an old friend, who up until now has been a hack writer. The manuscript sheds light on events both men lived through, and Edward comes to the conviction that it reveals that it was Nicholas who raped the woman Edward loved, and that he is therefore responsible for her subsequent suicide. Very carefully, he plots his revenge.


Terence Stamp
Terence Stamp
Edward Lamb
Maria de Medeiros
Maria de Medeiros
Nancy Pickford
Daniel Mesguich
Daniel Mesguich
Nicolas Fabry
Jean-Claude Dreyfus
Jean-Claude Dreyfus
Georges Récamier
Frank Finlay
Frank Finlay
John Rathbone
Hannah Gordon
Hannah Gordon
Amira Casar
Amira Casar
Brigitte Morel
Brigitte Morel


Bernard Rapp
Bernard Rapp
Jean-Jacques Fiechter
Jean-Jacques Fiechter
Bernard Rapp
Bernard Rapp
Scenario Writer


テロリスト対策の専門家のジョン・カッターは自分の妻が目の前で人質に捕られ殺害されてからは心に傷を負い一線を退き、今は航空会社のハイジャック対策の講師をしていた。そんなある日、友人で会社の仲間でもあるデルヴェッキオから新しいテロ対策の仕事を進められる。 しぶしぶながらも最後は折れてカッターはその仕事のための会議に出席するため飛行機に搭乗する。しかし、その飛行機には凶悪なテロリストのチャールズ・レーンも護送のため乗り合わせいて、仲間と共に飛行機をハイジャックしてしまう。混乱のなかでカッターは事態を収拾するべく反撃を開始する。
舞台は、15世紀のパリ。そこにあるノートルダム大聖堂の鐘楼にひっそりと暮らす鐘衝き男・カジモドは、容姿こそ醜いが、優しく純粋な心を持った青年。彼は、育ての親・フロローの言いつけで外に出る事を許されず、友人は3人組の石像だけだった。 そんなある日、町の祭で楽しく盛り上がる人々を見て、我慢出来なくなったカジモドは遂に大聖堂を飛び出した。
Three short stories by shock-meister Stephen King are linked by a stray cat that roams from one tale to the next in this creepy triptych that begins as Dick (James Woods) tries to quit smoking by any means necessary. Next, we meet Johnny, an adulterous man who's forced by his lover's husband onto a building's hazardous ledge. Finally, Amanda is threatened by an evil gnome who throws suspicion on the family cat.
After years of treatment at a mental institution for the criminally insane, serial killer Norman Bates is finally released. Deciding to move back into his long-dead mother's infamous old house, he soon finds himself tormented by 'her' demands and begins to question his own sanity.
Abraham Van Helsing, who has tangled with Count Dracula in the past, works as an English antiques dealer. Simon is a vampire hunter in training under his apprenticeship.
A day in the life of a barbershop on the south side of Chicago. Calvin, who inherited the struggling business from his deceased father, views the shop as nothing but a burden and waste of his time. After selling the shop to a local loan shark, Calvin slowly begins to see his father's vision and legacy and struggles with the notion that he just sold it out.
ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム・イン・チャイナ 天地黎明
Gang leader Tony pulls off a major diamond heist with his crew, but cop-turned-criminal Ling knows who has the loot and responds by kidnapping Tony's daughter and holding her for ransom. Unfortunately, Tony's lost the diamonds as well. As he frantically searches for his daughter and the jewels, Tony pairs with a high-kicking government agent who once worked with Ling and seeks revenge on him.
In the wilderness of British Columbia, two hunters are tracked and viciously murdered by Aaron Hallum. A former Special Operations instructor is approached and asked to apprehend Hallum—his former student—who has 'gone rogue' after suffering severe battle stress from his time in Kosovo.
ラスベガスに住むアルコール依存症の母と、家を出て行った家庭内暴力を振るう父との間に生まれた、少年トレバー。 中学1年生(アメリカでは7年生)になったばかりの彼は、社会科の最初の授業で、担当のシモネット先生と出会う。先生は「もし自分の手で世界を変えたいと思ったら、何をする?」という課題を生徒たちに与える。生徒達のほとんどは、いかにも子供らしいアイディアしか提案できなかったが、トレバーは違った。彼の提案した考えは、「ペイ・フォワード」。自分が受けた善意や思いやりを、その相手に返すのではなく、別の3人に渡すというものだ。 トレバーはこれを実践するため、“渡す”相手を探す。仕事に就かない薬物中毒の男、シモネット先生、いじめられている同級生…。 いろいろと試みるものの、なかなかうまくいかず、「ペイ・フォワードは失敗だったのではないか」とトレバーは思い始める。しかし、トレバーの気づかないところで、このバトンは次々に受け渡されていた。
Needful Things
A mysterious new shop opens in a small town which always seems to stock the deepest desires of each shopper, with a price far heavier than expected.
REC / レック 2
After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isolated vacation house receive a knock on the door in the mid-hours of the night. What ensues is a violent invasion by three strangers, their faces hidden behind masks. The couple find themselves in a violent struggle, in which they go beyond what either of them thought capable in order to survive.
Dr. Daniel Challis and Ellie Grimbridge stumble onto a gruesome murder scheme when Ellie's novelty-salesman father, Harry, is killed while in possession of a halloween mask made by the Silver Shamrock mask company. The company's owner, Conal Cochran, wants to return Halloween to its darker roots using his masks -- and his unspeakable scheme would unleash death and destruction across the country.
Ray and Ken, two hit men, are in Bruges, Belgium, waiting for their next mission. While they are there they have time to think and discuss their previous assignment. When the mission is revealed to Ken, it is not what he expected.
A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he must dig holes in order to build character. What he doesn't know is that he is digging holes in order to search for a lost treasure hidden somewhere in the camp.
When rebellious street dancer Andie lands at the elite Maryland School of the Arts, she finds herself fighting to fit in while also trying to hold onto her old life. When she joins forces with the schools hottest dancer, Chase, to form a crew of classmate outcasts to compete in Baltimore s underground dance battle The Streets.